MELBOURNE. 287 and at Glasgow Univ. ; M.A. (Cambridge), 3 799 ; Barrister (Line. Inn), 1804, but t^avc up practise next year on tlie death (if Viis eldest DT.;(»)M.P. for Leominster, 1800 ; for Portarlington, 1S07-10; for Peterborough, 1516-19; for Herts, 1819-36; for Newport (Isle of Wight 1327, and for llleehiugley, 1 727-23 ; P.G., 1S27 ; was Cb. See. for Ireland, 1827-28. He sue. (o the permtje [L and U.K.], 22 July, 1S23, taking bis seat 1 Feb, 182!) ; was Home Secretary, 1830-34, under the Grey Ministry and was First LOBS OF THE TltKASI'liY {Prime Minister) from .Inly to Nov. 1831 and again from April 1835 to Sep. 1841, both to King William IV. and Queen Victoria. (•>) Hem. 3 June ISO'i in Great George street, St. George Han. sop, Caroline, da. of Frederick (Po.vso.vnv), 3d BARE. OF BkssBOROUGH [L], by Henrietta Frances, da. of John (Si'KNckr), 1st Kari. Spencer. She, who was b. 13 Nov. 1785, and Imp. at St. Marylebone, and who was well known from her infatuated admiration of Byron, d. (as " Lady Caroline Lamb "). at Melbourne house, Whitehall, 26 Jan. 1828, aged 42, and was tin-, at, Hatfield, llerts. He d. a.p.«.,(°) 24 Nov. 1843, in his 70th year, at Melbourne, co. Derby./*) Will pr. March 1S49. III. lcHS, -■?. Frederick James (Lamb), Viscount Melbourne of to Kn..MonE[l7SlJ, and Loud Melbourne, Baron of Kiluoue [1770], in 1853. the peerage of Ireland, and also Baron Melbourne [1815] and Baron Bk.vUVai.k [1839] also a Baronet [1755], next and only surv. br. and h. He was b. at. Melbourne house, Piccadilly,!, 0 ) 17 April, and bap. 14 May 1782, at St. James' Westin. ; ed. at Eton, at Glasgow Univ., and at Trill. Coll., Cambridge; M.A., 1S03 ; Sec. of Legation, See . to Naples, 1811-13 ; to Vienna, 181 3-1 5 ; Minister to Munich, 1815-20 ; P C, 1822 ; G.O B. [ Civil), 1S27 ; Minister to Madrid, 1825-27 ; Ambassador to Lisbon, 1 S27, and to Vienna, 1831-41. He was cr., 20 April 1S39, BAKON BEAUVALE of Beauvale, Notts, and, eight ye;irs later, sue. his brother as ViscocnT MeUHWRNS OP Kii.mohk, &c ff.Jand Baron Mki.hoiiiine [U. K.] He in., 25 Feb. 184 1, at Vienna. Alexandi ina Julia Theresa Wilhelmiua Sophia, Cot' Von-MaLTzaN, da. of Joachim Charles Louis Mortimer, Count Von-Maltzan, the Prussian Envoy to the Court of Vienna. He d. s.p., 29 Jan. 1S53. in his 71st year, at Brocket ball, Herts, when all his honours became «(i"C(.( r ) Will pr. Feb. 1853. His widow (who was 6, 5 Jan. 1818, being years his junior), m., 10 June 1850, at St. John's, I'addington, John George W eld (W'EI.D-FouEsTKIt), 2d BaUON FoRSSTBU ok WilLEV Park, who d. s.p., 10 Oct. 1S74, aged 73. She was living 1S93. (*) The Hon. Penistou Lamb, the 1st son of the 1st Viscount, b. 3 May 1773, M.P. for Herts, See, d. mini- and v.p, 24 Jan. ISO,".. ('•) On two occasions lie was a co-respondent in actions for divorce, vfo, one in Michaelmas, 1829, on behalf of William (Croshie), 4th Baron Brandon fl.], which was withdrawn, and another, in June 1839, on behalf of the Hon. George Chappie Norton, hushand of the well known poetess, " The Hon. Caroline Norton," net Sheridan. (e) His only child that survived infancy was a hopeless invalid, George Augustus Frederick (to whom King George IV. stood sponsor) who d. unm. and v-p., 27 Nov. 183(5, ageil 2S. () Iii the Annual Reg. for 1S48, is a very good account of his political career. The latter part, however, of his ministry was ' divided ami discredited and the Premier himself was involved in the Ijady Flora Hatting* affair. Before the meeting of Pari., 10 Jan. 1840, the Government has committed itself to wars with Persia, Afghanistan and China, while the discontent of the working classes had found vent in the Chartist riots at Newport and Birmingham." (Xat. Bimjr.) (°) See p. 2S0, note "e." (f) His only surv. sister. Emily Mary, was his sole heir. She, who was b. 21 April 1787, in. firstly, 20 July 1S05, the 5th Karl Cuwper, who d. 21 July 1S37, aged 59, and «i. secondly, 10 Dec. 1839, Henry John (Temple), 3d Viscount Palmerston [I.], who d. s.p., 18 Oct. 1805, aged 81. She d. 11 Sep. 1809, in her S3d year, at Brocket hall, Herts, being sue. iu that and her other estates by her s. and h., the 6th Earl Cowper.