Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/352

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350 MONTFORT— MONTGOMERY. III. 1799, 8. ITenry (Bromley), Lord Montfort, Baron of to Horsf riE ith, only s. and h., b. 14 May and bap. 12 June 1773 ; sue. 1881, to thc ptcrar/c, 14 Oct. 1799, and (the estates having been alienated) received a [pension oi i'300 a year from S Oct. 1S00. He m., 5 Sep. 1793, Elizabeth, alias Betty Watts, spinster. («j She, who resided at Monks Grove, St. Ann's Hill, in t'hertsey, d. in Katon street, 10 Dec. 1847. Her will pr. Nov. IS IS and March 1849. He m. secondly (within two weeks of his first wife's death), 23 Dec. 1S47, at St. Mary's, Bryanstone square, Marylebone, Anne, da. of William Rl'BGHAM, of Upton Bishop, co. Hereford. He d. s p., 30 April 1851, in his 7Sth year. at 24 Upper Montagu street, Marylebone, when the peerage became extinct. Will pr. June 1861. His widow d. 27 Dec 1S76, in her 78th year, at G Milton street, Dorset sq., Marylebone. MONTGOMERIE Barony [s.] J. Sin Alexander Montgomerie, of Ardrossan, s. ami I 1448 ',' k ^ unn 8,i nie. by Margaret, da. of Sir Hubert Maxwell, of Caerl.iverock ; sue. his father between 142.1 and 1430 ; was several times (1438—1400) employed in negotiations with England ; was P.G. to Kings James [, and II. [S.], and was sr. a Peer of Pari, .as LOUD MONTGOMERIE [S.] before 31 Jan. 1448/9. He hi. Margaret, sister of Robert, 1st Lord BoTB [tJJ, 2d da. of Sir Thomas Bori), of Kilmarnock. He d. soon after June 1461. II. 1 4G 1 ? 2. Alexander | Montgomerie), Lord Montgomerie [S.], grandson and heir, being s. and h. of Alexander Montiiomkidk, Master of Montgomerie, by Elizabeth, 1st da. of Sir Adam HeI'doiin, of Hales, which Alexander last named d. v.p. in 1452. He sue. (u the peerage [S.] about 1461. He m. before 1459 Catharine, da. of Gilbert (Kennedy), 1st Loud Kennedy [S.], by his first wife, Catharine, da. of Herbert (Maxwell), Loud Maxwell [S.] He d. between 1465 and 1480. III. 1475? 3. Hugh (Montgomerie), Lord Montgomerie [8.1, s. and h., was h. about 1 160, and tlte. to the peerage fS.|, when under age. He was cr. in Jan. 1607/8, EARL OF EG LINTON [S J, see that dignity. MONTGOMERY. Sir John de Montgomery was sum. to n Council, which was not a Pari., on 25 Feb. (1361, "I), 16 Ed. III., but never afterward*. He, who was Admiral of the King's Fleet, appears to have d. s.p. MONTGOMERY [county or town.] i.e., "Montgomery, in Wales," Earldom (Ilerhertj,, cr. 1G05 ; see " Pembroke " Earldom, cr. 1551, under the 4th Earl.C') i.e., "Montgomery," Viscountcy {Herbert), cr. 1G87 with the Mauquf.ssate of Powia, which see ; ex. 1748. i.e., "Montgomery," Marquessate {Herbert"), cr. 1689 or 1C90 by King James II. ( c ) when in exile with the Dukedom OF Powis, which see. ( a ) She was said to have been possessed of some fortune and to have been the da. of the owner of " a sponging house " where lie was confined for debt. (ti) There is an (inexplicable) administration dated 18 Dec. 1571, of "Sir Gabriel Montgomery, Kut., Earl of ilnnUjomerij," granted to the Lady Elizabeth Touche, " Countess," relict of the same. {') See vol, i, p. 59, note " b," sub " Albemarle," for a list of " Jacobite Peerages."