Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/105

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SEGRAVE. 103 sum. 24 Dec. (1264), 49 Hen. III., to "Montfort's P»lkm«nt."W He was, how- ever, made prisoner at the battle of Evesham, but obtained pardon and restoration of his lands under the dictum dc Kcnil ivorlk. He attended l'rince Edward into the Holy Land and took part subsequently in the wars with Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. He was sum. by writ, 28 June (1283), 11 Ed. I.,( b ) to the meeting at Shrewsbury, which appears, since 1S77, to be held as constituting a regular gammons tu Purl.( c ) He was, however, sum. to an undoubted Pari. 21 June (1295), 23 Ed. I., and became accordingly in 1295, if not in 1283, LORD SEGIUVIC.C 1 ) He is said to have hi. Maud DB Lucy. He (/. between June and Nov. (1295), 23 Ed. I. II. 1 295. 2. Jobs (db Seorave), Lord Seorave, s. and h., agjd 39 at his father's death in 1295, was sum. to Part, from 26 Aug. (1296), 21 Ed. I , to 0 May (1325), IS Brl. II. His name as " Juhunncs, Dominui dc Sejrarr," is affixed tn the letter of 1301 to the Pijpi) from the Barons.' 0 ) He was at the coronation, 28 Feb. 1307/8, of Ed. II. He served in the Scotch wars both in his father's lifetime and subsequently, was at the siege of Oarlavemck, and was taken prisoner at the defeat at Bannockburn. He m. in (12(39-70), 51 Hen. III., Christian, dx of Sir Hugh DB Pj.essetis. He d. in Gascony during the time of a great mortality iu 1325. Iir. 1325. 8. .Tons - (de Segrave), Lord Segrave, grandson and h.. beiiiL' s. and h. of Stephen DE Nucha VK, Constable of the Tower, by Alice, said to be Alice DE AltUNDEL, which Stephen, was s. and h. ap. of the late Lord, whom he seems to have survived for a short time, tho 1 not sufficiently long to have obtained possession of his legal inheritance as his heir. I ') He w is aged 10 in 1325, attaining full age (1336), 10 Ed. III. He was sum. to Pari, from 29 Nov. (1336), 10 I'M HI., to 15 Nov. (1351),25 Ed. UI.(*) He was distinguished, during his short career, in the wars of France ami Scotland, and still more so for his illustrious alliance as under. He m. befure 15 Dec. 1338, Margaret, suo jure Counthss of NORFOLK, da. and eventually sole heir of Thomas ( 1'i.antac.knet, styled ' of llrotherton " ), KaiiI. OF Norfolk, and Earl Marshal of England, by his first wife, Alice, da. of Sir Roger Halys, which Thomas (who d. s.p.m. 1338), was 5th s. of Edward I. He d. s.p.m. on Easter Tuesday, 1353, aged 3S. His widow was cr. 29 Sep. 1397, DUCHESS OF NOREOLK (see fuller particulars of her under that title) and </. 21 March 1399/400, aged about SO. IV. 1353. If. EuzAnETn, mo jure Baroness Segrave, da. and li., aged 13 at her father's death in 1353 and then wife of John be Mowbray, afterwards (1361) Loud Mowbray, who was slain by the Turks, near Constantinople, 9 Oct. 1368. See fuller particulars of him under 'that title. She it. (before her mother) about 1375, aged about 35. Esch., 50 Ed. III. ( a ) See vol. iii, p. 365, note " d," for a list of the IS Barons so summoned, and for the decision of the House of Lords in 1877 that the writ of 1261, having becu issued iu rebellion, does not constitute a peerage. ( L ) See vol. v, p. 411, noto " a," sub " Mowbray." (") See vol. v, p. 411, note "b," sub " Mowbray." ( ) His name occurs iu the rolls of Pari, before the record of writs of summons. (°) See "A'ico/as," pp. 761 — 809, for a full account thereof. ( f ) " Stephen de Segrave was found heir to his father by an inquisition taken 30 »ov. (19 Ed. II.), 1325, but by subsequent inquisitions, taken in the following month of December, John, sou of Stephen de Segrave, deceased, was found to be the heir of his grandfather. Stephen de Segrave would seem, therefore, to have died pending the inquisitions on his father's decease." f Courthope.] ( 8 ) There is proof iu the rolls of Purl, of his sitting.