Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/160

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158 LOUTH — LOVAINE. Margaret, widow of Edward Masdbville, da. of Edward Auchdekin, of co. Kilkenny. He d. 25 June 1823, aged 65. Aduion. Feb. 182-1. Hia widow, who was b. 4 June 1778, m. 1 April 1827, Lieut.-Col. Thomas Tisdai.l, of Charleville, co. Louth, and d. 23 July 1831. XII. 1823. 12 Thomas Oliver (Plunkett), Baron Loura [I.], s. and h., b. 5 Aug. 1809 ; sue. to the peerage [I.] 25 June 1823. He m. 29 Nov. 1830, at St. Geo. Hau. Sq., his cousin, Anna Maria, yst. da. of Philip RocnK, of Douore, co. Kildare, by Auna Maria, da. of Randal (PLTJKKgrr), 13th Lord Dunsany [I.], abovenamed. He d. 26 June 1S49, aged 39, at Brighton. Will pr. July 1849. His widow d. 18 Jan. 1878, at Louth Hall, co. Louth. XIII. 1819. 13. Randal Percy Otway (Pltjnkett), Baron Louth [I.], s. and h. j 6. 28 Aug 1832, at Worton Hall in Isleworth, Midx. ; me. to the peerage [I.] 26 June 1S49. Was sometime, 1851-51 and 1855-60, an officer in the army. He m. firstly, 4 Oct. 1867, in Dublin (spec, lie), Anne Maria MacGeongh, 2d da. of Walter MacGeough Bond, of Drumsill and the Argosy, co. Armagh. She d. 27 Oct. 1S69, aged 24, at Dieppe in France. He m. secondly," 14 July 1877, at St. Anne's, Tollingtou Fark, Elizabeth Lily, divorced wife(') of Capt. Hugh Hackett Gibsone, 73d Foot, 1st da. of John Black, of Ceylon. He (/. 19 July 1S83, aged 50, at Louth Hall afsd. His widow m. (thirdly), 12 Aug. 1866. at Trinity, Cleygate, Surrey, Richard Muldownet, of Clondalkin, co. Kildare, and was living 1892. XIV. 1883. 14- Randal Pilgrim Ralph (Plunkett), Baron Loutii [I.], only s. and h., by first wife ; A. 24 Sep. 1S68, on board the yacht "Pilgrim, off Dieppe; sue. (0 the peerage [I.] 19 July 1883. He m. 18 March 1890 at the British Consulate, Biarritz, Eugenie de Miaritze, da. of Edmund Hooke Wilson Bellairs, British Vice-Consul at Biarritz. Family Estates— These, in 1883, consisted of 3,578 acres in co. Louth, 178 in Monaghan, 161 in co. Meath and 4 in co. Gal way; besides 178 acres in Somersetshire. Total, 4,099 acres, worth £4,604 a year. Principal Itcsidenee. — Louth Hall, near Ardee, co. Louth. LOVAINE. Matthew de Lovaine, of Estiiines-ad-turrinj, co. Essex, s. and h. of Matthew de Lovaine, of the same (said to be of the same family as the Dukes of Brabant) sue. his father in 1261, being then 24, and was sum. (with about 60 others) 8 June (1294), 22 Ed. I., to attend the King to advise on the affairs of the Realm, but this did not constitute a regular writ of summons to Parl.( b ) He d. 1301, leaving Thomas his s. and h. then aged 12, who proved his age in 1314 and was sum. to be at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1317, but never sum. to Pari. His s. and b„ John de Lovaine, d. s.p.m. in 1347.( c ) (*) The decree " nisi " for her divorce from Capt. Gibsone (for aim. con. with Lord Louth) was obtained 2 Dec. 1876. ( u ) See vol. i, p. 259, note " c," sub " Basset de Sapcote." ^) He left two daughters and coheirs, of whom the younger, Isabel, d. s.p„ leaving Aliauor, her eldest sister, sole heir. She m. Sir William Bourchier. Her descend- ants, the Lords Bourchier (see vol. i, p. 395, note "a " ), and the Lords Ferrers are frequently (tho' erroneously) described as " Lords Lovaine." George (Townshend), Lord de Ferrers and Lord Compton (who sue. to those Baronies on the death of his mother, Viscountess Towushend, 14 Sep. 1770), was (v.p.) o, 18 May 1784, Earl of Leicester, being in that patent (inaccurately) styled " Baron de Ferrers of Chartley, Baron Bouchier, Lovaine, Basset, and Compton." See also in vol. iii, p. 333, note "d," sub " Ferrers," as to the title of Lovaine being (wrongly) attributed to the 1st Earl Ferrers on a Mon. Iuscr. in 1717 and in vol. i, .p. 257, note "f " (circa fmcm), sub " Basset de Drayton," as to the three titles, Bourchier, Lovaine, and Bassett, thus {wrongly) assigned to the Earl of Leicester abovemeutioned.