Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/79

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LIDDELL — LIFFOED. 77 LIDDELL. Tli ro is in possession tif the Graham family at Netheibv a "Patent, in L;itin. (.-ranting to ltichar-1 (Graham). Viscount Pie-tun, in Scotland, the title iii 11AUON I.1DDKIiL,(") eo. Cumberland. There is no date attached to it and it was never sealed." [ Ippumlix to Report of the Hist. MSS., p. 321. J LIDIARD, see Lydiard. LI F FORD or LIFFER. See " Fnzwri.i.iAM OF Liffer, alftts Lifford, co. Down," Barony [I.] [Fit.icil/iam), cr. 1620. Fur.nElllU CHARLES HE KtlYB IH-: LA IvO('HEFOUeAUt.D,l b ) CoUNT UK Royr, &o , b. of Ki antis, Count he HotJcv by Julienne Catherine de i.a Tour, da, of Henry, Dike de liiii ii.i.ii.N. was b. 1033 ; became a Lieut. Gen. in the French army in 1676, but, owing t<> his religion being Protestant, joined the Danish service where lie became Grand Marsha]) receiving also the Danish Order of the Elephant. He Pi., 3 June 1656 liis cousin, Elizabeth 08 Dubfort, sister of Louis (in: IU Has , 2d K.Mil. (iF KbVKRSBAil, da. of Guy Aldouce, Marquis r>E Dlmias, by Elizabeth, sister of Julienne Catherine abovenamed. In 1087 be settled in England where his wife bud, the year before, been made a ],ndy in Waiting to the Queen Consort, and in 10S7 be is presumed to have been made an Irish reer( c ,) as BARON LIFFORD or possibly EARL OK LIFFORD [1.] He d. at Bath 9 June lii'.iO. aged 57, and was bur. in the Abbey church. M.I. His widow d, in London, 14 Jan. 1715, aged S2. FltEr>El!lC WtLUAU DE HoVE DE I.A ROCHEFOUCAULT, 4lll S. of tile above, b. 1656, originally styled Count DK Champagne- .Mourns-, but afterwards CoeNT DE MaRTHON, or M.unnN ; was made a Qnidotl ill the Horse Guards in 16S7 by King James II. but. attended King William 111. in Ireland throughout the Irish war and was present at the battle of the Boyne, He was Col. of a Refugee regiment, 1693, till it was disbanded after the peace of llvswiek. He was (with his sisters) naturalised by letters patent, 20 Sep 160-1, ami, apparently, was by King William (™) The mime of the Ewilhh liarony conferred on Viscount Preston [S.J by James II. appears to have been *' EsK, 00 Cumberland," in right of which he claimed his writ on 11 Nor. 16SH, which, however, refused. See vol. i, p. n9, note " b," suh "Albemarle," as to tiiis and other M Jacobite Ptcrai/cs" The territorial Barony of Liddell (M called from the river Luhiell which joins the Esi) had been purchased by the grantee's grandfather. ( b ) A good account of this family (which has been here followed) is in a valuable work entitled the " I'rotntanl exile* tram France in the rcitjn of Louis A'/ I 7 .," by the Rev. David C. A. Agnew, 2 vols., 4to., 2d edit. 1S71. (") " The reason why the Conite de Koye is made an Irish Rarcn was that bis lady might with the less difficulty, it is supposed, wait oil the Queen's Majesty and have the honour to be diluted by her which otherwise she could not have pretended to." See a letter, dat. London 23 July 11537, in the Ellis correspondence, as quoted in Agnew' I " I'rotisttnt ! cs" where it is added that " altho' no patent of nobility was ever given to CotntS de Roye under the Great Seal of Ireland yet there is evidence for the fact that be received the King's letter to be the Earl of Liforri, and that he bore that title for life, as was usual ill similar cases when some obstacle pre- vented the Royal grant from passing under the Great Seal." His Karldom is acknowledged in his epitaph in Bath Abbey which commences " Fredericus de Roye de la Rochefoucault, Comes de Itoyo, de Rouci et Liffort," &c