Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/156

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154 LOUDOUN — LOUGHBOROUGH. She, on 6 Nov. 1871, became suo jure BARONESS BORTREAUX, BARONESS HUNCERFORD, BARONESS DE MOLEYNS, and BARONESS HASTINGS DE HASTINGS, the abeyance of those Baronies, to which she was the senior coheir (heir to a fourth part) having been terminated at that date by letters patent in her favour. She d. at Ventnor in the Isle of Wight, 23 Jan. 187-1, aged 40, and was bur. at Doniugtou. Her husband living 1892. Earldom [S.] 1 11 anil 12. Charles Edward (Abney- I Hastinos, afterwards Rawdon-Hastings), Earl Of t 1874 Loudoun [1633], Loud Ca.mi'1iei.i.( :1 ) ok Loudoun [1601] Barony [S.] '• and Lord Tarrinzean and Maucline [1633], In the „ TT peerage of Scotland, also Lord BotreaUX [1368]. Lord A-ll. J Hunghreord [1426], Lord de Moleyns [1445], and Lord Hastinos DE Hastings [1461], s and h., b. 5 Jan. and bap. 20 June 1855, at Grosvenor chapel, St. Geo. Han. sq. : sue. his mother in the peerage, 23 Jan. 1874, took his seat as Lord Hastings on 8 May 1876, and on 20 May 1S80, as Lord Botreaux ; took (together with his father) the name of Rawdon- Hastings^ 1 ) in lieu of that of Abney- Hastings, by Royal licence S April 1887. He nt., 4 Feb. 1880, at St. Mary's Roman Catholic church, Cadogan street, Chelsea, Alice Mary Elizabeth, 3d da. of Edward George (Fitzalan-Howard), 1st Baron Howard ok Glossok, by his first wife, Augusta, da. and h. of the Hon. George Henry Talbot, br. to John, 16th Earl of Shrewsbury. She was 6. 20 June 1856. Family Estates. — These, in 1SS3 (including that of his father, Lord Doniugtou, " which is hopelessly mixed up therewith in the return," but " excluding £2,259 mine rent in Ayrshire") consisted of 18.63S acres in Ayrshire, 10,174 in Leicestershire, 2,750 in Derbyshire, and 1,348 in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Total, 32,910 acres, worth £39,977 a year. Principal Residences. Rowallau Castle and Loudoun Castle both in co. Ayr, Willesley Hall, co. Derby, Douington Park, co. Leicester, and Rawdon Hall, Yorkshire. Barony. LOUGHBOROUGH (co. Leicester.) ^o 8 ' See " Hastings op Loughborough, co. Leicester," Barony 1572. (.Hastings), or. 1558 ; ex. 1572. II. 1613, 1. The Hon. Henry Hastings, 2d s. of Henry, 5th to Earl ok Huntingdon, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Ferdinando 1666. (Stanley), 5th Earl ok Deuuy, was b. 28 Sep. 1610 ; distinguished himself in the Royal cause ; Sheriff of Leicestershire, 1G43, and Colonel General of that county; was cr.; 23 Oct. 1643,( c ) BARON LOUGH- BOROUGH, co. Leicester. Early in 1645 he was made Gov. of Leicester, which, however, he surrendered to Fairfax in Juue 1645, but retained Ashby till Feb. 1645/6. He was voted by the Commons one of the seven great delinquents iu Nov. 1 648, but the vote was revoked next month. He escaped to Holland in 1649. In 1661 he was Lord Lieut, of Leicestershire. He d. in London uum., 10 Jau. 1666, when his peerage became extinct. He was bur. (with his great uncle and predecessor in the title) at St. George's chapel, Windsor. Will dat. 28 Aug. 1665, pr. 15 May 1667. III. 1780, i.e., "Loughborough, co. Leicester," Barony {Wedder- to burn), cr. 1780 ; ex. 1805 ; see " Rosslyn " Earldom, cr. 1801. 1785. (») See p. 150, note " b." ( b ) The object of this taking the name of Rawdon is not very clear as he possessed none of the titles granted to (and under 1,400 acres of the estates of) the Rawdon family ; while his principal estate (Rowellan) came from the family of Mure, bis Scotch Earldom, &c., from the family of Campbell and his English Barony of Hastiugs (thro' which comes the other Baronies) from the family of Hastings. The name of Abncy (thus relinquished) had been taken by Act of Pari, in 1859, on inheriting the Abney estates at Willesden, &c, co. Derby, by settlement dat. 1844, on the Rawdou-Hastiugs family, of Sir Charles Abney- Hastings, Bart., then deed. {') Black's " Docqncts" as quoted in "Creations, 1483 — 1646, iu ap. 47th Rep. D.K. Pub. Records."