Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/265

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MARSHAL. 263 husband who was (together with his br. King Edward V.) murdered (iu his ~| 10th (ir 11th year), 23 June 1483. Neither of them exercised the office of Ear' Marshal. At her death all her dignities fell into nbej/anee,{* VIII. 1483, 1. .John (Howard), Lord Howard, s. and h. of to Sir Robert Howard, by Margaret, da. (whose issue became 1485. coheir) of Thomas ( MnwiniAY), Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Norfolk, Earl of Notttixukam, Loud Mowbray, Lord Skgravk. and Karl MARSHAL was h. before 143S ; sum. to Pari, asa Baron ( Lord Howard), 18 Oct. 1470, and was cr. 28 June 1483, DUKE OF NORFOLK and HAUL MARSHAL OF ENGLAND, with rem. to heir* male of his 6od>,(*) He was slain 22 Aug. 1485, fighting for his King, Richard III., and was accordingly attainted 7 Nov. following (under the new dynasty) when ull his honours became forfeited. IX. 1480, /. William (Berkeley), Earl of Nottingham to [1483], Viscount 15f.rkf.lfa* [1481], and Lord Berkeley, s. 1 492. •»»<1 h- of James, Lord Berkeley, by Isabel, da. (whose issue became coheir) of Thomas (Mowbray), Duke of Norfolk, Karl of Norfolk, Karl of Nottingham, Lord Mowrray , Lord Segrave, and Earl Marshal ; was h. 1426 ; .sue. his father in 1463 as Lord Berkeley ; was er. in 1481 VjSCOCTOT Berkeley and, having sue. to a moiety of the vast estates of the Mowbray family, was it., 28 June 1483, Karl of Nottingham. At the Coronation, 30 Oct. I486, he was Joint Lord High Steward and Enrl Maishal fur the occasion,!^) having been so cr. by letters patent (now lost) 36 Oct., 1 Hen. V1I.,(I»I ami was er., 19 Feb. 1435/6, " EARL MARSHAL OF ENOLAND, with rem. to heirs mate of his body.'"^) He was er. 28 1488/9 Marquess of Berkeley. He d. s.p., 14 Feb. 1491 2, iu his 67th year, when nil his honours, save the Barony of Berkeley, became rxtiiiet. X. 14931 1- Henry [Tudor], 2d s. of King Henry VII., b. to 1491; was on or before 1.5 Oct. 1495, *' Earl Marshal of 1509. England," he being at that date so styled, when er. Duke of York, on 31 Oct. 1494.(>>) He became Duke of Cornwall in 1502 and was er. in 1503 Prince of Wales, and Earl of Chester. He ascended the throne, 21 April 1509 as King Henry VIII., when all his honours merged in the Crown. XT. 1510, 2. Thomas (Howard), Eaul ok Surrey (so cr. to 1483), s. and h. of Johu, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of 1524 Eni/laud abovenamed (attainted 1485), was er. 10 July 1510, EARL MARSHAL OF ENGLAND," for He was er. 1 Feb. 1513/4, Duke of Norfolk. He d. 21 May 1524, aged 81, when the office of Karl Marshal (granted him for life) reverted to the Crown. ( a ) The coheirs were the descendants of the two daughters (who had issue) of Thomas (Mowbray), Duke of Norfolk, so cr. iu 1397. These were (1) William (Berkeley), Viscount Berkeley, s. and h. of James, Lord Berkeley, and Lady Isabel Mowbray (d. 1452) his wife. He was er., 28 June 14S3, Karl of NOTTINGHAM on the same day that the other coheir (Lord Howard) was cr. Duke Norfolk and Earl Marshal. The Earl of Nottingham was cr. subsequently Earl Marshal in 1485/6 (as mentioned in the text) and finally in 14S9 Marqukss of Berkeley, On his death s.p. 1491/2 the representation of his mother devolved on his br., Maurice, Lord Berkeley, in whose issue it still remains (2) John (Howard), Lord Howard, s. and h. of Sir Robert Howard and Lady Margaret Mowbray, his wife. He was er., 28 June 1483, Duke of Norfolk and Earl Marshal as meutioued in the text. ( b ) See " Creations, 1483—1646," iu ap. 47th Rep. D.K. Pub, Kecords. ( e ) See vol. i, p. 331, note "a," »«i " Berkeley."