Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/381

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MORTIMER. 379 MORTIMER. William he Mortimer, of Atlleborcmgh, co. Norfolk, was, with nbout 60 other persons, sum., 8 June (1291), 22 Ed. I., to attend the King to on the liffitirs of the Realm, and ivas again sum. 28 Jan. (1200/7), 25 Ed. I., but neither of these writs constituted a regular summons to Parl.(') Me d, 1297 leaving COSSTASTINK de MoirriMEU, then aged 10. as his s. and hi, who was sum. to a Council (which was not a Pari.), 25 Feb. (1341/2), 10 Ed. III. MORTIMER, or MORTIMER DE WIG MORE. Barony by ]. gip, Edmund de Mortimer, of Wigmore, co. Ilorc- Writ. Soril, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h. of Sir Roger DE MonTlMEi:, of the I 1°'J5 same, by Maud, da. and coheir of William DE, of Brecknock ; sue. his father in 12S2, being then aged 21 ; served with distinction in the Welsh wars ; was sum., with about 00 other persons, S June (1204), 22 Ed. I., to attend the King to advise on the affairs of the Realm( a ) and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD MORT1ME1!) from 23 June (1295), 23 Ed. I., to 2 June (1302), 30 Ed. I. His name appears as " Edmundus dc Morluo Mari, Dominus dc Wigemef" to the famous letter of the Barons to the Pope in 1301. (*) He m about 12S0, Margaret, da; of Sir William de 1'iexnes, kinswoman to the Queen Consort, Eleanor of Castile. He was mortally wounded at the battle of Builtll against the Welsh, 1301, and d. at his Castle of Wigmore, being bur. iu the Abbey there. His widow was living (1-31 7-1 S), 11 Ed. II. II. 1304. ;?. Roger (de Mortimer), Lord Mortimer, or Lord Moiitimfi! de WlOMOBS, s. and h., aged 17 at the death of his father in 1301, being 4. about 12 April 12S0. He was sum. to Pari from 22 Feb. (1305/0), 22 Ed. t, to 3 Dec. (1320), 20 Ed. II , the writs having the addition of the words " dc Wit/more." He was a:, 9 Nov. 1328, EARL OF MARCH (see fuller particulars under that dignity) but was hung, 20 or 29 Nov. 1330, when, having been attainted, all his honours were forfeited,

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III. 1331. t. Sir Edmund de Mortimer, p. and b., did not, in Consequence of the attainder of his father, succeed to his honours. He was kniyhtcd, 1 Feb. 132S, at the Coronation of King Edward 111. and was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LORD MORTIMER) by writ 20 Nov. (1331), 5 Ed. III. He m. about 132S, Elizabeth, 3d da. and coheir of Bartholomew (de Badi.esmeue), Loud BaDLBSUKBE, by Margaret, da. and coheir of Thomas DE CL.vnE. He d. "in the flower of his youth." 17 Dec. (13311, 5 Ed. III. at Stanton Lacy. His widow »i. in 1838, William (de Bonus), 1st Eaiil ok Nuutua.mito.n (who if. 10 Sep. 1300), and d. (1350). 30 Ed. 111. IV. 1331. 0 ami Roger (de Mortimer), Lord Mortimer, or Loud Moiitimeu de Wiomoue, s. and h., was 4. about 1327 ; sue. his father in 1331 ; was in the war with France and was knighted by the Black Prince, 13 Julv 1310, having already been elected, 23 April 134 1, K.G., as one of the Founders of that Order.(«) He was sum. to Pari, as a Baron from 20 Nov. (13!S), 22 Ed. 111., to 15 .March (1853/4), 28 Ed. III., by writs sometime addressed " Rogcro dc Mortno- mttri" [only] and sometimes (24, 25, and 27 Kd. 111.), with the addition of the words dc Wigmore?* The attainder of his grandfather abovenamed having been reversed in the Pari, of 27 Ed. III. (about 20 April 1351), he thus became EAKL OF MARCH, and, as such, was sum. to Pari. 20 Sep. (1335), 21) F.d. III. By this reveisal, also, he became entitled to the Barony of Mortimer, as er, in 1295. See "March" Earldom, which, together with these Baronies (1295 and 1331) of Mortimer (and the Dukedom of York) became Merged in the Grown, 1 March 14(50/1, on the accession of King Edward IV. ( n ) See vol. i, p. 259, note c," sub " Basset de Sapeote," us to the writ of summons of 1294, and vol. i, p. Ill, nute " b," sub " Ap Adam," as to that of 1297. ib) See " Nicolas," pp. 701—809, for a full account of that letter. ( c ) See vol. i, p. 276, note "n," sub " Beauchamp " for a list of these Founders.