Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/346

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344 MONTAGU. Dukedom niiil Earldom. II. Barony. IV. Guards, 171£ 1709, to 1 7 i 9. •2 and 4- John (Montagu), Duke op Montagu [1705], M.UtqVKsS OF [1705|. K.MiI. OF MnN- TAOU [1639], YlSCoCNT [lliSO], illlil li.MtON MostaOD at Bquuhton [1621), -"ill and yst. hut only surv. s. ami h. by first wtfc ; /'. ItiSO; Loud Monthemikh from bii brother's death in 1702, till he mm, (" tht peertge, It March 1708,0 ; wall OU nfitcer in the army, serving in Flanders ami becoming finally, in 1730, Lieut General, and in 171(1, General of Burse; G.»L of let troop of Horse ••2! and 1737, iiud Ool 2d Keg <>f Horse, 1710. Conn Hwh L'onstaiilk for the Coronation of Own;. 1 I., 20 Get, 1711; l/ird l.iout. of Northamptonshire and of Warwickshire, 1715 ; M D. uf Cambridge, 7 Qet 1717; Fellow of the (',.11. of I'hy-doians. 1717; eL KG, :il Maich ami in*t., 30 April 1718; K B , 27 Slay 172a, being (band Master of tint order, on its reconstruction at that date; Bearer of the Sceptre with the Cross at the Corouiition of George II.. n Oct 1727; Gov. of the lata of Wight. 1733-34 ; (.'apt. ni the Gent. Pensioners, 1734-40; P.C., 173(5; Master Gen. of the Ordnance, 1712-10; one i,f the bonis Justices [lb-gents] of the Uealm, May to Aug. 17*5. and May to N,.v. J748 ; I'.lt.S., &e, lie m. 17 March 1701 Mary, 4th and yst. da. and coheir of the celebrated John (ClIl'IK'HILI.). 1st Ul'KK OF M.uu.nolioriiM. by Sarah, ,1a. and Coheir of Hiehard JhSSlNUS. He <f. s.p.ui.s. (of a violent feverl, lfi July l7-t9, .vied 59,1) at his house in Privy Gardens, and was bur. at Warkton. M.I,, when nil his Jton&tim became extinct. Will pr, 1710. His widow d. 11 May 1751, aged til, and was bur. at Warkton. M.t(*j Will pr. 1751. [Jons Montagu, styled Marquess of Montbermer, 1st ln.t only siitv. s. and b ap., 1 Nov. 170ti. He <l. v.],. in his 0th year and was bur; 7 Sep. 1711, at Warkton afsd .] Barony. V. 17G2, to 1770. 1. John Montagu, formerly [1785*891 1!uih>exeli, styled Loud Uitt DKNKi.i., s. and h. ap. of George Hih uknki.i,, a/tcrmrtli Montaiiu), 3d Karl of (who on 5 Nov. 1786, was er. MAHQUKS8 in-' MiintiikuMki: and Dt'KK OF MoNT.uif), by Mary, 3d da. and coheir tit John (MoHTAQtt), 2d DVIKK OF MnNT.uU! above described, was b. 18 March 1734/5, in Albemarle street, St. Geo. Han. si]., and was ». 8 May 1702, BARON MONTAGU OK BOUGHTON, co. Northampton. lie, in consequence of his father's elevation to the said Dukedom and Marquessate (see next below), was since f, Nov. 1700, ttyttd MaRQUESSOF MoNTIIKKMKIi. lie d. unm. and v.p. on 11 and was bur. 23 April 1770, at Walton, co. Northampton, aped 35, when the Barouy of Munturju of Boughton became extinct. Adtuou. 26 May 1770, and July 1708. Dukedom. III. 17GC-90. Barony. VI. 178G. 1. George (Bri/denell, nf/ertcanh Mon- 8 . uiul, 4th Kahi. ok CardkiaN, who *«e. to that "5 ~. A 1 dignity, 5 July 1732, having »;., 7 July 1730, Mary da. and coheir (only child that issue) of John (MoN- taou), 2,1 DOKKOF MottTAGU above describcd,assumed r the name of Montwju on the death s.p.m.s., 15 July 1740 of the said Dnke, and was er. 5 Nov. 17U0, MAKfiUESS OK MONTH 1CUMKR and DUKU OF MONTAGU. Having no male issue surviving be was cr. Vil Aug. 17S(i, BARON MONTAGU b (») "The marriage consummated at St. James on or about Thursday, 17 Jan. 1705 [1705/6], being then married at St. James." [Lc Neve's Memoranda as in Top. mid Gen. iii, 151.] () " He was very tall in stature, of a good hhape and symmetry. His aspect was grand, manly and fidl of dignity ; his carriage genteel [and] polite. He appeared very gracefully on horseback. [" Family memoirs" by the liev. W. Stukeky, M.D., I. p. 115 ] ( u ) The monuments of the 2,1 Duke and his Duchess at Warktou by Uoubiliac command much space and some admiration.