Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 6.djvu/260

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[John Mordaunt, styled Lord Mordaunt, 1st s. and h. ap.; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 7 Dec. 1699, aged 18; M.P. for Chippenham, 1700-1710; Lieut. Col. of the Grenadier Guards at the battle of Blenheim, 18 Aug. 1704, where he lost his left arm; was afterwards Col. of the Scotch Fusiliers. He m., about 1708, Frances, da. of Charles (Powlett), 2d Duke of Bolton, by his second wife Frances, da. of William Ramsden. He d. v.p. of the small pox at Winchester, 5 and was bur. 13 April 1710 at Turvey. Admon. 2 Aug. 1711 as "late of Middlethorpe, co. York" to a creditor. His widow d. 30 July 1715 aged 31.]

IV. 1735. 4. Charles (Morduant), Earl of Peterborough, Earl of Monmouth, &c., grandson and h., being s. and h. of John Mordaunt, styled Lord Mordaunt, and Frances his wife, both above-named; b. at York 1710; styled Viscount Mordaunt, 1710-35; ed. at Rugby (1722) and at Westm.; mat. at Oxford (Ball. Cull.) 13 Nov. 1727, aged 17; suc. to the peerage as above 25 Oct. 1735, taking his seat 15 Jan. 1735/6. He assisted at the funeral of the Prince of Wales, 13 April 1751, He m. firstly, before 1735, Mary, da. of Thomas Cox.(a)[1] of London, Grocer. She d. 18 and was bur. 24 Nov. 1755 at Fulham. He m. Secondly (a few weeks later), 5 Dec. 1755, at St. James's, Westm., Robiniana, da. of Col.(—) Browne. He d. 1 and was bur. 7 Aug. 1779, at Fulham. Will pr. Aug. 1779. His widow d. 6 Dec. 1794, at Bath. Will pr. Nov. 1795.

V. 1779, to 1814. 5. Charles Henry (Mordaunt), Earl of Peterbrough [1628], Earl of Monmouth [1689], Viscount Mordaunt of Avalon [1659], Lord Mordaunt [1532] and Baron Mordaunt of Ryegate [1659], only surv, s. and h., by second wife; b. in St. Geo., Han. Sqr., 10 May 1758, styled Viscount Mordaunt till he suc. to the peerage, as above 1 Aug. 1779; ed. at Westminster; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 18 May 1776. He d. unm. 16 June 1814. in his 57th year, when all his honours, save the Barony of Mordaunt (see that Barony cr. in 1532) became extinct. Will pr. 1814.

Chief Seat (as given in "Collins," 1812) "At Dantsey, in Wiltshire."


i.e., "Petersfield, co. Southampton," Barony (de Queronaille), cr. 1673 with the Dukedom of Portsmouth, which see; ex. 1734.

See "Hylton of Hylton, in the co. pal. of Durham and Of Petersfield, in co. Southampton," Barony (Jolliffe), or. 1866.


i.e., "Petersham," co. Surey, Barony (Maitland) cr. 1674 with the Earldom of Guildford; see "Lauderdale" "Dukedom [S], cr. 1672; ex. (withthese dignities) 1682

i.e., "Petersham, of Petersham, co. Surrey," Viscountey (Stanhope), cr. 1742, with the Earldom of Harrington, which see.

    His friendship to Swift (who, however, calls him "the ramblingest lying rogue on earth") and Pope is to his credit, and he was something of an author himself; his verses to Henrietta, the well-known Countess of Suffolk ("I said to my heart between sleeping and waking ") are not without merit.

  1. (a) "A Quaker, a great wholesale grocer in Aldgate." [Earl of Oxford's "Peerage Memoranda."] The death of "Mrs. Cox, relict of a Grocer in Aldersgate street, and mother of the Countess of Peterboro' and the Viscountess Preston" is recorded in the "Gent. May." for 1738.