Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/419

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MOWBRAY — MULGRAVE. 417 XXII. 1893. 22. Charles Botolfii Joseph (Stourton). Lord Mowbray, Lord Sforaye and Bauon Stocrton, b. and h. ; 6. '_':! May 1807; sometime Lieut. 3d B.itt. East Yorkshire Reg. Militia; sue. to the peerage 18 April 1893 and nt. 26 Jnly following at St. Mary's (Rom. Oath, church), Chelsea, Mary, da. ami h. of Thomas Constable, of the manor house, Otley, co. York, by Elizabeth Duoarel, da. of Henry Pierre, Count BR Lapasture. Rim Hi/ L'statcn. These, in 1S83, consisted of 5,097 acres in the West Riding of Yorkshire, valued .it £9,347 a year. Principal Ilcshtaicc. Stourtorj Towers, near Knaresborough, CO. York. MOYDRTW. See '• of Motdrdm, co. Westm«atb," Barony [I.), (ilandcoek) ; cr. 1S12. MOYARTA. i.e., " Moyarta," Barony [I.] {O'Brien) ; cr. 1G62 with the Vis- countcy op Clare [I.j: which see ; for/cited 1(391, and extinct 1771. MUCH EASTON. />., " Maynahd of Mccii Easton, alias Easton ad Montem, co. Essex," Barony (Ma yuan!) ; «', 1700 with the ViscorsTcv ok JIavnabd of Eastox LODQK, which see; extinct 1 SC5. MDGDOCK. />., l; Graiiaai axd Mugdock," Barony [S.], (Graham) ; cr. 1G44 with the Marqi'essatf. of Montrose [S.], which see. " Abbbbotiivew, Mugdock ad Fin'trie," Barony [S.], (Graham), cr. 1707 with the DcKKDOH of Montuose [S.], which see MULGRAVE. Earldom, /, Edmund (Sheffield), Baron Sheffield of Butter- I lG°(i WKKE( :1 ), only s. and h. of John, 2d Baron Shefkikld,(») by Douglas, do. of William (Howard), 1st Baron Howard of Effinuuam, was b. about 1664; site, to the peerage, 10 Dec. 1503 ; mat. at Oxford fCh. Ch.) 1574-79, when aged l'J ; was a volunteer in Holland, 15S5 ; Capt. of a man of war, 1588, taking an active part in the measures to repel the Spanish armada ; Knighted 25 June 15S8 by the Lord High Admiral ; el. K.G., 23 April and inst. 25 June 1593 ; Governor of Brill in Holland, 1598; Lord Lieut, of Yorkshire, 1003- 19; Lord President of the north, 1603-19; Councillor of the north, 1G25, being cr. 5 Feb. 1625/6.(t>) KARL OF MULGRAVE, co. York. In Jnly 1046 at the age of 84) he was a commissioner for the Pari, to treat with Scotland. He m. before 1590, Ursula, dn. of Sir Robert Tybwhitt, of Kettloby, co, Lincoln, by Elizabeth, da. and b, of Thomas Oxbnbiudok. He m. secondly, 4 March 1019, Mariana, da. of Sir William Iuwin alias Eiwin. He. <r. Oct. 1646 in bis 83d year, at Butterwick House, in Hammersmith and was bur. at Fulham, M.I. Will pr. 1640. His widow d. at Kensington on or before 1670. Admen. 7 Oct. 1670. (") The title ia usually considered to have been " Sheffield of Butterwickc, co. Lincoln," but the creation of 15 Feb. 1E46/7 gives it as " Baron Sheffield" only. See " Creations 1483-1646 " in app. 47th Re)). D.K. Pub. Records. It is however called " Baron Sheffield of Butterwicke " when the 3d Baron was cr. an Earl in 1620. (•>) See vol. ii, p. 282, note "c," sub "Cleveland" for a list of the 6 uoblemeu who were cr. Earls on that day. 2 D