Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/250

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2 I s MARIS! HAL. II. M75? ;?. W'n.MAM (Keith), Karl Makbchal, &c. [S.], 2.1 but 1st surv. s. and h. male ;(•') sat in Pari. [S. ] as Eurl Uaritchal, 1 July 117C, and, having joined the party of the Prince, sat there again on his accession (as King .lames IV. [S.] ) in 148$. IK' in. Mariota, 3d dti. of Thomas (Erskise), 3d Lonn Kbskisk [S-] (dispossessed Haul ok Mar [S.]i, by Janet Doiiglas, his wife. He was liviug 10 Dec. 148-', but el. soon afterwards. III. 14851 -i. William (Keith), Earl Maiilsciial, &c. [8.], s. and h.. sue. his father about 1485 anil sat in Pari. [S], 28 April 1-101. In 1510 he was custodian of the young King James V. [S.] at Edinburgh Castle. He »i. (contract 1482) Elizabeth, 5th da. of George (GORDON), 2d Karl Ok Hunti.y [S.J by his first wife, the Lady Annabellu Stkwart, da. of King James I. [S.j He d. about 1530. [Rouert Keith, dyled Loud Keith, 1st and h. ap. ;('•) in. hrfmc! 8 Jan. 1505/6, Beatrix or Elizabeth, da, of John (Douglas), 2d Eari. ok Morton [S.] He d. v.p., 11 Sep. 1513, being slain (together with his br., William Keith, of Troup), at the battle of Floddeu.(')] IV. 1530 ! Jf. William (Keith), Earl Marischal kc. [S.J, grand- son ami h., being s. and h.(' 1 ) of Robert KEITH, styled Lord Kkitii, and Beatrix or Elizabeth, his wife, both abovenamed ; sue. his grandfather about 1530; accompanied King James V. [S.] to France in 1536 : was an extraordinary Lord of Session [Si], 1541, and again, 1561 to 1573 ; was at the battle of Pinkie in 1547 : a supporter of the Reformation, 1500, and was possessed of property worth 270,000 marks of yearly rent. He m. before 30 June 1538(9) Margaret, 1st da. and heir of line of Sir William Kkith, of Inucritgie, co. Banff, by whom he had nine children. He d. 7 Oct. 1581. [William Keith, stifled Lord Keith, 1st s. and b. ap. ;0 was taken prisoner by the English in 155S and ransomed next year for £2,000. He TO. Eliza- beth, 1st da. of George (Hay), 7th Earl ok Erroll [S-] He d. v.p., 10 Aug. 1580.J V. 1081. o. George (Keith), Earl Marischal, etc. [S.], grand- sou and h., being s. and h. of William Keith, styled Lord Kkitii, and Elizabeth, his wife, both abovenamed. He, who was 6. 1554 , sue. his grandfather in Oct. 15S1 ; studied at several of the Universities abroad : P.O. [8.1 1580, being sent as Ambassador to Denmark to arrange the marriage of the King [S.J with the Princess of Denmark. He sue his uncle between 158, and 26 Sep. 1502, as LOUD ALTRIE [8,1 under the spec. rem. in the creation, 20 July 1587, of that dignity. In 1593, be founded the Marischal Colleyt at Aberdeen, containing a Principal and four Professors (") His elder br., Robert Keith, to whom his father had resigned the estates and offices, d. v.p. and s.p.m., leaving a da. and h., Jean (the heir of line to the 1st Earl) who m. as his first wife Andrew (Ghat), 2d Lord Gray [S.J, who d. 1513/4. The date of this resignation is given as 1142 and that of Robert's death as 1446 (Wood's " Doiujlas "), but these dates seem hardly probable. ( b ) From Alexander, the 4th and yst. son. descend the family of Keith of Ravels- toun, afterwards (1766) of Duuottar, who, since 1778, appear to represent the male line of heirs of the 1st Earl. ( c ) See p. G3, note *' b," sub " Lennox," for a list of the Scotch nobles and their elder sons slain at Flodden field. (<*) Robert Keith, Abbot of Deer, his next br., was father of a bastard son, Andrew Keith, cr. Lord Dingwall [S.], in 15S4, a dignity which appears to have ceased before 1606. ( u ) Her marriage, worth £10,000, was sold by the Duke of Albany as early as 1521. (') Robert Keith, Cominendator of Deer Abbey, his next br., was cr , 20 July 1587, Loud Althie [S.] for life, with a spec. rem. to his nephew, George, Earl Marisehall [!S.] He was of great age in 1580 and d. s.p. before 1502.