Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/163

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LOVAT. 161 IX. 1672, 9. Hugh (Fraser), Lord Lovat [8.], only s. and h,, to we. to the peerage [S.] 27 April 1672, when a minor. He si. about 1G96. 1(3S3, Amelia, da. of John (MUHHAT), 1st Marquess of Atholk [S.] by Amelia Sophia, da. of James (Stanley), 7th Eaul ok Dekby. He d. s.)>.m. 1096, having settled his estates, 20 March of that year, on his cousin and heir male, Thomas Fraser, of Beaufort, the dcjnre 10th Lord. His widow was "seized on " by Simon Eraser (afterwards, (".«,, in 1730, confirmed as Lord Lovat IS,]), who "got the marriage ceremony performed by a Minister, and forcibly consummated the nuptials."^') for which he was condemned 6 Sept 1668. and was, sub- sequently, 1 7 Feb. 1701, outlawed in the Court of Justiciary. This marriage, however, appears to have been considered invalid. She d. at Perth, (i May 1743, aged above 80. On the death of the above Lord the question of succession arose between the heir general and the heir male, which was not finally settled till nearly 00 years later, the matter being complicated by two contradictory decisions (1702 and 1730) of the Court of Session. X. 1698. 10. Amelia, 1st da. and heir of line, was considered at her father's death nun jure BaROKKSS Lovat [8,1 and obtained a decision of the Court of Session, 2 Dec. 1702, that she was entitled to that dignity as also to the Lovat estates; but the decision was reduced, 3 July 1730, by a decision in favour of the heir male. She »t. in 1702, Alexander Mackenzie, of Preston Hall, who assumed the name of Fkaseii. He engaged iu the rising of 1715 and was accordingly attainted, whereby his life interest in the Lovat estates was forfeited. He d. at Leith 3 June 1755, aged 72. She was living 1730, and probably ranch later. Their s. and h., Hugh Fraser, assumed (on his mother's death) the title of LonD Lovat and d. at Edinburgh 9 Nov. 1770, aged 67. He had iu 1733 sold his reversion (iia the death of his parents^ to any claim, on the Lovat inheritance to Simon (Fraser), Lord Lovat (the heir malt) below mentioned. X. 1696. 10. Thomas Fraser, de jwe Lord Lovat [S.], great uncle and b. male, being 3d and yst. s. of Hugh, 7th Lord. He was of Beaufort (Castle Downie), co. Inverness, which he inherited from the late Lord. His right to the peerage, tho' contrary to the decision of 2 Dec, 1702 (in favour of the heir general), was conformable to the final decision of 3 July 1730. He was a .supporter of James II. , serving under Dundee in 1689 and attempting to surprise Edinburgh Castle in 1696, ami was (with his soul found guilty of high treason, 6 Sep. 1698. He »«. Sibylla, 4th da. of John Maci.kod, of Macleod, by Sibylla, sister of Colin, 1st Eahl of Skafouth [S.], da. of Kenneth (Mackenzie), 1st Loud Kintail [S.] He (/. in May 1699, at Dungervan Castle, Isle of Skye, aged 63. XL 2089, 11. Simon (Fraser), Lord Lovat [S.], 2d but 1st snrv. and s. and h.,( b ) was 6. about 1607. ( c ) probably at Tanieh, in Rosshire ; was 1 730 ed. at the College of Aberdeen, being M.A. 1683. ( c ) On the death of to his cousin, the 9th Lord, in 1696, he endeavoured to secure his da. and 1 747 heir of line (Amelia, then considered its suo jure Baroness Lovat) in (a) Wood's " Douglas." (•>) His elder br., Alexander Fraser (matric. at Aberdeen Univ. 1678), is said to have d. 1689 at Wardlaw, uiim. and v.p. in his 25th year. He (the birth of Simon, his yr. br., being in 1667) could not have been born later than 1666. The claim of John Fraser, of Mount Pleasant, in Carnarvon, mining engineer (disallowed by the Committee for Privileges, 23 June 1885) for the Barony of Lovat was as great great grandson and heir male of this Alexander, he being s. of John, s. of another John, s. of a third John, said to be s. of the said Alexander, all four being miners in co. Carnarvon. The story runs that this Alexander, having killed a man iu a brawl, escaped to the estate of the Marquess of Powis (a fellow Jacobite), iu North Wales, and remained there concealed, working as a common miner. It is also stated that this Alexander in. at Llandulas in 1738 (when he would have been above 70), and d. in 1776 aged, apparently, 110 or upwards. (°) These dates are taken from the "Nut. Bicg." (where is an able account of his career), but the age of 15 seems an early one to take the degree of M.A. His birth M