Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/22

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20 LARGS — LATIMER. LARGS. Sec " Kelvin of Largs, co. Ayr," Barony (Thnmnoit), a: 1892. LASCELLES or LASCELLS. .'6arony by Roger de Lascelles, of oo. York, was, with about CO Writ. others, sum. 8 June (1294), 22 Ed. L, lo attend the King wherever t loqr. lie might be(-') and had suinini>n.s to I'nrl. us a Baron [LOUD . ' LASCELLES] by writs 23 June. :S0 Sep., and 2 N'ov. (1295), 28 I'M. SL I., to 2G Aug. (lit>0), 24 F.d. 1. He m. Isabel, da. and U. of Tiiomas ' Frrz Thomas. He d about 1297 when the jBaru/ij fell into abeyance.C') His widow <i. 23 May 132b'. i.e., "Lascelles," Viscountcy {Laseelles), ei', 181 1?, with tlie Earldom of Haiif.wood, which see. LASWARY. See " Lake of Delhi and Laswary and Astox-Clixtox, cck Buckin^- ham," Barony {Lair), er. 1804 ; Yiacouutcy it. 1807 ; both far. 1848. LATHOM. Earldom. j. Edward (BoOTLB-WlLBRAHAM), Barox Skelmers- I 1 S80 DALK, s. and h. »f the Hon. Kicbard BoOTLB-WtT.BRAHAU (by Jessv, 3d da. of Sir Richard Bbookk, 6th Uart. of Norton), which Kicbard was 1st s. and b. ap. of Edward, 1st BaSOM Skklmkbsuale (so cr. 30 Jan. 1828), but rf. v.p. 5 Hay 1844, aged 12, was b. 12 Dec. 1S37, at Blythe, co. Lancaster; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; sue. his grandfather, 3 April 1863, in the peerage of Skelmersdale ; was a Lord in Waiting, 1866-68 ; (. apt. of the Yei.nieii, of the Guard, 1S74-80; P.C., 1874, and was er., 3 May 1880, EARL OK LATHOM, co. Lancaster; Lord Chamberlain of the Household, June lS8fi to Feb. 1886, and again Aug. 1886 to Aug. 1882. He HI., Ill Aug. 1860, Alice, 2d da. uf George (Vll.LIK.ns), 4th EARL OF Clabkndon, by Katharine, da. of James Walter (GawsTiiN), 1st Eaiil of Vebi:la.i. She was 6. 17 Sep. 1841. [F.dward-Ueorge liOOTLE-WiLiiRAiiAM, gtyled Lord Skel.mursdai.k, 1st s. and h. ap., b. 26 Oct- 1864, in Grosvenor Crescent; Capt Royal Horse Guards. He m. IS Aug. 18S9, at Britford, Wilts, V ilma, da. of William (PLKYDKLL-BoUVitKlB) . r >th KahI. of Radnor, by Helen Matilda, da. of the Lev. Henry Cuai'LIN, of Ryhall, Rutland. She was b. 16 Sep. lo69.] Family Estates. — These, in 15:83, consisted of 7,213 acres in Lancashire, worth £21,869 a year (acreage said to be understated, rental somewhat overstated.) Principal Itcsidcnee. Lathom House, near Unuskirk, Lancashire. LATIMER(<) or LE LATIMER. Barony by J. Thomas L A'riMER,( d ) of Bmybrooke, co. Nortbamp- Writ. tou, B.andh. of John Latimer,( u ) by Christian, youngest of the two I 1299 daughters and coheirs of John LbBBT alias Bhaybiiookk, of Bray- brooke, Warden, and Corby, co. Northampton, by Ermentrude OK L'Islk ; sue. his father (1283), 11 Ed. I., being then aged 12 years and sue. his mother in 1292 ; hud summons to the meeting at Carlisle (1296), 26 Ed. I., where he is placed among the " Baronet," and was sum. to Pari as a Baron (a) See vol. i, p. 259, note " c," as to this writ not constituting a regular writ of summons to Purl. (>') The coheirs were his four daughters of whom (1) Matilda m. firstly Robert de Hilton, of Swine (by whom she had issue) and secondly Sir Robert Tilliol (2) Theophauia m. Ralph Fit/. Randolph (3) Johanna m. (as first wife) Thomas de Cuhven, and (4) Avicia mi. Sir Robert Constable, of Halsham, and had issue. (<=, d , ") Vide notes " c," " d," " e," on page 21.