Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/48

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46 LEICESTER. 1264. By letters patent 24 T>ec. 1264 and 20 May 1265. he was ei, by the captive King. EARL OP CHESTER, Whioli Fai-ldum smite 8 months afterwards (on hi? death and attainder! came hack again to they. mm; Prince Edward abovenauied. He was defeated and slain (together with his eldest son, Henry 1 at the battle of EveshatU, -I Aug. 1285. "hen, having been attainted, all his howur* became f»rfcittd,(*) He "'. 7 Jan. 123?/9 in Hie Kite's private ctmnel at Westminster the Lady Eleanor PlANTAdKSET. 2.1 il.i. of .John. Einrr of England, by Isabella, da. and It. of Aimar, f'nrrcT or AXCOI'LFMB. Shew ho was h. 1315 been betrothed, 23 A) ■ril 1224, to Wiliatn (Mau.'IIaT.I EaRI ok PeMBBOKR, who (.-nine 25 years older than bene).] if. ftp 2} April 1231. when, Hio' only 16. she took a vow of chastity, which vi w gave considet able scandal to her mbWqnent marriage. Shed. 13 April 12/3, aged about CO at the convent of Motitargis. in France. vii. )2G-"). i. Emmo PbAN-TACEXET, y(tf. .«. of King Henry l s III, b. Hi Jan. 12i:. 0. was cf. 2fi Oct. VMi,, F.AK1. 0 1 LEICESTER and Stcmml nf Erxllaml, which dignities were continued to him bv a chatter of Ed. I., dated 1274. He was a: EA11L OF LANCASTER, 30 June 1297. He./. 5 June 129ti. Vlll< 129(5, Thomas .Tj.antac.enkt), Kari. of Lancaster, to Earl ok Lucksteii. .Vc. s. anil h.,b. about 127S: btkeadni 1322. 22 Marti) 1321/2, when, having been attainted, all kk kl »"»'» were JorMled. IX. 135+, J. HENRY 1'l.ANTAOENET, BPSJ Hi. nlul It., /')'. j J and 10 .May 1324, KARL OF LEU 'KSTER. His brother s attainder § 1327. beingretersed by Aet of Pari. 7 .March 132(i/",he became FaHI.ok »> Lam-ami it, F.ahi. ok LBlCtSTEB, c. , by inheritance. He </• 22 I 3 Sep. 1845. V. {$45. 4- Henry (I'i.antagenet), Karl of Lancaster, Eari. ok Lkktstkh. Sta., oidy s. and ))., 4. about ]•'{' 0. He was rr. 0 March 13:" 0/1 , DUK.K OF LAIWlAHTKtt, a dignity which became extinct on his death s.p m- 13 .March 13H0/1, while the tiaiitlvUU oj LancasUr, Leicttter, Jce. may be considered to have mertid to the L'roicn. XL 1361. William, Covkt of II.unaii.t, Holi.anr, Zealand AND FrR-M.anJ}, 2d s. of bonis nf Bavaria, Emi-kkor ok (.'rn.UA.vv by }Targnret sister of William. Count ok Hainai'I.t. Ac. (whorf. s.p. legit 1345), was h. about 1327 ; sac in Jan. 1349, as Count of Holland &"c , and in Fi b. 1856, as Count of Ha Bnnlt, He. having HI. Nov. 1344. Aland widow of Ralph StakkoiiU, 1st da. and coheir of Henry (Pi.aNTaoinm), DtKK OF LaNCaSIRH [by Isabel da. of Henty f88 I'.f.un (Wf), 1st Loioi Hiaimom) obtained in her right (or, her father's death) the MnrUUm of Leic&ter (**), and was stvlcd KARL OF HAlNAl'LT AM 1 1 ElOESTLIf, 10 Oct. 13til ("•). She, however, rf. s.p. 10 April 1362. He d. April 13!-9. ( a ) Of his five sons Hi nry was si: in in 1265 ; Simon, who continued the resistance to the King for a year longer, </. it 1273; Ony, Count of Nola. ((. 1288, leaving daughters, via. (1) Anattasia {sun jure) Countess of Nohi, who m., 8 June 1293, Rain) undo Gr.-ini, and vas ancestnss of the Counts of Nola (2/ who m. 1'ietro Vico, Prefect of Home; Amauri (in Holy Orders about 1273), rf. as a soldier in Italy, and Richard « lm is Bnjd to have if, in France. The onlv da., Eleanor, m. in Oct. 127S, Llewelyn, Prince of ValeB, and rf. in child birth. June 1282 [1281 «] leaving a da., Gwendolen, a nun at Sentpringhttm who d. in 1337. ('-) See p. 8, note " f,' xub " " Dukedom. ( c ) Doyle's " Official Burunayc," the reference therein given being "Pat. 3, m. 19."