Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/427

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M USGRA VE — MUSKERRY. 425 MUSGRAVE. Barony by /. SlB Thomas MtjsgjUve, presumed (by Dugclale) to Writ. i, e n R ,, n 0 { Thomas M. who obtained n charter (1277-78) 6 Ed. I. for I " 1 300 * a * Overton and who mi in the Scotch wars, 1310-11, was in com- mand at the victory over the Scotch at Durham, IS Oct. 1348 ; was Gov. of Berwick and Justiciar of the English lands in Scotland, 1317, and was sum. to pari, as a Baron (LORD MUSGRAVE), from 25 Nov. (1350) 24 Ed. III. to 4 Oct. (1373) 47 Ed. III. He was subsequently Sheriff of Yorkshire, Got. of Ymk Castle and. in 1308, Eschaetor of the counties of York, Northumber- land, Cumberland and Westmorland. He was, however, defeated by the Scots, and (with his son) taken prisoner (1378-79) 2 Hie. II., but was released, after having prevailed on John Nevill and otbeflB to become bound for his random, which he subsequently refused to discharge. For this disgraceful conduct he was imprisoned by the King (1381-82) 5 Ric. II., after which no more is heard of him. He appears to have m. three times, his third wife, whom he in. in (1370) 14 Ed. III., being Isabel, widow of Robert Ci.iKroiiD, s. of Robert, Loud Ci.iki ord. The Barony was possibly considered as forfeited ; certainly none of his descendants were sum. to Pari, or advanced any claim SO to be, tho' they, in the male line, being also " persons of great note in those parts continue there [says Dugdale] to this day."(«) M USO RAVE. In 1650 Kill}! Charles II., than at Breda, signed a warrant for the creation <if Sm I'mi.ip SlDSORA Vg ( b ) 2d Bart., of Hartley Castle, to a Barony (BARON MUSGRAVK OF HARTLEY CASTLE.') but it never passed the seals. {) He <(. ln7S, being ancestor of the succeeding Baronets. MUSKF.RRY. Viscountcy [I.] /. gffi Charles (tdieu Coiimac Ogb) Maccakt y, of T 1G°S Blaniey and MuskeiTy, co. Cork, s. and h. of Sir Cormac Maitartt, of the same, by his first wife, Mary, da. of Theobald (Butler), 1st BARON OaHKR [I.], sue. his father, 23 Feb. 1016, and was a: 15 Nov. lt>2S,(J) BARON BLARNEY and VISCOUNT MUSKERRY, both of co. Cork [I.], for life, with rem. to his son Donoughf) and the heirs male of his body, with rem. to the heirs male of the body of the grantee. He m. firstly, about 1590, Margaret, da. of Donough (O'Brien), 4th Eaul ok Thomond [I.], by his first wife, Ellen, da. of .Maurice (Roche), Viscount PkrJIOT [I.] He m. secondly, Ellen, widow of Donell Maccahtiiy Reach, da. of David (Roche), Viscount FKRMOT [I.], by Joan, da, of James (Barry), Viscount ButtkvaNT [I ] He rf. in London and was bur. 27 May 1 040,( r ) >n Westm. Abbey. His widow m. (for her 3d husband) the Hon. Thomas Fm Maurice, 4th s. of Thomas, Lokd KsrRT [[.] (") Banks in his " liar. Amjl. Cone." says the heir to the Barony is Thomas Davison Bland, of Kippax Talk, co. York, whose ancestress, Mary, only da. and b. of Sir Richard JIusgrave, 3d Bart., M. Thomas Davison. It, however, is not clear that this Sir Richard was the heir general of the Baron. (-) This Sir Philip was father of Sir Richard, the. 3d Bart, (alluded to in note "a " next above) as also of Sir Christopher, 4th Bart., ancestor of the present line of Baronets. ( c ) The warrant is printed in Burton's " Life of Sir Philip Musijravc, 1840. (*) There is an erroneous idea that this peerage was cr. earlier than 1628, and that it was conferred on oue of Sir Charles's ancestors. This probably arises from the territorial Barony of Muskerry having been held by them for several generations. (•) Donough was the second sou, but his elder br., Cormac, is said to have d .young, tho' he might be living (possibly an idiot) at this time. (') His death is generally given as 20 Feb. 1040.