Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/208

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206 MAN — MANCHESTER. MAN, Isle of. The Isle of Max, formerly n parcel of Scotland, was, 20 Dec 1:324, grunted by King Robert L [§.] to bit nephew, Thomas (Kasdolph), Kahi. or Moiiay [8.], wBo is described as " Pomhius Maimia" in a charter 20 March 1325. This has been considered as a *' Sfattiih Barony constituted in 1324 with a Regality and duty of attendance on I'arl. as a condition of tenure- "(*) MANCHESTER. Earldom. 1. The Kt. Hon. Sin Henry Montagu, yr. bi*. of Edward, I 1G°G lttBMMW MOKft*OB OF BOUQHTOW/ 6 ) and elder hr. to Sir Sydney MuN- taoI" (ancestor of the Ivvui.s of Sandwich!, all three being Bons(°) of Sir Edward Moi»TA<»I/,( a ) of Houghton, 00, Northampton, by Elizabeth, da. of Sir dames HaRIKOTON, of Exton, co. Rutland, was b. about 1563; ed. at Christ's Coll., Cambridge; Barrister, Middle Temple ; was M.P. for Efigham Ferrers, 1591-93, 1597-98, and 1001-03; for London, 1004-11 and liil 4-1 ti ; Recorder of London, 1603-15, being Knighted, 23 July 1003, at the Coronation ; King's Counsel, 1607 ; Serjeant at law and King's Serjeant, 1611 ; Ch. Justice of the King's Bench, 1616-21 ; P.C. ; Lord High Treasurer, Dec. 1620 to Sep. 1621. being cr. 11) Dec. 1620,( c ) BAHOX MONTAGU OF KIMBOLTOX, co. Huntingdon and VISCOUNT MANDEYILLE.(') First Commissioner of the Great Seal, May to July 1821 ; Lord President of the Council, Sep. IS21 to June 1628 : a Commissioner for claims at the Coronation, 23 Jan. 1626, being cr. 5 Feb. l(i2S'«/ K ) KARL OF MANCH KSTUR, co. Lancaster. Loan I'liivv Seal, June 1(128-42, being Speaker of the House of Lords, Feb. 1630 and May 16-12; a Commissioner of Treasury, 1635-42, and a Commissioner (») "Itiddell," [1842] p. 1,083 (i.e., in the index), see also (the text), pp. 102—103. In Riddell's " Remarks" [1833], p. 58, it is stated (after quoting the grant wherein are the words " faeicnifa pertnnaiem ippvtientiatn «d partianlenla rostra tcnenda pir ralinnnlihs W durum MtmtHonittonw") that "this is clearly a hereditary parlia- mentary honour from the heritible service of attending Parliament in virtue of the summons," while in "HiddeU" [1842], p. 103, it is added that " it is the earliest instance preserved of the kind, there being no corresponding constitution extant until the ensuing century, in 14 16, in the case of the hereditary Lordship of Hamilton, which was far less explicit and not accompanied with such Regal and important privileges." (") Ancestor of the Dukes at Montagu (so cr. 170"', and .igain 1766) ; ex. in the male line, 1749, and in the second race, (represented by the Dukes of lluccleuch [&] ) 1790. ( c ) The yst. son was James Montagu, Bishop of Hath and Wells, 1608-16, and Bishop of Winchester, 1616-18. (4) This Sir Edward, who </. 26 Jan. 1601/2, was s. and h. of Sir Kdward Montagu, Ch. Justice of the Common Pleas, 1545-54, the son of Thomas Montagu, of Hcming- tou. eo. Northampton "Gentleman," who el. 5 Sep. 1517. The parentage of this Thomas is not proved, tho' a fabulous descent from Simon, stated to have been a br. of John (Montacute), 3d Karl of Salisbury is generally attributed to him. It is stated (1812), by Sir Kgerton Brydges, in " CMns" vol. ii, p. 12 " that the late Mr. Thorpe (and it seems Mr. Anstis concurred in this opinion) suspected this family to be descended from James Montagu, a natural son of Thomas the [4th and] last Ear] of Salisbury. This James lies 6io in the church of Ludsdownc in Kent, of which place he derived the manor from his father. 'The lordurc round the arms of the present family favours the idea." ( e ) Lord Clarendon, in bis very interesting notice of him, says that the peerage was given him " to allay the sense of tho dishonour " of his having been " reduced to the almost empty title of President of the Council " in lieu of that of Lord Treasurer. The dates, however, do not tally herewith. ( f ) This title was " chose by him as he was in possession of the Lordship and Castle of Kiuiboltou, which many years since, belonged to the family of MandevO." [" Collins," vol. ii, p. 52.] (e) He was one of eight noblemen cr. at that date, for a list of whom, see vol. ii, p. 283, note " c," sub " Cleveland."