Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/334

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332 .MONMODTH. Charles, to whom in 1611, he ma Master of the Robes, and from 1017 to 1625 Chamberlaiu, and was <r. 6 Feb. 1621/2, BARON CAUKY OK LEl'PINIiTON, co. York, lie was (lent, of the Bedchamber to King Charles, 1625, and was by him rr. 7 Feb. 1625 ti,(*) EARL OF MOKMOUTH. Lord Lieut, of Staffordshire^ 1627-28 ; Councellor of the North, 1628. He hi. 20 Aug. 1593, at Berwick upon Tweed, Elizabeth, widow of Sir Henry WlDDMNOTON (whose will was pr. at Durham, IS Feb. 1592/3), da. of Sir Hugh Tiikvanion, of Caerhayes, co. Cornwall, by Sybilla, sister of Anne, BiVRONEsa HuwsDOtr, da. of Sir Thomas Hokoan, abovenamod. He </. at Moor Park, Herts, 12 April 1639, and was bur. at Uickmansworth.() Will (in which he desires to be bur. with his parents in Wesfcm. Abbey), dat. 3 Sep. 1635, pr. 20 June 1639. ("0 Funeral certif. at Pub. Record. His willow d. three years later, and was 6u> at Rickmansworth. Will pr, July 1641. II. 1639, 2. Henry (Carey), Eari, of .Monmouth [1626], and to Bauds Cabby of Lkptinuton [1622], s. and h., bap. 27 Jan. 151)5/6, at 1661. Deuham, Bucks; mat. at Oxfoul (Ex. Coll.), 7 June 1611 j B.A. (by disp.), 17 Feb. 1613/1 ; KB. at the creation of the Prince of Wales, 3 Nov. 1616 ; M.P. for Camelford, 1621-22 ; for Beverley, 1624-25 ; for Tregony, 1625 ; for St. Mawes, 1626, and for Orampound, 1628-29 ; styled Loud Lefhxuton from 1626 till he sue. to the peerage, 12 April 1639 ; Keeper of Kenilworth Castle, &c. 1660. He m. (scttl. 16 Feb. 1619,20), Martha, 1st da. of Lionel (Chas- field), 1st Eabl of Middlesex, by his first wife, Elizabeth, da. of Richard Shepherd, of London, Merchant. He d. s.p.m.s, 13 June 1661, aged 65, and was bur. at Uickmansworth, when all his honour* became ejetinct.'^) His will dat. 21 July 1659, pr. 20 June 1661. His widow who was bap. 12 July 1601, at St. Michael'? Bassishaw, d. in St. James square, 10 April 1677. Will dat. 26 March, pr. 12 June 1677. [Lionel Carey, styled Lord Leppinoton, s. and h> lip. He. d. num. and v.p., being slain cx parte Rujis at the battle of Marston Moor, 1 July 1614.] [Henry Carey, styled, since 1644, Loud Letpington, 2d hut hut surv. s. and h. ap. He m. Mary, illegit. da. of Emanuel (Si-rope), Earl of Sunderland, by Martha Jeanes, spinster. He d. v.p. of the small pox, 1649, and was bur. in the Savoy chapel. Admon. 5 May 1649. His widow 12 Feb. 1654,5, at St. Dionis, liackchurch, Charles (Powlett), 1st Duke of Bolton, who </. 27 Feb. 1698 9. Sherf. 1 Nov. 1680, at Moulins, in France, and was bur. the 12th at Wensley, co. York.] [Henry Carey, styled Lord Leitington, grandson and h. up , being only child and h. of Henry Carey, styled Loud LecTINuton, and Mary, his wife, both abovenamed. He d- very young and before his grandfather ami was bur. 24 May 1653, in Westtn. Abbey.] Dukedom. /. Sir James Scott, formerly Crofts, illegit. s, of King I 1663 Charles II. ( c )> by Lucy Walters, alias Barlow, spinster,) 1 ) was b ' ' 0 Anvil 1(L1U at li of f/>rfl.n Til Hiirl lininrr i.Liend .ibnnf IfiTiT iin,l r flu to 9 April 1649, at Rotterdam, and being placed, about 1657, Under the charge of William (Crofts), Baron Crofts of Saxham, was thenceforth lu . known by the surname of Crofts ; ed. at Port Royal, Paris; came over to England at the Restoration in 1660 as " Capt. Crofts j" was knighted, and, having assumed the name of Scnll (in anticipation of his marriage which («) See list of the six Earls (of which he was one), cr. that day, in vol. ii, p. 283, note " c," tub " Cleveland." ( b ) See " Her. and Gen." vol. iv, p. 45, &e., for a good account of his family, &c. ( c ) His "Memoirs" first published in 1759, greatly illustrate the history of the Court transactions of that period. C) He is said to have been a voluminous author, tho' Walpole remarks that " wo have scarce anything of his own composition." (°) His great beauty, so unlike that of the King his reputed father, makes it more than probable that he was (as often considered) a sou of Algernon Sydney, one of a handsome race, noted for gallantry to the fair sex. The Duke is also said to have had a mole on the upper lip which was a characteristic feature of that family. (() See " N. and Q.," 2d s. II, 375. as to her descent, where one correspond jut (who