Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/402

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400 MOUNTJOY. at Sutton on the Hill, co. Derby, S Nov. 1534, ami WM inf. at Barton Blount. Will dat. 13 Oct. 1534, pr. 11 Feb. 1535/6, Dorothy, his widow, renouncing. Her will pr. IBfiS-Si V. 1.13 i. S. (Blount), Baron Mobntjoy, * and h. : by third wife, 4. at Tournay in France, 28 June 1510 and Mr. to the /wrapt 8 Nov. loo i He was in the expedition against the French in 1544, The magnificent stylo he affected at Court greatly diminished the family estates and resources. He >». about Aug. 1530, Anne, da. of liobert (WUiOVOHBir), id Loiil! WlI-LiinilinY de BROKE, by his second wife (her husband's step mother ahoveiutncd) Dorothy, da. of Thomas (UltKY) 1st MaBQCBSS ok He d. 11 Oct.. 1544 and was b«r. (with his maternal grandfather) at St. Mary Aldennary afsd. ill pr. 1544. YL 154 1. G. James (BtOUST), Baros, s. ami h„ site. to the peerage, when a minor, II Oct. 1544. He was K.B. at the coronation of Queen Mary 28 Sep. 1553 ; was fjord Lieut, of Dorsetshire in 1559 and was one of the peers who sat on the trial (L"i72) of the Duke of Norfolk. He expended large sums of money in alchemical experiments. He m. about 1558, Catherine, da! of Sir Thomas LEIOH, U.C.I f St. Oswald's, cm. York. She was bvr. iS .'nne 157(5, from St. Leonard's, Shorediteh, at the Grey Friars, lie d. about 1581. Admou. 9 Nov. 1581, to his son. YIL 1581. ~. Wi m.i am (ni.ors-T), B.itos AfouxTJOT, s. ami Ir., sue. to the peerage in 1581 and. by his prodigality, much reduced the family property. He d. unin. in his :liith year at the Bishop of London's house by St. Paul's and was inc. thence, 2:1 .Inly 1594, at St. Mary's, AMcrmary.;*) Admou. as late of Brooke, co. Wilts, but deed, at St. Botolph's, AUleragate, London, Hi July 1594. VIII. 1594, 8, (Blouxt), Barox MbtfNWOY, br, ami li., to b. 1563 J ed. at Oxford, where he was ei: M.A., lo' June 1589; 1G0G. M.P. for St. Ives, 1584-S5 ; for Beeralston, 1586-87, and 1592-93; knighted (by the Karl of Leicester), 7 Dec. 1587, ill Holland; >itc. to the peerage in July 1591 ; el. K.G , 2:! April, and inst., 24 May 1597. In 1599 he was made General of the army in Ireland and was VlCSROJ [I.] as " Lord Deputy" from 1000 to 1003, and as " Lord Lieutenant" from 1003, having during that period subjugated the great Irish rebellion under the Karl of Tyrone. He was (in reward thereof), «v, 21 July 1003,( b ) KAUL OK DKYONSHIBK .;{*) P.O., 1603 ; Master of the Ordnance, 1603 ; Capt. of the town of Portsmouth, 1004 ; Joint Lord Licit, of Hants, 1001 ; Joint Commissioner for the office of Karl Marshal, 1001. He went thro' the ceremony of marriage, 20 Dec. 1605,0') at Waustead House, Kssex, with (») Kegisters of St. Gregory's, London. He is elsewhere said to be bur. 27 July 1594, at Trinity Minories. ( b ) One of three Earldoms which (with eight Baronies) were conferred that day. See list thereof in vol. iii, p. 113, note "e," sub " Devonshire." ( c ) The words in the creation are " Gomel Devon," See vol. iii, p. 113, note "d," sub " Devonshire." The Karl mentions in his w ill his lands in the counties of Devon, Somerset, Dorset, Southampton, Worcester, Northampton, and Leicester. ( J ) The officiating minister was his Chaplain, William Laud, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, who, however, " in his defence (Hedged that he was ignorant that the lady was the wife of Lord Bich [Croke'a " Crake family originally Lc Blount," vol. ii, p. 239], and repeatedly refers to it as " my cross."