Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/205

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MALMESBURY. 203 Envoy to Berlin, 1 77-2-7U ; Ambassador to St. Petersbnrgh, 1776-83; K.B., Dec. 1773, receiving tie insignia thereof, from the Russian Empress, 21 March 1779. P.C., 1784 ; Kioto/ (1784-88), and Ambassador (1788-89) to the Hague, and, having curried out the tieaty of alliance between England, Holland and Russia, was n: 19 Sep. 1788, BA.BCH? MALMESBURY ot Malmesbury, co. Wilts; D.C.L., of Oxford, i .1 >ily 1793 ; Envoy to Berlin, Nov. 1793 ; Envoy to Brunswick, Nov. 1794, acting as proxy for the Prince of Wales's marriage with the Princess Charlotte of Bruuswick.(*) Ambassador to the Republic at Paris, 1798-67, endeavouring to negotiate a treaty of peace at Lisle.;) He was it. 29 Dee. 1S00, VISCOUNT FITJ5-HAKRIS OF HORN COURT, eo. Southampton, and KARL OF MALMESBURY ; Lord Lieut, of Hants, 1807. He hi. 2S July 1777. in Lincoln's Inn fields, Harriet Maria, yst. da. of Sir George Amy AND, 1st Bart., by Maria, da. of John Abraham K.OHTEEN, a Merchant of Hamburgh. He d. in Hill street, Mayfair, 21 Nov. 1820, aged 71, and was bur. in Salisbury Cathedral. M.l. Will pr. 1S20. His widow d. 20 Aug. 1S30, in Charles street, Berkeley square, in her 70th year, and was bur. 25th in Grosveuor chapel, South Audley street. Will pr. Aug. 1830. II. 1820. 2. James Edward (Harris), Earl of Malmesbury, &c, s. and li., b. 19, and bap. 23 Aug. 1778, at St. Petersburg ; ed. at Eton; mat. at Oxford (Cb. Ch.). 16 Jau. 179(i: M.A., 20 June 179S ; styled Viscount Kitz-Hakhis. 1800-20 ; See. to Board of Trade, 1301 ; M.P. for Helstou, 1802-04; fur Horsham, 180-1-07 ; for Heytesbury, 1807-12, and for Wilton, 1S16-20; a Lord of the Treasury, 1804-06; L'nder Sec. for Foreign Affairs, March to Aug. 1S07; Vice Admiral of the Isle of Wight, 1S07: s«c. Oi ike peerage, 12 Nov. 1820. He «i. 17 June 1S0G, at St. Martin's iu the fields, Harriet Susan, da. of Francis Batemau Dasiiwood, of Well Vale. co. Lincoln, bv Teresa, da. and coheir of John MARCH, of WUleeley Park, eo. Cambridge. She, who was b. 29 Oct. 1783, d. 4 Sep. 1815, aged 32, and was bur. in the Priory church, Christchurch, Hants. He d. 10 Sep. 1841, aged 63, at Ear) de Grey's villa, on Putney Heath, and was bin: iu the Priory church afsd. Will pr. Oct. 1841. III. 1841. 3. James Howard (Harris), Earl of Malmesbury, &c, s. and hi, b. in Spring Gardens, 25 March, and bap. 1 May 1S07, at St. Martin's iu the fields; ed. at Eton; sti/lcd Viscount Fitz-Harhis, 1S20-11 ; mat. at Oxford (Oriel Coll.), 23 March 1S25 ; B.A., 1828 ; M.P. for Wilton, 1841, iu which year, 10 Sep., he sue. to the peerage; P.O., 1852; Foreign Sec, Feb. to Dec. 1852, and again, Eeb. 185S to June 1859: D.C.L. of Oxford, 7 Juue 1853 ; Col. of the Hants Militia Artillery, 1854-71 ; G.C.B. (Civil), 15 Juue 1S59 ; Loud Privy Seal, July 18D6 to Dec. 1808, and again, Feb. 1874 to Aug. 1876. He in. firstly, 13 April 1S30, at her father's house, 26 Grosvenor square, Corisaude Emma, da. of Charles Augustus (Rennet), 5th Earl ok Tankerville, by Corisaude, da. uf Autoiue, Duke de Guamost iu France. She, who was b. 10 Aug. 1807, d. 17 May 1S70, in Stratford place, Maryleboue, and was bur. in the Priory church afsd. He m, secondly, 1 Nov. 1880, at St. Maryleboue, Susan, da. of John Hamilton, of Kyne Court, co. Somerset. He d. s.p., 17 May 1SS9, aged 82, at Heron Court, Hants, and was bur. ill the Priory church of Christchurch afsd. His widow, who was b. 185-1, living 1893. IV. 1889. 4 Edward James (Harris), Earl of Malmesbury [isoo], Viscount Km Harris ok Hubs Codbt [isoo], and Baron Malmesbury [1788], nephew and h., being s. and h. of Admiral Sir Edward Alfred John HaRRIS, K.C.B., by Emma Wylie, yst da. of Samuel Chambers, Capt. R.N., which Edward was 2d s. of the second Earl and d. 17 July 1788, aged 80. He was b. {*) " The Prince [afterwards George tv] never forgave him even this official share in bringing about the match." [Nat Riogr.] ( b ) " With this mission his public life closed. At that time be was undoubtedly at the head of the diplomatic service. He continued in close intimacy with Canning and Pitt and was frequently consulted on questions of foreign policy. Iu July 1S03, be was sounded about entering the cabinet, but he refused to join Addiugtou." [Nat. Bioyr.]