Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/286

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284 MKATH — MKDWAY. [CiiAwonTii Bhabazon, eti/leil Lord Brabazox, 1st s, and 1i. up. ; h. IS Aug. 1700 ; il. v.<. and uum. Dee. 1779.] IX. 1790; •'. Wiixiaji (Bbabazon), Earl op Meatii, iV".. 3d but 1st sorv. .s. and h. ; b. ti July 17l>9 ; styled Lord Bhatiazon, from Dec 1770 to Jan. 1790; sometime M.P. for co. Dulilin ; »ne. to (ke peerage [J.], 1 Jan. 1790. He d. num. 26 May 1797. Wing kill, il in a duel. X. 1797. Jo. John Crambre (Brabazon), Eari. op Meath, &c. [L], lH-xt br. and h., being yst. k. of tin- 8th Karl ; !l April 1772 ; tuc. to the pccroije .], 26 May 1797; Lord Lieut, of co. Dublin and Cnstot Rut at cn. Wicklow. K.P., 19 July 1821 («} ; P.O., 1831. He wa» cr. 10 Sep. 1831,( b J BARON CHAWORTH OF EATON HALL, co. Hereford. (<") He »i. :u Dee. 1801, Melosina Adelaide, Itli da. of John (Mk.adk), 1st Earl of ClaNWILLIam fl.], by Theodosia, da. and h. of Hubert Hawkins-Maoill. He d. IS March 1 S. r >l , aged 78, at Great Malvern. His widow d. 26 March 1866, at 27 Pembridge square, Hayswater. [Anthony Brabazon, styled Lord Ardee or Lobd Brabazon, 1st s. and h. ap. ; 4. 10 Nov. 1S02 ; rf. v.p. and unm. ft Eeb. 1S26.] XI. 1851. 11. Vii.liam (Urahazon), Eari. ok Meath, &e. [I.], also Baron Chawohth ok EaION Hall [U.K.]. 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. ; b. 25 Oct. ISO,'!, in Merrion square, Dublin ; sti/led Loud Ardkk, or Loud Brabazon, 1826-51 : M.I', for co. Dublin, 1830-32 and 1S37- 11 ; High Sheriff for CO. Wicklow, 1S48 ; Col. > r >th Batt. Dublin Eusileers (Militia) 1S47-81, shc. to the pcerai/c [Land U.K.] 15 March 1S51 ; Lord Lieut, for co. Wicklow, 1S71-S7. He hi. 23 Nov. 1837, at Haltou chapel, Cheshire, Harriot, da. of Sir Richard BROOKE, 6th Bart., of Norton, by Harriot, da. of Sir Poster Cunlihkk, Bart. He it. 26 May 1S87, at Kilruddery house, co. Wicklow, aged 84, and was bur. at Brav. Will pr. Aug. 1887 above .£25,000. His widow, who was b. 1811, living 1S03. XII. 1887. 12. Reginald (Brabazon), Earl ok Mkath [1G27], and Loud Brabazon, Baron ok Audek [1616] in the peerage of Ireland, also Baron CHAWORTH ok KatoN Hall [1831], 2d and yst. but only surv. s. and h. ; b. 31 July 1S41 ; styled Loud Brabazon, 1S51-87 ; ed. at Eton ; Sec. to the Legation at Athens, 1873 ; an Alderman of the London County Council ; sue. to the peerage [I. and U.K.], 26 May 18S7. He )»., 7 Jan. 186S. at St. Geo. Han. sq., Mary Jane, da. and eventually (1S54) sole heir of Thomas (Maiti.and), 11th Earl ok Lacdkrdalk [S.], by Amelia, da. of William Young. • She was b. 15 March 1847. Keginald-Le-Xormand Brabazon, styled Lord Ardee, 1st s. and h. ap., 4. 24 Nov. 1869; ed. at Wellington College; Lieut. Gren. Guards, 1889.] Family I'steitcs.— These, in 1883, consisted of 14,717 acres in co. Wicklow and 36 in co. Dublin, besides 695 (worth £1,453 a year) in Herefordshire. Tutal 15,148 acres, worth £9,398 a year. Principal Residences. Kilruddery Castle, near Bray, co. Wicklow, and Eaton Court, Herefordshire. MEDWAY. i.e., " Medway of Hemsted, co. Kent," Barony {Gathornc-Ilardij), cr. 1892 with the Eauldoh ok Ckanurook, which see. (») One of the six Knights Extraordinary at the Coronation of Geo. IV. He became a Knight in Ordinary (on the death of the Earl of Carysfort) 7 April 1828. (>>) This was one of "the Coronation Peerages" of William IV. for a list of which see vol. ii, p. 312, note "a,"««i " Cloncurry." (c) See vol. iii, p. 267, note " a," as to titles [U.K.] selected by Scotch and Irish Peers.