Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 6.djvu/297

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POULETT. 283 Thomas BROWNE, 2d Bart., of Walcot, co. Northampton, by Anne, da. of Bir Guy PALMES. He d. 15 Sep. 1665, in his 50th year, at his manor house of Court de Wick, co. Somerset, and was bur, at Hinton, Will dat. 17 March 1663, to 20 July 1665, pr. 7 Aug. 1666. Funeral certif. at the Coll. of Arms. His widow m. (as his second wife) Sir John STRODE, of Chantmarle, co. Dorset, whose will dat. 21 Aug. 1679, was pr. 14 July 1682. Her will (as of the Isle of Wight) pr. April 1711. III. 1665. 3. JOHN (POULETT), BARON POULETT OF HINTON ST. GEORGE, 1st 8. and b. by first wife, b. about 1641; M.P. for Somerset, 1662-65; suc. to the peerage, 16 Sep. 1665; Lord Lieut, of Dorset, 1674-79. He m. firstly (lic. fac., 17 Aug. 1663, he aged about 22 and she about 19) Essex, 1st da. of Alexander PoPHAM, of Littlecott, co. Wilts, Col. in the Parl. army, by his first wife, Lætitia, da. of William Carre, Groom of the Bedchamber. She d. s.p.m. He m. secondly, about 1661, Susan, da of Philip (HERBERT), 6th EARL OF PEMBROKE, by his second wife, Catharine, da. of Sir William VILLIERS, Bart. He d. in 1679. Will pr. 1679. His widow d. before 1693. Admon. 20 Nov. 1693, to a creditor. IV. 1679. Earldom I. 1706. 4 and 1. JOHN (Poulett), Baron l'oulett of HINTON ST. GEORGE, only s. and b. by second wife, b. about 1663 ; suc. to the peerage in 1679, taking his sent, 24 Nov. 1696; L. Lieut. of Devon, 1702, and again, 1711-14; P.C., 1702; F.R.S., 1706 ; a Commissioner for the Union [8.], 1706, wns cr., 24 Dec. 1706, VISCOUNT HINTON OF HINTON ST. GEORGE, co. Somerset, and EARL POULETT.(*) Ho was First Lord of the TreasuRY (Prime Minister), Aug. 1710 to May 1711; L. Steward of the Household, 1711-14; el. K.G., 25 Oct. 1712, and inst., 4 Aug. 1718. He m., 14 April 1702 (lic. fac.) at St. Martiu's in the fields, Bridget (£30,000 fortune), 1st da. and coheir of the Hon. Peregrine BERTIE, of Waldershare, co. Kent (2d s. of Montagu, 2d Earl of Lindsey), by Susan, da. and coheir of Sir Edward MONINS, Bart., of Waldersbare afød. He d. 28 May 1743, nged about 80.(b) Will pr. 1748. His widow d. about 1748. Will pr. 1748. Barony. 5 and 2. JOHN (POUlett), Earl Poulett, &c., 8. and V. 1738/4. h., b. 10 Dec, 1708; styled VISCOUNT HINTON till 1748 ; was a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1731; sum. to Parl. v.p. as LORD HINTON, being placed in his father's Barony of Poulett of Hinton St Georgc.) He suc. to the Earldom, 28 May 1743; L. Lieut. of Somerset, 1744-64; First Lord of the Bedchamber, 1751-55; Col. of the 1st Somerset Militia, 1759. He d. unm., 5 Nov. 1764, in his Will pr. Jan. 1765. Earldom. 11. 1743. 56th year.(d) Earldom, III. 3 and 6. VERE (POULETT), EARL POULETT, &c., br. and h., being 3d and yst. s. of the 1st Earl, b. 18 May 1764. 1710; mat. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 19 May 1729; M.P. for Bridgwater, 1741-47; suc. to the peerage, 6 Nov. 1764; L. Lieut, of Devon, 1771. Ho m., 4 March 1755, at Mr. Lloyd's house, Lincoln's Inn fields, in St. Giles's in the fields, Mary, 2d aud yat. da. and coheir(e) of Richard BUTT, of Overton, in Arlingham, co. Gloucester, by Hannah, da. of John LLOYD, of Flaxley, Barony. VI. (*) See vol. ii, p. 102, note “a,” sub “ Cadogan," as to this class of titles (b) Macky in his "Characters" says of him when not 30 years old "certainly one of the hopefullest gentlemen in England; is very learned, virtuous, and a man of honour: much esteemed in the country for his generous way of living with the gentry and his charity to the poorest sort. He makes but a mean figure in his person; is of a middle stature, fair complexion, not handsome,” to which Swift adds, "This character is fair enough." (c) The summons as Hinton," (doubtless to distinguish him from his father,) should have been as "Poulett of Hinton St. George.' If it can be held that a new Barony was cr. by this summone such Barony would have become extinct in 1764, on the death of the summonee. A like error was made in 1723, as to which, Bee_vol. v, p. 184, note ' a,” sub “ Lynn.' 11 (d) "He did not want sense but that sense wanted every common requisite. (H. Walpole's "Geo. 11.,” vol. ii, p. 2.] (0) Lucy, the other coheir, bap. 29 May 1728, at Arlingham, m. before 1756 Matthew Tudor, of Gloucester, and had issue. Digitized by Google 11 Original from HARVARD UNIVERSITY