212 MANNERS — .MANNY. MANNERS OF FOSTON. Barony. J, The Rt. Hon, Siu Thomas Manneks-SottoN, 5th I IS07 s *' *" or ^ ( - ietir B° Manneus-Suttox (3d s. of .John, 3d Di'KK of Rutland), by his first wife, Diana, da. of Thomas Ciiai'LIN, of Blank- ney, co. Lincoln, was I. 24 Feb. 1756; ed. at Charter House and at Enian. Coll., Cambridge; B.A. and 5th Wrangler, 1777 ; Barrister (Line, ten), 1780 ; M.P. for Newark, 1796 — lSOH : one of tin- WV'sh Judges, 17(>7 ; King's Counsel, 1800; Solicitor Gen. to the Prince of Wales, 1800; Solicitor pen., 1802-05, being hiiyhtcd, la May 1S02 ; one of the Barons of the Exchequer, 1S05-07 ; EC, 1807 ; was cr., 20 April 1S07, BAHON MANNERS QF BOSTON, co. Lincoln, end made, 1 May 1807, LotiD Chancellor OF Ireland, which oilice he held more than 20 years till Nov. 1S27 ( b ) being then in his 72d year. He in. firstly, 4 Nov. 1803, Amu , da. of Sir Joseph CoiLEY, Bart, (so pr. 1778), by Mary, da. Of John IUI.LKK, of Morvall, co. Cornwall. She rf. s.p , 5 Aug- 1S14. He m. secondly, 28 Oct. 1815, Jane, sister of Bicbard, 1st Earl ok Gleno.w.i. [I.], da. of James (Butler), ath Baron Caiikh [].], by Sarah, formerly Sarah Nichols. He il. 31 May 184 'J. in his 87th year, in Brook street. Will pr. July 1842. His widow, who was i. 1 Ang. 2779, a. 2. Nor. 1846, ageil 67, at Fornham Hall, near Bury, Suffolk. Admon. March 1817. II. 1842. John Thomas (Manners-Sutton), Baron Manners ok Foston, 2d but only snrv. 8. and h„ by second wife : b. 17 Aug. ISIS, at St. Stephen's green, Dublin ; sue. to the peerage, 31 May 1842. He M 28 Sep. 1818, Lydia Sophia, 3d da. of Vice Admiral William Bateinan Dashwood. He d. 14 Nov. 1S6-1, aged 10, at 12, Robertson terrace, Hastings. His widow living 18a3. III. 1864. 3. Joiin Thomas Manneks-Sutton), Baron Manners OF FosTON, s. and h., b. 15 May 1S52; sue. to the pecruyc, 11 Nov. 1864 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge; MA., 1SS0; Lieut Gien. Guards, 1876-83.(°) He in. 12 Aug. 1S85, at Clovelly. Devon, Constance Edwina Adelaide, 4th da. of Col. Henry Edward HamlVN-Eane, by Susan Hester, 1st da. and coheir of Sir James HaMLYN- Williams, 3d Bart., of Clovelly Court. She was b. 28 Sep. 1SG1. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, seem to have been under 2.000 acres. Principal Residence. (1891 ) Cold Overton Hall, near Oakham, co. Rutland. MANNY. Barony by 1. Sir Walter Manny, () s. of "Le Borgne " Manny, Writ. ;l Knight of Hainault, came into England, in 1327, in the suite of I 1347 PMlippe of Hainault on her marriage to King Edward III ; was knighted (K.B.), 1331 ; was one of the most eminent Commanders of (■) His next elder br.. Charles, Archbishop of Canterbuiy, 1805-28, was father of Charles, 1st Viscount Canterbury. (t>) "His decisions as an Equity Judge were held in high estimation." [Foss's Judges.] ( c ) Lord Manners, "who in the Spring of 1882, won the Liverpool steeplechase with his own horse, Seaman," is the 20th master of " the Quorn Hunt," one of the oldest and most celebrated in this kingdom. It was started by Mr. Hugo Mevnhll in 1753, who remained master for 47 years'. After him came (2) the Kaui. ok Sekton [I.], 1800-05 ; (3) Lord Foley, 1805-07 ; (4) the celebrated Mr. Asshkton-Smitii, " the first master of Hounds ill the Shires, lata hunted than himself" 1807-17 ; (5 and (i) Mr. Osraldeston and Sir Bellingham G hah am, 1817-27 ; (7) Loud Soutiiasiiton, 1827-31 ; (8) Sir Harry GOODRICH?., 1831-33 ; (9) Mr. Francis Holyoake, 1833-35 ; (10) Mr. Rowland Eriijngiun, 1835, who sold the pack by auction. After a lapse of time came (11) Loud Sukkield, for one season (1838 '.) ; then (12) Mr. Thomas Hodgson (from 1838 ?) for two seasons ; (13) Mr. Henry Ghkenk, and a committee, 1841-47; "then came the magnificent reign of (14) Sir Richard Sutton, [1847-f 5], who is said to have spent £10,000 a year in the Quorn Hunt, and who just before liis death in 1855, divided it into two parts," of which, the " Quoi n proper " was purchased by (15) the Earl of STAMFORD, 1855-63; (10) Col. Clowes, 1863-G6; (17) the Marquess of Hastings, 1866-68 ; (18) Mr. CuAwouTn-M asteks. 1868-70 ; (19) Mr. John Coukland, 1870—1884 ; (20) Lord Markers. See " the Times" newspaper, 11 Nov. 1884. (d) A full and accurate account of him (whose name is "associated with all that ia bright and pleasing in the Knightly character ") is given in Beltz's " Kniyhts of the Garter."