276 MAXWELL — MAYNARD. »i. (settl. I or (i Feb. 1571 2), Elizabeth, da. of David (Dowlas), Earl of Asous [S.j, by Margaret, da. of Sir John IIamiltox. ITe was slain by the Laird of Johnstone and his retainers, 7 Dec. 1593. His widow in. (as his 2d wife) Sir Alexander Stewart, of Gnrlies. She m. subsequently John Wallace, of (Yaigie, before 5 Aug. li>9S. She it. at Edinburgh, Feb. 1B37, and was bur. at I.inehulen. Vlir. ir>!);>. S. John (Maxwell), Loud Maxwell [S.], s. and b„ served heir 11 April 1001, &c. He m. Margaret, da, of John (Hamilton). 1st Marquess oy Hamilton [S.J, by Margaret, d;i. of John (Lyon), Lord Glamis [S.] He slew Sir James Johnston (the murderer of liis father) on li April 1608, and tho' he escaped from Scotland, returned there in 1 0 1 J, when he was beheaded at Edinburgh, 21 May L818- U 1 ' * s P- IX. 1 G13. 0. ROBERT (Maxwell), Lord Maxwell [S.j, br. and h. was not recognised as a Peer till restored, by letters under the great seal, J3 Oct. 1618, to the title and estate of the family and served heir of his brother, 13 July 1819. He was cr. 20 Aug. U20, KARL OF NITHSDALE, LORD MAXWELL. ESKDALE AND CAI1LEILL [S.|, with precedency from 29 Oct. 1581, the date bis father's creation as Karl of Morton [S ] See " NlTHSDALK " Earldom [S.] with which dignity Hie l'.arony of Maxwell continued united, till both were forfeited in 1716. MAYNARD, i.e., " Maynard ov Wicklow, Maynard or Estaixes-ad-Turbim alius Littlk Easton, Maynaiid ok Easto.n-ad-Montkm alias Uvea Easton, and Mav.nard op Easton Lodge. Barony [I.] 1. Sin William Mavnaro, of Esfcaines Parvn, of Little I 1G°0 Easton, co. Essex, 1st s. and In 1 ) <d Sir Henry Maynard, of the same (Sec. to the Lord Treasurer Burleigh', by Small, da. and coheir Barony [E.] of Thomas Pierson, was before lfi89 : »d. at St. John's Coll., 1 1 ana Cambridge ; was Gent, of the Privy Chamber about 1008; knighted 1. l«».8i 7 M .„. c ], 1608/9; M.P. for Pcmhyn, 1009-11, and fur Chippenham.' 1011 ; l/HC. his father in the family estates, 11 May 1010; was cr. 11 Baronet (as " of Estaines Parra, co. Essex 29 June 1011. He was, nine years later, cr. an Irish Peer, 30 May 1020, as BARON MAYNARD OF WICKLOW [L] ; was Lord Lieut, of Cambridgeshire, 1020, and wa« it. a Peer of England, 1 1 March 1627/8, as BARON MAYNARD OF EST A 1 X ES- A D-TU RRI M , alias LITTLE EASTON. He was Joint Lord Lieut, of Essex, 103.1. He M, firstly Frances, da. of William (Cavendish), 1st BaBOK Cavendish OK HaKDWICK (afterwards, 1013, 1st Earl OK Devonshire), by his first wife, Anne, da. and coheir of Henry KkIGHLKT. She il. s.p.m., 1 Sep. 1013, aged 20, and was Imr. at Little Easton. He «(. secondly Anne, da. and h. of Sir Anthony BvERARD, of Great Waltham, Essex, by his first wife, Anne, da. of Sir Thomas Bahnadiston, of Kedington, Suffolk. He tl. 17 Dee. 1010. Fnn. certif. in Pub, Record oflice ; bur. at Little Easton. Will dat. 20 Aug. 1 tiaS, pr. 22 Feb. 1011. His widow, who was b. at. Much Waltham, it. fi Aug. 1017, and was bur. at Little Easton. Her will dat. 3 Dee. 1010, pr. 29 Nov. 1047. II. 1640. 3 William (Maynard), Baron Maynard of Esstaines, &c, also Baron Maynard ok Wkklow [I ], and a Baronet, onto snrv. s. and h. by second wife ; b. 1023 ; MM, to tin ■ ptnaye |E. and I.J, 18 Dec. 1039 ; Joint Lord Lieut, of Cambridgeshire, 1010-12 ; was impeached by the Commons of high treason, 8 Sep. 1017, but discharged by the Lords, 0 June 1018; was one of the (•■) The second BOO was Sir John Maynard, K.B., whi.se only son, another Sir John Maynard, K.B., (I. s.p. in 1001 ; the third son, Charles Maynard, Auditor of the Exchequer (who (/. 1005, aged 00J, was father of Sir William Maynard, cr. a Jinromt 'as " of Walthainstow, co. Essex "), 1 Feb. 16S1/2, whose grandson, William, the 4th Bart., SUC. in 1775 as 2d Viscount Maynard.