Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/70

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68 LENNOX — LESLIE. Dukedom [s.] /. Crum.r.s T.Exxox.c) i'l-jit. ». of King Charles V 11 l('7-> EE» 28 July 1 »i 7 *2 . wits mi 9 ii 167"i (when three yearn ■■! I) cr,

U. p0 K| . (J p | f jenj)ysjD, KM,'!, (>K M lltl'H, and HAROK OF 

SKTHIXOTON. all c». Yuik [K I, and a month later "» 0 Sep. 167.'!. wns cr. DUKE OF LKNNOX, KARL OK DAHNLEY, ami LOUU OKTUK- BOLTOUN; b ) [3.] See " Uicumund " Dukedom, cr. 1 672. LEOJIIXBTER [of LEMPSTER.] Barony. 1. Sir William Perm hi;, 2*1 JJ.rt., of Eafton Weston, T 1 Aqo co - Northampton, 2d bat 1st muv. s. and U of sir William Fermhii, • 1UJ -- Bilrt ( a „ cr . c Sep. 16111, by Mary, da. of Hugh I'e.hy, Alderman and sometime (1632) .-heiill' uf London, was b. 3 and bi/t 18 Aug. 1648, at Easton Xestun, sue Lis father (who U.vd greatly disUuRUished himself in the Rnval cause) in the Baronetcy and estates, 14 May 1 1 1 *. J t . rebuilt the family mansion with great magnificence and" was it., 12 April i(i!>2. BAKON" LWlM INSTElt. at, Hereford. ( r j He m. firstly in Loudon, 21 Dec, 1671 (.lie. Vie. Qrtn.) Jane, da. of Andrew Barker, of Kahfoid. co. liloue., by Kli/.ai.eth d». of William Iouiinson. of Cbeshunt, Herts. She .A s p.m 10 and was fief. 12 Aug. 167:1. at i-ast.ui Neston. He hi. secondly, June 16S2, Oatharine, 1st da. wl .titUu (I'oim.kti). 3d Bakon Pnci.KTT of HintiiN St. (jIciiice. by his first wife. I'sscx, da.uf Alexander Poiviam. She also d. s.p.m. He m thirdly, 5 March 1691/2 (Lie. Vie. lien.), Sophia. >1) widow <>f Donough O'Brien, ityled Lord o'Bhien, 6th da. uf Thomas (O.sisohxe), 1st Duke ok Leeds, by Bridget, da. uf Montagu (Bertie), 21 Eaiii. ok Li.vhsev ( c ) He if. 7 and was bur. 15 Dec 1711. aged 63, at Kastun Nestoii. Will [«*, Jan. 1711/2. His widow d. 8 and was bur. 17 Dec. 1716, at Boston Neston. Will pr. 1746. II. 1711. 2. TnoMAs (Termor), Paron- Lbomikster, s. and h., by third wife, b. 23 March 1607; CR 27 Dec. 1721, EARL OF POM FRET or P08TEFKA.CT, co. York. See that title which together with the Barony of Leominster became extinct S June 1S67. LE POER, La Poer or Poer, see "Power." LEPPINGTON. i.e., "Carey of Leppinoton, c". York," Barony (Carp;/), cr. 1G22; see " Monmouth " Earldom, cr. 1626 ; both dignities ex. 1661. LESLIE. ?>., "Leslie" or "Leslie of Lkven, P.aronv [S.] (Lottie), cr. 144 "< ; recranted in 1663 as " Leslie a no Bai.linbkeicii " ; see '■ Rothes " Earldom [S-], cr. before 14n8- ( a ) The King, as head of the house of Stuart, represented Sir John Stuart, of Darnley, afterwards (1488-95) Ham. uf I.knnux [S ], who claimed to be the represen- tative of the Lennox family. Earls of Lennox [S.J, which name of Lennox His Majesty accordingly bestowed on his bastard son, Charles, named in the text, at or before his elevation to the peerage. The child hail, apparently, previously been known as " PUsrat/," See vol. ii, p. 2Sfi, note " d," tub " Cleveland." ('■I "Baron Melliuen [Methven ?J of Torbolton in Scotland" according to Doyle's " Official Peerage." (c ; His peerage appears to have been owing to the influence of the father of his third wife. See note "»" nest below, ( d ) She was second counin to her husband, both being great grandchildren of Sir William Cnkayne, of Rnsliton, co. Northampton, whose secoml da , Anne, m. Sir Hatton Fernior, the bri.le!>rnntn's grandfather, and whose third da., Martha, ill. the said Earl of Lindsey, the hriile's grandfather. ( u ) The Duke "gave with her £10,000 and Sir William will he made an English Baron." [Luttrell's " Diary."]