Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 6.djvu/208

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Barony by Writ.I. 1321.1. "Robert Peche sum. to Parl. 15 May (1321), 14 Ed. II., but never after. Of him Dugdale gives no account in his Baronage nor does he appear to be mentioned by any other writer, and all endeavours to find any further trace of him have failed, which, coupled with Dugdale's silence respecting him, leads to the supposition that there may be a mistake in the enrolment of the summons."(a)[1]


i.e., "Hay of Pedwardine, co. Hereford," Barony (Hay), cr. 1711 see "Kinnoull" Earldom [S.], cr. 1633, under the 7th Earl.


i.e., "Pebbles," Viscountry [S.] (Douglas), cr. 1697, with the EARLDOM OF MARCH [S.], which see,


Barony.I. 1706. 1. Sir Thomas Pelham, Bart., of Laughton, co. Sussex, s. and h. of Sir John Pelham, 3d Bart., of the same, by Lucy, da. of Robert (Sidney), 2d Earl of Leicester, was b. about 1650 ; M. P. for East Grinstead, 1678; for Lewes, 1680-1702, and for Sussex, 1702-05; was a promoter of the Revolution; a Commissioner of the Customs, 1689; a Lord of the Treasury, 1689-94, and again, 1701-02; suc. his father, 26 Jan. 1702/3, as 4th Baronet (a dignity cr., 22 May 1611, being the 7th creation of that order, then first instituted) and was cr., 16 Dec. 1706, BARON PELHAM OF LAUGHTON, co. Sussex. He m. firstly, 18 March 1679/80, at St. Giles in the fields, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Sir William Jones, of Ramsbury, Wilts, Attorney General, by Elizabeth, da. of Edmund Alleyne, of Hatfield Peverell, co. Essex. She d. s. p.m., and was bur. 13 Oct. 1681, at Laughton. He m. secondly (lic. Vic. Gen., 21 May 1686), Grace, sister of John, Duke of Newcastle, 4th and yst, da. of Gilbert (Holles), 3d Earl of Clare, by Grace, da of the Hon. William Pierepont. She d. 13 Sep. 1700, and was bur. at Laughton. He d. of apoplexy at Halland, in Laughton, 23 Feb., and was bur. 8 March 1711/2, at Laughton afsd.(b)[2] Will pr. March 1712.

II. 1711/2,
2. Thomas (Pelham-Holles, formerly Pelham), Baron Pelham of Laughton, s. and h., b. 1 July 1698; took the name of Holles, in addition to that of Pelham, on succeeding to the Holles's estates by the death, 15 July 1711, of his maternal uncle, John (Holles), Duke of Newcastle, above mentioned; suc. to the peerage, 23 Feb. 1711/2, on the death of his father; was cr., 19 Oct. 1714, Earl of Clare, co, Suffolk, &c., and (10 months later) was cr. DUKE OF NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. There being no one to succeed to his peerage diguities, he was cr., 17 Nov. 1756, DUKE OF NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYNE, with a spec, rem., being also cr., 4 May 1762, BARON PELHAM OF STANMER, co. Sussex, with a spec. (tho' different) rem. He d. s.p., 17 Nov. 1768, aged 75, when the Barony of Pelham of Laughton (together with most of his peersge dignities) became extinct. See fuller particulars under "Newcastle" Dukedom, cr. 1715; ex. 1768.

  1. (a) "Courthope" with MS. corrections by himself.
  2. (b) "Left his son, I believe, the richest heir in England." [Letter of Lord Burkeley of Strutton, 26 Feb. 1711/2]