Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/184

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182 LYMING TON — LY NDIT l T RST. III. 1500. ? 3. Robert (Lvlb), Lord Lylb [3.], s. ami h. Ho rn. before IS Sep. 1197, Mariot Lindsay, of the house of Dunrod. He d. 1511, IV. 1511, 4> Johm (Lyle), Lord Lyle [S.], only s. and ll., under to age at his father's death in 1511 and in ward to Jamea Botoun, 1545. Archbishop of Glasgow, whose nieee, Grisel. da. of David BfSTOUS, of Creech, he m., thesettl. being dat. 9 May 1513. He was living Hi Oct. 1515, but d.,( ;1 )appareutly in the same yoar.() After his death the title became dormant-^) LYMINGTON. i.e., " Lymington, co. Southampton," Viscottutcy {Wallop), cr, 1720; see " Portsmouth" Earldom, cr. 1713. LYNDIIURST. Barony. 1. Tlio Rt. Hon. Sin John-Si.vgletox Copley, Lord I IS 0 ? Chancellor of Great Britain, was cr., 25 April 1S27, BARON LYND- ' HURST, of Lyndhurst, co. Southampton. He was s. of John 1 SKI Singleton Cori.F.v, a member of the Royal Academy of Painters, by 1 00.5. Mary Susannah Farnum, da. of Richard Clarke, merchant, of Boston, in America, in which city he was b. '21 May 1772, tho', three years later, he and his parents removed to England. He was ed. at Dr. Home's school at Chiswick ; was a pensioner of Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1790 ; B.A., 2d Wrangler, and Smith's prizeman, 1791; M.A., 1797, and Fellow, 1797—1801; entered Lincoln's Inn 1791, studying as a special Pleader ;() Barrister, ISO I, going the Midland circuit : Serjeant at Law, 1813 ; King's Serjeant and Oh. Justice of Chester, ISIS ; Solicitor Gen., 1819-24. being kniijhud, Oct. 1S19, and being one of the eleven Counsel,^) engaged at the trial of the Qneeu Consort Caroline ; Attorney Gen., 1824-26, and, for eight months, Sep. 1S26 to April 1827, Master of the Rolls as also Recorder of Bristol; P.C., 1820. He had been M.P. for Yarmouth (Isle of Wight), 1818 ; for Ashburton, 1818-26, ami for some months in 1826 for Cambridge University, In April 1827 he was railed to thcpccrnrjc as abovemcntioued, having been that mouth made Lord Chancellor which otlice he held during three successive Ministries (those of Canning, Goderich, and Wellington), till the accession of the Whigs in Nov. 1830. («) His only son Johu Lyle had a charter from his father 29 Aug. 1511, of the manor of Lyle but d. s.p. and v.p. (*>) Milne (in his notes in the Lyon office), ascribes " 1515 " as the date of his death. ( c ) Jeau his only da. and h. (the heir of line of the Barony) m. Sir Niel Montgomery of Laiushaw (s. of Sir Niel II., the 3rd s. of Hugh, 1st Earl of Eglintoun [S.J) and her heirs existed in the male line down to David Montgomery of Laiushaw whose da. and h. of line, Elizabeth, wife of Alexander Ciminghamo (who d. 1770) conveyed the representation to her s. and h. Sir Walter Montgomery-Campbell, Bart, who sue. his grandfather as Baronet in 1770. As to the right of these heirs to the Barony, Mr. Riddell writes as follows : — " The exclusive assumption of the title of Lord Lyle by James Montgomery of Laiushaw and his family, the undoubted heirs-female, and repeated protests by them in support of their right at elections in 1721, 1722 and afterwards, would also indicate the understanding of the same honours being decendible to heirs general." It appeals from Robertson's " Peerage Proceedings [8.], that the claims of James Montgomery of Langshaw, " as representing the Lord Lyle " were, at the election of Scotch Peers on the 1st of June 1721, 21 April and 15 Aug. 1722, protested against " iu regard that it did not appear by any writ that Langshaw is the representative of the family," and also because the peerage was not on the roll at the time of the Uuiou [S.] Sixty years later a like protest was made by " Walter, Lord Lyle " (i.e. Sir Walter Montgomery-'Jauipbell, Bart, above- mentioned) at the election of 8 May 1781. This was followed by a petition to the House of Lords, presented and read 22 Dec. 1790, which however did not elicit any further proceedings. (d) See vol. ii, p. 130, note "a," sub " Campbell." (°) See vol. iii, p. 62, note "b," sub " Deuman," for their names and some account of them.