Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/394

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392 MOUNTCASHELL — MOUNT CRAWFORD. Earldom [i.] 4 and 6. Stephen (Moore), Earl Mount- T « OAMffllX, && [I.], s. and h., h. 11 March 1825, at 1 • I .^^ Moore Turk afsd. ; styled LORD KlLWOltTB till 1883; Viscountcy [1]. eel. at Ei»m ; sometime Lieut, in t!ie Rifle Brigade; High Sherifl for cu. Cork, 1810 ; (lie. to the pen-aye

III. J [[.], JO Oct. 1883. Having long been a lunatic (an 

inmate of the Bruliogtorj Asylum, near Bristol), cd. num., 0 Nov. 1SS0, aged 01, at Moore l'ark aisd., and was bur. at Kihvorth. Eiu-ldom [I ] ^ 5 ami G. William (More, Y formerly More-Smyth ami preciously Moors), Earl I JjJgO 'MollNTCASIIKI.I. [1781], VlSlOFNT MoCNTCASHKU, Visoountcy (1 ] I [1760], and Bahon KlLWORTU [1784% iu the peer- age of Ireland, br. mid h. : b. 17 Oct. lS.'ti; ed. at l*i J Kt„n. Having m. firstly, IS Jan. ISIS, Charlotte Marv, only child of Richard Smyth, of Bailynatray, co. Waterfo.d. by Harriet, da. of Haves (St; Lkoeh). 2d VlSCOCST DoNKUAILF. [1.], he by Koyal lie.,"" July IS.'iS, took tlie name of Smyth after his patronymic of }toott but relinquished it in 1889 and ass.nned the nam,- of More- He was High Sheriff of co. Waterford (as - More-Smyth") ill lSr.-J. His said wife if. 17 Jan. lfc'J'i. He w. secondly, L'o Out. 1892, at Dublin, Agnes, widow of Sir Edward Porter Cowan, da. of Andrew Cowan, uf Gleughaun, co, Down, [CLAui)ic-Sri;i'iins"-WiLi.iAM-RiciiAi!i) Moore-Smyth, ttgl&l Lord Kil- WORTH, grandson and h. RB., being only s. and h. of Richard Charles Moouk-SmVTII, by Helen Stilling, da. of the Itev. William Makh.Laii, of Edinburgh, which Richard Charles was only a. and h. ap. of the above Karl (by his first wife) but (/. v. p. 3 Jan. 1SS3, aged -JS, before his father's succession to the peerage, and but 1(5 da.VH after Die birth of his Said son. He was 4. 1U Dec. 1887, but d. an infant, 1 Oct. 1S!)0, in his 3d year, at 8 Charlotte street, Edinburgh.] Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 5.'J(>1 acres in co. Cork and G,3S3 in Co. Tipnerary, of which latter the value of 0,000 acres thereof (being set down ill the tenant's name anil the rental not mentioned) was unstated. Total 12,311 acres, of which the value of (3,341 (part thereof) was i'3,72o a year. Principal /tatdence ; Moore l'ark, near Kilworth, co. Cork. MOOTCASTLE or MOUNTCASTKLL. i.e., "Paisley, Hamilton, Mountcastell and Kii.patrick " Barony [S.] (Hamilton), cr. 1006 with the Earldom of Adeiicohn [S.], which see. i.e., MouNTCAWTi-K, co. Tyrone," Barony (Ilmiiiltim), sr. 1701 with the Viscountcy of StRABaKB [I.] ; see "AueucoUN" Earldom [S.]. cr. 1000, tub the Gth Earl. MOUNT-CHARLES. S-e " GoNTNOHAM of Mount-Charles, en. Donegal," Barony [I.], (i.'ouyiujhnm), or. 17fi3 ; cr. 1781; also Viscountcy [I.], cr. 17;>G; ex. 1781; also Earldom [I.], cr. and ir. in 1781 ; and also Barony [l.J. cr. 1781 with a spec. rem. ; also Viscountcy [I.], cr. 17SH. //'., ", " Viscountcy [I.], (Covymjluim), cr. 1797 with the Kaiii.dom ok Cokykgiiam [[ ] ; also Earldom [I.], cr. 181G with the MahquessaTK OF CONYKOHAM [t., under which last creation, see. MOUNT-CRAWFORD. i.e., " Mount-Crawford," Viscountcy [S.~|, (Crawford, nlias Linckay- Crawford), cr. 1703, the designation being however changed in the same year to that of "Gahnock," which see.