Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/142

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140 LONSDALE. OF LONSDALE iu the said co. of Westmorland and co. pal. o£ Lancaster and VISCOUNT OF LOWTHEH in the said co. of Westmorland, and EARL OF LONSDALE in the said co. of Westmorland and co. pal. of Lancaster. Having been Col. of the Westmorland Militia (1750) and of the Cumberland Militia (1792) lie was, in 1794, made Col. in the armv during service. He was cr., 26 Oct. 1797, BARON AND VISCOFNT LOWTHER OF WHITEHAVEN, with a spec. rem. (he having no issue) to the heirs male of the body of Sir William Lowther, of Swillington, co. York, He m,, 7 Sep. 1761, at St, Geo. Han. BO., Mary. 1st da. of John (Stpaht), 3d EaRL (>!■• Bute [S.T, by Mary, da. of Edward Wnirn.KY-MoNTAOU. lie d. s.p., 24 May 1S02,") aged 65, and was bur. 9 June, at Lowther, when the Earldom and Viscounlcy of Lonsdale and the other honours cr. therewith in the patent of 17S4 (as also presumably the Baronetcy^ 1 ) [S.] ) became extinct, but the viscountcy and Barony of Lowther devolved (as below mentioned) on his cousin, afterwards [1S07] Sr. Earl of Lonsdale. His will dat. 13 Jan. 17PS, pr. J802.(c) ' His widow, who was b. 20 Jan. 176S, at .St. Geo. Han. sq., d. 5 April 1821. Will p r. 1S24. Earldcir. 1. William (Lowther), Viscount and Baron Lowthbb II ISO" 01 ^"' 1ITEI,AVI;:f ' ? - u - °f tue ttev. Sir William Lowtiieh,() Bart. (so or. 22 Aug. 1764), of Swillington, co. York, by Anne, da. of the liev. Charles Jfol'cH, Viear of Sandal, co. York, was b, US Dec. 1757; M.P. for Carlisle, 17S0-84; for Cumberland, 1784-90, and for Rutland, 1796—1802, having sue. his father, 15 June 17S8, as 2d Baronet : entered the army, 1794, in which finally, 1S00, he became Lieut- Col.; sue. his cousin, the Earl of Lonsdale, 24 May 1S02 i« the Viscuuntnj and Baron// of Loxcthcr of Whitehuicn (under the spec, limita- tion in the creation thereof, 26 Oct 1797). as also in most of his estates ;( u ) Lord Lieut, of Cumberland and Westmorland, 1S02, and was sr., 7 April 1S07, EARL OF LONSDALE, co. Westmorland ; KG., 18 July 1807 ; F.S.A., &c. He m., 12 July 1781, at St. James, Westm., Augusta, 1st da. of Joan (Fane), 9th Eahl of land. by his first wife, Augusta, da. of Lord Montagu Bkhtie, 2d s. of Robert, 1st Duke op Aucastek. She, who was J. 18 Sep. 1761, d. 6 March 1838. He d. at York House, Twickenham, 19 March 1844, aged 86. Will pr. June 1844. III. 1844. 2. William (Lowther), Earl of Lonsdale, &&, s. and h., b. 30 July 1787, at Uflington, co. Lincoln ; ed. at Harrow and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; M.A.,1808; styled Viscount Lowtheh, 1807-44; M.P. for Cockermouth, 1808-13, for Westmorland, 1813-31 ; for Dunwieh, 1831, and again, for Westmorland, 1832-11 ; was a Lord of the Admiralty, 1809 ; a commiss. for Indian affairs, 1S10-1S; a Lord of the Treasury, 1813-27; Ch. Commiss. of Woods and ( ;l ) A good deal about him is to be found in Wraxall's * Memoirs," who mentions his great "eccentricities," his "fiery and overbearing temper" — "capricious, tyrannical," &c." The editor (Mr. H. B. Wheatley) of the edit, of 1884 adds this note (vol. iii, p. 358), " He was known throughout Westmorland and Cumberland as 'The bad Earl' and 'Jimmy Grasp-all, Earl of Toadstool,' was the sobriquet given him in the numerous election squibs. He frequently returned utile members who were known as his ninepins." (>') As to this Baronetcy, see p. 138, note " e." ( c ) An abstract of this will is in •' Collins," vol. v, pp. 714-716 ; under it his wife had the house and furniture at Fulham, Sec. ; his sisters had above .£60,000, besides the Barbadoes estate of £i, 000 a year ; while the estate iu Yorkshire of £5,000 a year was devised to Mr. John Lowther, and those in Cumberland and Westmorland (supposed to be £40,000 a year) to Viscount Lowther on whom the Whitehaven estate was entailed and who received also near ^100,000 in personalty. ( d ) This Rev. gentleman, whose services were rewarded with a Baronetcy, d. 1788, aged 81. He was only s. and h. of Christopher Lowther, of Little Preston, co. York (d. 1718), who was 8th son (but whose issue after 1763 were heirs male) of Sir William Lowther, of Swillington (d. 1705, aged 65), who was s. and h. of another Sir ■William L., of Swillington, yr. br. of Sir Christopher Lowther, 1st Bart., of White- haven (see p. 139, note " e "), and of Sir John Lowther, of Lowther, the grandfather the 1st Viscount Lonsdale and great grandfather of James, the 1st Earl of Lonsdale. (°) See note "c," next above.