Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/226

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224 MAR. Robert being 1st, or 1st surv.( a ) s. and h. of Sir Thomas Erskine, of Alloa and Dim, by his second wife, Janet, widow of Sir David Barclay, da. ami h. of Sir Edward Keith, uf Synton(*>) and Christian his wife, sister and h. of Sir John Mknteith, of Strathgartney. da. of Sir John Mkntkitii, of Arran, hj Klyne, da. o£ Gratney, Karl op Mar aboveuamed, which Klyne was sister of Donald, Karl of Mar, the grandfather of the abovenamed [mo jure) Countess Isabel. V) This Hobert Erskine, heir to the other half, but is (doubtless) capable of being otherwise explained, cjj., by supposing there to have been a younger sister to (Janet) Erskiue'a wife or to (Christian) her mother. There does not, however, appear to be any document whereby the Krskine family recognise the claim of the Lyle or any other rival family to a moiety. The ground of the claim is very obscure and might possibly be as repre- sentatives or co-representatives of some of the earlier Bark of Mar. (••') " Alexander Krskyn de eadem " was not improbably his elder brother. He was oue of the hostages for James I. [S.] and is alluded to in a letter from Henry 11., 20 June 1432 (Rot. Scot., ii, 276.) He must have d. s.p. soon afterwards. {Ex. inform. M. J. Shaw-Stewart.] () The estate of Synton, which was acquired by the marriage of Isabella of Synton with Sir Edward Keith, was (or at all events the superiority of it was) in possession of the Earls of Mar as late as 1620. ( c ) The following pedigree illustrates the relationship of the various parties — Donald. Karl ok Mar., Robert Bruce, Earl of Carries: [S.] grandson of [8.1 d. 1294.=p Robert Bruce and Isabel of Scotland.=p Gratney, EARL=j=Christian Bruce. OKMAR..rf.l300. I heiress of Gari- och, d. 1305. I Isabel of=pKing Robert, I. =f Elizabeth Mar, 1st I [S] 1306-1320. wife. i , Donald, Earl of Mar. the d. Sir John Men-T=Elyn "of Mar," teith.of Arran, d. before 1359. 1332. =f= jory, »i. b. about 1207, Walter the "niece to King High Stew- Robert." ard.=f= i Burgh, 2nd wife. 3 KingDavid II. [S.] 1331- 1371, d. s.p. Sir John Meii- teitb , of Strath - gartney, d. s.p Sir Edward=pChristian {Qacry'.'.tiir Robert Krskine=f-Beatrix Keith, of Syn- ton, d. 1347. if not the same who m.,135A,3ir Robert Krskine.] of Alloa and Dun. Lindsay. Sir David Bar- =-f Janet, Iivmg=f=Sir Thomas Er- =Mary Douglas, d. clay, d. s.p.m., I 1412, (/.before 1st hush. I 1116, skine, a hostage s.p. about 1366, in 1357, d. about 1st wife. 1419. "I Robert, Lord Erskine, 1st son and heir of his=F John Er»kiue=p mother (as well as of his father) retoured in 1438 | of Dun. as Karl of Mar. ^ Earls of Mar. Erskiue of Dun. Thomas, Earl ok Mar//, s.p. 1377. William (Douglas), 11 Earl of Douglas and Mar. ■Margaret* mo jure Countess ok Mar, </. 1390. King Robert II,=p [S.] 1371-1390. jj^ James (Douglas) SirMalcolmDrum-=Isabel, suo jurc=Alexander (Stew- Earl of Douglas, mond, m. before Countess ok Mar, art) Earl ok Mar, d. s.p. 1388. 1390, d. s.p. 1402, d. s.p. 1107. d. s.p. 1435. 1st husb. The above pedigree is confirmed in all substantial points by " A ijencalogicall history of the jamilij oj Mar by Mr. George Erskyn, Bailie of Alloa [so appointed in 1701] in the year 1700," which, having been produced from the Mar charter chest, was in the