358 MOORE — MORAY. MOORE OF DROGHEDA. "MooitE ok DrOGHEDA," Viscnuntcy [I.] (A/V«or), ,;: 1022 ; m tinder " Drooheda." MOORE OF MELLEFONT. !.<'., " Mooni: or Mk.u.f.font, co. Louth," Barony [I.] {M<wre% en 1016 ; sec " Dmgluda " Viseoiuitcy JL), er> HKBfc MOORE OF TULLAMORE. Baroony [i.] 7. Tin: Rt. Hon. Jobs Moore, "f Croghan,*. and l», i f j iTi K Tboma* Mooivk,(") of the same, by Elicit, da. of Dudley Collky, of ' ' ' Castle Carbery, co. Kildare, was many yean M.P. for King's county; P.C.; 1714. anil was for his services fur tin- protesting religion and the Hanoverian succession, a: 22 Oct. 1715, BARON MOORE OP TOLLAMOKE [L] He m, firstly, 13 Sep. 1697, Mary, da. uf Muathtoi Ll u. t>f Imblin, Hanker. SI,,., who was Imp". 7 Nov. 1681, <t- 7 Nov. 1722. He "'■ secondly, Elisabeth, widow of .Sir John Kixti, Bart [I-]. 1st da. and coheir of J«lm Sankky. of Tern-lick, co. Longford. He d. 8 Sep. 1725, and was bur, at Tllllatnore. His widow m. (as hi- second wife). Brabason d'oxsoNuv . 1st Kaiu. of Bkssbobih-oh [I. I, (who d. 4 July 1758), and il. 17 July 1738, aged fi3, being bur. at Fidowne. IX 172. r ), Chaki.es (Mooue), Baron Mooke of Tli.lamohe [I.], to i. lily s. and h. by first wife, 4. 1 712 ; sue. to the peerage [LJ, S Sep. ]7G4 172."., and took his seat 10 Oct. 1720. He was cr. lti Sep. 1758, HAUL OF CIIAUI.F.YII.LK, in the Kings dainty [I.] He d. s.p. 17 Feb. 1764, when all his bnwurx became ixtinct. Sic fuller particulars under Chaiii.kvilli; " Earldom [l.J, er. 1758 ; ear. 1704. MOORE PAKE. See "Bitt.ek uf Moore 1'ahk, co. Hertford,*' Barony (linlh ,-). cr. ltitiii ; attainted aith the Dukedom o) Ormonde, 1715. MORAY. [Moray will) Ross (the territory comprittio^ that how occupied by the enmities 6J Inverness iinil Hoss) was one of the He ten original liarldoms (Mormaer- ships) of Scotland, i, of which the holders originally Lore the title of " Jii " {i.e., KlNO), tho' in the 10th century (with, perhaps, the exception of Moray), each such ruler was styled Mormaer, while early in the 12th century he was more generally known as Karl. Of these twelve districts MORAY was the first to break up,() the male line of its Celtic rulers terminating apparently with Maelsiiechtan,( c ) who was A't (or Hformatr) of Moray in 1086, tho' possibly others (apparently connected with the earlier Lords) held it somewhat Inter.] Earldom [s.] l. Beth, who under the designation of "Beth, I 1115 Comes," was witness to the charter of Scone in 1115, was possibly ' " EARL OF MORAY [S.] tho' more probably Earl of Fu n [S.] He may (not improbably) have acquired some right to the Earldom of Moray by marriage with a sister of MaolMiectan, Mormaer of Moray, abovenamed. (») His descent from the same stock as that of the Moores of Drogheda is set out in " Lodge," vol. ii, pp. 84—92. () The preamble to the patent in given in " Lodge " vol. ii, p. 89. (■') See vol. i, p. 08, sub " AngiiH," for a fuller account of these seven Farldoms. (; See Skeue's " Celtic Scotland" (1S80), vol. iii, p. 287. (') He was s. of Lulach Mac GilComgar, who was s. of (lileomgar, sometime Mormaer of Moray, which Lulach was, for a few months in 1057, successor to Jlacbeth aB King of Scotland.