422 MUNC ASTER — h I'NSTEB sue fo the ■pecrayc[.], 18 June lS(i2 : was captured, with his wife and others, by Qha k Brigands in 1S70 when four of the party were put to death before tin: "rims arrived; wa» M.P. [or West Cumberland, 1872-80, and for the Efireniunt division since 1SS5 ; Lord Lieut, of Cumberland. He hi., 9 April 1863, at Maltby, eo. York. Constance, 2d da. of Edmund L'Estkani;k, of Tynte Lodge, eo. Leitrim, by Heuriuttn Susan Bercsford, sister of llichard George (Ll'MLKY 1, 9th EaIU. or ScaRBUUUCIB. Family Estates. — These, in 1883, consisted of 5,811 aeies in the counties of Cumber- land, Lancaster, and Westmorland, worth £2,629 a year. Principal Raidenct. Muucastcr Castle, near llavenglass, co. Cumberland. MUNCHEXSI. "William de MrsciiEXsi, a powerful Baron of tlie county <'f Norfolk, fie., s. and li. of Wariue OR MwiCHIHSSI i sue. ljis father in 12.'j5 : took a leading part with the Barons against King Henry III. and was sum. to [3tont- fort's] Tail. 21 Dec. (1201), 411 lieu. III. Such summons, however, does not originate a hereditary Barony. ( (1 ) lie d. s.p.m. 1280, being slain in battle against the Welsh MU^'CY or MCbXCY. Barony by 1. Walteu de Muxcy.C') of Thorut near SkiptOll, Writ. c „. y or fc | was smu . t() Pari, as a Baron [LOUD MUNCY) from 0 Teh. I 1209 U 2 * 8 / 9 )! Ed - !•» 10 22 (1306/7), 35 Ed. I.(') He was at the . ' siege of CarlaveroekC 1 ) ; was present at the Pari, at Lincoln and , his name as " Waltcrus tic Honey, Dominus tic Thornton," appears ■ among the signatories of the famous letter to the Pope in 1301-( e ) He was Keeper of Frumlingbam Custlc (1807/8), 1 Ed. II., but d before (1305, 9), 2 Ed. 11.(0 MUNSTER. i.e.," MOHSTEH " Dukedom [I.] ( Vim tier Schufeiibeiy), er. 171G ; set) " Kendal" Dukedom, or. 1719, both being peerages for life ; extinct 1743. i.e., " Muxster " Earldom [I.] (II.R.II. Prince WiUiam-Hmry), er. 1789, with the Dukedom ok G'lauence, which see; menjed in the Crown, 1S30. (") See vol. iii, p. 365, note "d," sub " Fits John," where also a list of those so sum. is given. ('•) There is no account of him in " Dugdale," but see Banks's " liar. Amjl. Ovn." (vol. ii, p. 105), where, under the " Baronet PreUrinhu," many particulars of him and of the family of " De Mouccaux " iire given. (•) There is proof in the rolls of I'arl. of his sitting. (■') The arms on bis banner were "chequy, org. and yu." {») See " Nicolas," pp. 761—809, for a full account of that letter. (') " His heir was piobably a female m. to Ooushall who had two daughters, who were his coheirs, whereof (1) Margaret m. first ( — ) Despenccr (and had a son, Philip Despencer), and secondly John de Roos, who tl. without issue by her, 12 Ed. 111., leaving her, the said Margaret, surviving, who deceased about 22 lid. III. (li) Isabel, Bister of Margaret, appears afterwards to have been found her heir and wife of Durand Bard." [Banks's " Bur. Awjl. Con.," vol. ii, p. 105.1