Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 5.djvu/8

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6 LANCASTER. Lancaster, Leicester :nu Ferrers" which last must he taken as equivalent to KARL OF DERBY. Having m. on or before 2S Oct. 1294, Alice, then aged II. who may in (1812) be considered nil tun jure Countess ok Lincoln AND Sai.isiiuhy. being only mirv. ila. anil h. of Henry i, iik Lacy), Earl of Lincoln (who d, 5 Feb. 1311/2), by his first wife Margaret (who may be considered as suo jure Coi'NTESs ok Salisbury, and who d. 22 Nov. 1310). he may. in or after 1312, be considered as KARL OF LINCOLN AND SALISBURY, and n* did homage for these ihis wife's) possessions in 1312. Having taken a prominent part with the Barons against the King's favourites, hu was taken prisoner at Rroughbridge, 10 March 1321/2, and beheaded on the 22d. at his Castle of Pontfract, when, having been attainted, all hit kotHHtn became forfeited. He d. s.p. aged about 4 1 and was but', at Pontefract.f ') Hi.s widow in. before 132b' Eubulus (Lk StRAKOK), Loud Lk Stranok (so sum., from 3 l>ec. 1320 to 1 April 1335' , who is sometimes, in her right, styled Karl ok Lincoln, and who d. s.p. 1335, and was bur. in Berling Abbey. She m. thirdly, early in 1330, Hugh (DE, Loud Fkene (so sum. 29 Nov. 1330), who is sometimes, in her right, rti/Ud Karl ok Lincoln, and who d. s.p. Dec. 1330 at Perth. The Countess herself, who was ft. 1283, (/. s.p. 2 Oct. 1348, and was bur. at Bel ling Abbey afsd. III. 1327. 8. IIenky Planta genet, styled "ok Lancaster, "() next br. ami h., 6. about 1281 ; was sum. to Pari, (v.p.) as a Baron (LORD DE LAN CAST R K) by writ 0 Feb. (1298/9), 27 Kd. I., addressed " Henrico de Lancastrc, nepoli Regit," ami by other writs directed " Henrico dt hincmtre " from that year to 20 Dec. (1323). 17 Ed II. He was one of the Barons whose signature as " Jfcnr. de Lanc.uatr., Dims, de Mnnemc" [i.e., Monmouth], appears on the letter of the Barons to the Pope in 1801.(°) He was bearer of the Rod with the Dove at the Coronation, 25 Feb. 1808, of Kdwanl II. Having been restored in blood on 29 March he was on 10 May 1321, er. KARL OF LEICESTER and was sum. to Pari. 1 Aug. following, and subsequently, as "Henri/ de Lnnraster, h'nrl of Leicester." He was in the Scotch wars and (like his brother) took an active part against King Edward II. whom he sometime (at his Castles of Monmouth, Ledbury, and Kenil- worth), kept in custody. Oh the accession nf Edward III., he was appointed his Guardian, and when, by Act of Pari. 7 March 1320/7 (1 Kd. III.), the attainder of his br., Earl Thomas, was reversed, he became KARL OF LANCASTER [1207], EARL OF LEICESTER [1205], and High Stcveant uf England. Some additional Jura Rtqalia were granted to him in 1312. f 1 i He became blind in 1329. He m. in 1298 Maud, da. and h. of Sir Patrick Ciiawoiith, of Kidwelly, by Isabel, da. of William (BHAl'CHAJIP), Karl OK Warwick. He d- 22 Sep. 1315, aged about 04, and was bur. in great state at Leicester. Will pr. 15 Feb. 1345/8, at Lincoln. His widow was living (3S Kd. III.), 1304. IV. 1345. 1 iiixl Henhy (I'lantagenet, etyled "of Lax- Dukedom CAST| - :li >"( b ) also " <>F Ohosmont," as also "Tortcol" [Wry-neck]), ' Earl of Lancaster, (") Leicester, Dkhby, &c., High Steward of I. 1351, England, only s. and h., ft. about 1300 at Grosmont, cn. Monmouth. t 0 He was sum. v.p. to Pari. 3 Feb. (1334/5), 9 Kd. III., in his father's log] Barony as LORD DE LANCASTR15 and was (also v.p.) cr. 10 March ' ' 1330/7, EARL OF DERBY « to hold to him and his heirs. "O He distinguished himself greatly in the wars with France. He was v.p. elected K.Gr. (as Earl of Derby) in 1344, being one of the 25 original Knights(S) of (») There is a very full account of his capture in Dundalc as also of his merits (and demerits) " many miracles " being " reported to have been afterwards wrought iu the place where his corpse was buried." ( b ) See p. 5, note " g." ( c ) See " Nicolas," pp. 701—809, for a full account thereof. (•>) See 30th Rep. of the D.K. of the Pub. Records, p. iv. (") See p. 7, note " d. " ( f ) See vol. iv, p, 42, note " c," sui " Gloucester," for a list of the creations made at that date. (8) See a list of these in vol. i, p. 276, note "a," sub " Beauchamp."