Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/223

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MAR. 221 She m. thirdly before 28 March 1346/7, William Cabeswell and d. before 15 Jan. 1347/8, leaving him surviving. " Sir Richard Talbot, "f Goderich, one of the disinherited Barons, who, in right of his wife, a Comyn, claimed largo possessions in Scotland, had, on 17 l'"eb. 1388/4, a grant of Kildrummy Castle from Edward Baliol and for a short time designed himself I.OItlJ OF MAU [S.], and on one occasion (according to the chronicle of Lanercost) EARL OF MAR [S.] But Christian Bruce, mother of the late Karl, retained possession of Kildrummy, ami Talbot was before long glad to escape out of Scotland. '*(") IX. 9. Thomas, Eari. of MaK [S.], (inly s. and h. of Eaul Dox.vud, and Isabel, his wife, both abovenamed ; 6. about 1330, being a minor in 1318. lie was a hostage in 1357 for the ransom of King David II. [S-l from whom he obtained continuation of the lands and Lordship of Garioch( b ) iu 1358, late held by his grandmother, Christian Bruce, deceased, becoming thus (accord- ing to some) Earl ok Man and QaBIOCH [S.] ; Great Chamberlain [S.], 135S aud 1359. In 1360 he was in lite service of England, save only as against Scotland, with whose King, however, he was frequently in disgrace, lie wi. firstly (dispensations 15 Aug. 1352, and again iu 1354 Margaret, tuo jure Countess of Menteith [S.] (see that dignity), widow of John MultAV, of Bothwell. She was divorced before 9 Sep. 1361. ( c ) He ut. secondly Margaret, mo jure Countess of ASQDS [S.] ^see that dignity.) He d. s.p. between 20 June 1370, and 22 July 1377. His profligate widow (who, iu his lifetime or very shortly afterwards, was mother of a bastard son, George, afterwards [1389] Earl of Angus [S.]) was living (being styled " Countess of Awihs < as late as 23 March 1417/8. X. 137G-77. 10. Margaret, suo jure Countess of Mar or 1 Countess ok M.ui and Gauioch [S. ], only sister and heir, »i. probably about Nov. 1357 William (Douur.As), 1st EaBI of DotTuLAS [S.J who appears accordingly as " Earl of Don/las and Mur " in 1377 and 1380. He d. May 1384. She m. secondly (as his first wife) Sir John Swinton, of Swiutou (slain at Homelden 11 Sep. 1402), by whom she had no issue, but who, after the death of her son, Earl James, iu 13S8, is styled " Lord of Mar." She was alive 5 Dec. 1389, and apparently IS March 1390 1, but d. s.p.m.s. before f 22 Nov. 1395. 2, ■~ s [J ames (Douglas), Earl of [N.], only h. and h. ap. of the above Countess Margaret (by her first husband), b. about 135S ; sue. his father, as Earl of Douglas, in May 1384. He is once (23 July 1388) described as " Earl of Douglas and Mur " (probably by a mistake of the scribe) but, oven to that charter, his seal is as " Douglas" aloue.W He ft s.p. legit, in his mother's lifetime, 19 Aug. 1388.] J XL 1395 ? 11. Isabel, suo jure Countess of Mar, or Countess of Mab akd Qamocii [SJ, only da. aud U. by first husband ; b. about 1300, (») See " C " as iu note " b," p. 218. (•>) In his charters " iu and about 1359 he generally designs himself Earl of Mar and Lord of Cavers and of the Oarlock." See li C " as in note " b " on p. 2IS. (>■•) Date of dispensation for her marriage with the Regent- Duke of Albany. See letter by " Sigma " in " It. and Q." (7th S., x. 104), as to a marriage iu 1300 with Sir John Druinmond, probably referring to her mother, not to herself. (il) Haviug had no issue by the Countess he would not be eutitled to be designated (by courtesy) Earl of Mar. (0) It, indeed, is possible that the coinitatus of Mar might have been surrendered to him by his mother to whom (in that case) at his death it would again revert. The seal of his father, to whom unquestionably it had been so surrendered, is inscribed <• Siyillum H'i/lclmi, Comitis de Dow/las ct Mar," and he is so described " in every one of the numerous charters granted to him and by him subsequently to 1377." [See "D"(l'- 17) as iu note p. 218.J