Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/26

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24 LATIMER. X. 1502, 10. KoUKKT ( WlLLOUCiUBV), LOIU. WlLl.oC<SUIIY • = z g| to de Brooke, and de jure Lmtu Latimkr, but who never Sg = v lo21. assumed the latter title, only s. and U, He d B.p.m.B. I 3 I „ 10 Nov. 1521, when the Bnronies vested in him /eft :• 5 - - abeyance between his two grandaughters and c»neir$,( ft ) the right to the! - d- * Barony of Latimer continuing henceforth vested in those who (by the j gSa . cessation of BUch abeyance) became subsequently entitled to the Barony of I ^ ; | ~1 Willoiighby de Brooke, which see. w-Si: -~ LATIMER (<9 b,j Hmry VI.) Barony 1. Sin George NXVIU* 5th s. of Ralph, 1st. Kaui. ov by writ, Westmorland (who </. 21 Oct. 1425), being bis 3d s. by his 2d wife, I 1432 " ie ^ jilt '. v $ tme B«AOTOJW, legitimated da. of John ( I'i.ant.voeNET. "of Oauut ") Duke op Lancaster, having, in Dec. 1430, on the death of his paternal uncle (of the lialf(>') blood) John (Nevii.l), Loud (*) These were the children of his only s. and h ap., Edward Willoiighby (who it. v.p.), by Margaret, da. of Biehard 'Nevill), 2d Lord Latimer (of the creation of 1432) the marriage between whom had been part of the compromise .if the conflicting claim of each family to the Latimer dignit ies. Of these two coheirs Blanche. Lady 1 >awtrey, d. s.p. when the right to the Ban my of Willoiighby de Brooke passed to her sister or to her issue. This was Elizabeth, wife of Sir Koike Oreville, who had two children, vis. (1) Folks Oreville, who was a: Baron Brooke, of Beauehamps Court, co. Warwick, in 1621 (with a spec. rem. in favour of Ids male cousins), and who (/. mica. 30 Sep. 1023, in his 75».h year, (2) Elizabeth, wife of Sir Richard Verne?. To her grandson and heir, Richard Verney, the Barony of Willoiighby de Brooke was allowed (3 Feb. 10'%'), and in his issue it still continues. See Tabular pedigree in note " b." next below. ( ,J ) Sir George had no descent front the Latimer family, t he heiress of which was mother to his said uncle, while the. mother of his/cifAcr was his grandfather's first wife, Maud Percy. The following pedigree shews the connection of the two (separate) Baronies of Latimer [1299 and 1432], those entitled to the old Barony of 1299 being marked with an asterisk* Maud Percy, =j= John (NeWlI),v*Klizabeth,smy<i!-c=l{obert (WilIough-=j=Ah'ce Skip- 1st wife. I LordNcvillde I Baby.d. 13SS. Ralph, cr. Earl of Westmorland, 1397, d. 1425. George Nevill, 5th son, cr. Loud Latimer 1432 ; d. 1469. Sir Henry Nevill=f aiias Latimer (f. I v.p. 1469. ! 1 ' Richard (Nevill), =j= 2d Lord Latimer, d. 1530. Baroness Lati- mer ; d. 1395. "John (Nevill), Loud Latimer, s. and h. of his mother, d. s.p. 1430. by), Lord Wil- I with, 1st loughbydeEresby, i wife. d. 1396. 1 -) 1 1 Margaret d. Elizabeth^ Sir Thomas uuui. Willoiighby 3d son.

  • Sir John Willoiighby b. about I400.=f=

•Sir John Willoiighby knighted 1471.=j= 1 'Robert, or. Lord Willoiighby de Brooke, 1492 ; d. 1502. T John (Nevill), 3d Lohd=t= Latimer, d. 1542. •Robert, Lord Willoiighby de Brooke, d. s.p.m.s. 1521.=r John (Nevill), 4 th Lord Latimer, d. 1577, T Margaret.=j=Edward WUloughby, I only s. and h. ap.,</. v.p. I— Sir Kulke=f *IClizabcth ancestress of Ami Oreville, d. the Lords Willuughby unm. 1550. de Brooke. Blanche, in. Sir Francis Dawtrey and d.s.p.