Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/203

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MAOUIRK — MAITLAND. 201 peerage, 27 June 1890. He m. 23 Oct. 1889, at St. Paul's, Knightabrirlge, Evelyn Harriet, 2d da. of Anthony (Ashlky-Coofk.kj. Sth Haul- of Shaftesbury, by Harriet Augusta Anna Seymourina, da. of George Hamilton (Chichester), 3d Marquess of Uo.nkgall She was 4. 27 June ISOa. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 3,f>41 acres in co. Antrim, valued at £4,083 a year. Principal Residence. Magheramorue, near Larue, co. Antrim. MAOUIRK OF ENNISKILLEN. Barony [I.] t. Sin Bbaax Maguike was tie., 3 March 1627/8, I 1028 LOUD MAQUIRE, BARON OF ENNISKILLEM, co. Fermanagh ft,] He m. Rose, da. of Art Mac Avcruan O'Xeill, of Carrickeslikiu, co Armagh. lie t^. 15 Dec. 1(533, aud was fair, at Auchive, co. Fermanagh. II. 1C33, & Connor (Maguire), Loud Maguire, Baron of to Knniskillen [I.], s. aud h. ; was knighted (v. p.) 20 June 1616, at Ifiii, Whitehall, He Hi, Mary, da. of Thomas Fleming, of Castle Fleming. He was one of the native Irish who took a principal lead in the great Irish rebellion of 16-11 ; was tried in Loudon aud found guilty of high treason, being hung at Tyburn, 10 Feb. 16-1J, when the peerage became forfeited.^) MAIIARAJPORE. See "Goran of Ciu.v-Ka.g-i'oo in China and of Mahakajfore and tub Sctxej in the East Indies," Barony [(faugh), er. 1S10. MAHON. y«c " Stanhope of Mahon in the island of .Minorca," Viseouutcy (Stanhopt), er. 1717. MAIDSTONE. i.e., " MAIDSTONE, co. Kcut," Viseouutcy (Finch), a: 1623; see " WlNCHlLSEA " Earldom, er. 1628. MAITLAND and MAITLAND OF THIRLESTANE. Barony [S-] 1. Sni John Maitlaxd, of Letthingtoa, 2d son( b ) of L ( 0!>0. ll ' cM ' ml Maii-land, of Thirltstane and Leithington, sometime Keeper of the Privy Seal [S.], by Mary, da. of Sir Thomas- Ckasstoun of Corsbie ; b. 1515 ; was Commeiidator of Coldingham priory] 8 March 156-5/6 ; Keeper of the Privy Seal [S-J, 26 Aug. 1567, aud a Lord of Session in Ordinary, 2 June 1568 ; was /or/cited for adherence to the Queen's party, 1570, but rcslured, 17 Eeb. 15S0/1 ; was (again) a Lord of Session, 15S1 ; knighted and made Sec. of State [S ] for life, 18 May 158-1, an otlice he resigned iu 1591 ; KSKPEB OF the Great Seal [S.J, 31 May 1586, and soon afterwards Loud Chancellor [S.] H e accompanied King James VI. [S.J to Denmark, in Dec. 1589, and ou his return w;is er., 18 May 1590, LORD MAITLAND OF TH1RLKSTANK [S.] He m. Jean, only (») He left a son. The first Lord had four sons, of whom the second, Col. Kory Maguire, had male issue. Several of the family served iu foreign service aud assumed the style of Loan Maouike." See O'Callaghan's -'Irish Brigades" aud Daltou's " Armij List of James lit' (b) His elder br. was Sir William Maithuul, well known as Secretary aud one of the most attached adherents to Mary, Queen of Scots. He d. by his own hand, 9 Juue 1573, leaving one son, James, who sold the estate of Leithiugtun to his uncle, Sir Johu. This James was living 1620 but rf. s.p. when his sister, Margaret, Countess of Roxburgh [S.], or her issue, became his heir.