238 MAR. named. He, who TOW fc 1741, was thus grandson and heir general, as well as great nephew and heir mule collateral, to the said Earl ; was an officer in the army, 1757-70 (retiring as Capt. 1st Morsel and MM. to the family estate of Alloa, on the death of his mother, Lady Frances Erskine (on whom/) they h id been entailed) 20 June 177(i. He in., 17 March 1770, at I'pway, Dorset, Frances, rta. of Charles FLoyr.lt, Gw. of Madras, by Mary, da. of ( — ) ISKIt'lllMAN. She d. 10 Dec. 17!>8, at Alloa. At length, in his S'-5d year, he was as " grandton and lineal repretentative "() of John, the forfeited Karl of Mar, restored*; ' : ) by act of Pari. 17 June FS2I (being therein styled "John Francis Erskine of Mar"l " t'i the dignity mid title nf Karl of Mx?" (no other peerage dignity that was forfeited 1 ) therewith being mentioned) and became thus EARL' OF MAR [S.] He 10 Aug. 1325, aged SI. Will pr. Jan. 185:5. XXV, "I 24 and S, Jons- Thomas (Erskixe), Eaui. or and I 182ft M-O) [S.J, *. and h., 4. 177'-' ; uti/Ud Lonn Eiiskine from 1821 VIII. I till he»!!C to tin peerage [S.]. 20 Aug. 1825. He m. 17 Jan. ' 1 7!<r>. at Dalswinton, eo. Dumfries. Janet, da. of Patrick . Milleu. of Dalswinton afsd., br. of Sir Thomas Miller. Hart., so cr. in 178S She d. S3 Aug. 182,'.. Bed. 20 Sep. 1828, at Alton House, aged 00. XXVI, "I 25 and 9, Jons FraXCIS Miller (Erskine). and L 1 S28. EaKL ok Mab [§,], only s. ami h.. b. 2S Dec. 1 JOB : was many IX. 1 years in the army, serving at Quatre llras and Waterloo;
- styled LonS Eiiskini: from 182o till he sue. to the. peerage
[S.], 20 Sep. 1S28. He sue. on the death of his distant cousin, Methven (Eikkine), Eaui. or Kkllik, eVc [S.], in 1823 or 1329 to the dignities of Earl ov Kelub [1019], Viscount Fkntoun [1606 and 1619], and Loud Eiiskine ok Diri.etoi n [1001]. in the pi erage of Scotland, decision in favour of his right thereto being given :! Sep. 1835. He in., 21 April 1827, Philadelphia Stuart, 1st da. of Sir Charles Granville StuART-MbSTETH, 1st Hart., of Cluseburn, (jo. Dumfries, by Ludivina. da. of Thomas LfWOHNAS. She (/. IS Feb. 1853, at Alloa House. He d. thpre ftp., 19 June I860, in his 71st year. At his death, the Earldom of Keltic and the honours inherited tlierewith devolved on his cousin and heir male Isee " Kki.i.ik " Earldom [S.J. er. 1010, sub the 12th Earl) as also did that Earldom, of Mar, which, according to the decision of the House of Lord.- on 2.1 Feb. 1875, was supposed to have been cr. [die novo) by patent in 1565 in tail male, while the right to the Earldom nf Mar, which, before*!) Dec. 1404, had "descended to Isabella, Countess of Mar,"( u ) devolved as under. XXVII. 1SGG ; :?<>. John Francis Kiiskixk (CJoodhve-Erskixe, confirmed formerly QOODKVK), KaIU. ok MaH [1395 or 1 101] in the peerage of ill 1885. Scotland, ik phew and heir of line, being s. and h. of William James Goodbye, of Clifton, co. Somerset id. 1861), by Frances Jemima ([/. 20 June 18 12), 1st sister of John Francis Miller ( Khskine), late Eaui. ok Mail He was b. 29 March 1880, at Clifton; ed. at Queen's Coll., Cambridge; M.A., ISliO, and - (») See p. 237, note " d." () The act proceeded upon a report to the Crown, drawn up by the Attorney Gen. [Copley] and the Lord Advocate [l!ae] tracing his decent, thro' his mother from the attainted Earl, without alluding to the fact of his also being (thro' his father) the great nephew and collateral heir male of the said Earl, in which latter capacity (only) he could have inherited the Earldom under the supposed limitation thereof held (in 187o) by the House of Lords. It appears to be assumed (and is accordingly so treated in the text) that this last mentioned Earldom or supposed Earldom (to which, as before mentioned, his heirship was not set forth) was by this act also restored to the restored Earl ( u ) This was one of the ten Scotch peerages restored by acts of Pari, (in 1S24, lS2fi, and subsequently), out of Hi which had been forfeited for the insurrection of 1715. See vol. iii, p. 192. note "' a," tub " Dufl'us." (d) The Barony of Erskine [S. ] was undoubtedly so forfeited as also was any right to any other dignity, e.g., that of the Earldom or Barony of Garioch [S.] which may have been vested in the attainted Earl. (») Earldom of Mar restitution act, 1885.