Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/133

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SHERBORNE — SHERBROOKE. 131 IV. 18S3. 4. Edward Lenox (Dutton), Baron Sherborne, 2.1 but 1st surv. s. and h.( a ) by first wife, b at Bibury, co. Olouc, 23 April 1831, and An;), thera ; eil. at Harrow, and at Hull. Coil. Oxford; B.A., 1852 ; mc. to the peerage, 8 March 18S3. He m , 5 July 1894, Emily Theresa, da. of Baron de Stern. Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 15,773 acres in Gloucestershire, besides 150 (belonging to Lady Sherborne) in Hunts. Total 15,923 acres, worth £21,4-15 a year, 1'rincipul Rtttdenee. Sherborne Park, near Northleuch, co. Gloucester.

>., " DlGBT of Siierboune, co. Doiset," Barony (Digby), cr, 1G16.

See " Bristol " Earldom, cr. 1622 ; ex. 1098. i.e., " Digby OP Sherborne, to. Dorset," Barony (Digby), cr. 1765 ; see " Diobv of Gkasuiu.," Barony [l.J, cr. 1020, under the 7th Huron. SHERBROOKE. Viscountcy. J. The Bt. Hon. Robert Lowe, 2d s. of the Rev. I 18S0 Hubert LOWE, Preb. of Southwell aud Rector of Bingham, co. to ' I Sutt " 1 ' u . v Ellen, 2d da. and coheir of the Rev. Reginald Pyndak, 1QOO Rector of Mudre.-tield, co. Worcester, was b. 4 Dec. 1811, at Bing- l ° J -" ham afsd. ; ed. at Winchester^) and at Univ. Coll., Oxford ; B.A., 1st Claaufcs, and 2.1 Math., 1S33 ; Fellow of Mag. Coll., 1S35-36 ; M.A., 1836, being for several years u private tutor (u " coach ") at Oxford ; Barrister (Line. Inn), 1842, in which year he emigrated to Sydney to practise law there ; Member of Council at Sydney, 1S43-50, in the popular iuterest. He returned to England in 1852 ; was M P. for Kidderminster, 1S52-59 ; for Culne, 1S59-6S, and for the Univ. of London, 1S08-S0 ; Joint Sec. to Board of Control for India, 1S52-55 ; P.C., lS.'o.' Vice Pres. ut Hoard of Trade ami Paymaster Gen., 1855-58 ; Vice Pres. of Council for Education, 1S59, being a strenuous oppoueut of the denominational system, and resigning office in 1 364 on the carrying of an adverse motion ; 4th Charity Commr., 1859 ; was opposed to the Reform Bill introduced by the Russell Ministry in 1866; LL.I). of Edinburgh, 30 Oct. ISb'7 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer,^) and a Lord of the Treasury, lSt5S-73 : Home Sec. of State, Aug. 1873, for nve months, having been a Cabinet Minister from 1SGS to Feb. 1S74, when, on the Dissolution of the Gludstuue Ministry, his official career closed. He was made D.C.L. of Oxford, 22 June 1870, and a freeman of Glasgow, 26 Sep. 1S72. On the return of the "Liberal" party to power he was it. 25 May 18S0, VISCOUNT SHEli- (*) The eldest son, John William Duttou, 6. 31 Aug. 1838, and bap. at Sherborne, i. v.p. 9 Aug. 1850, and was bur. at Ysteig, near Iuterlachen, in Switzerland. () liouudell Palmer, afterwards L. Chancellor aud Earl of Selborne. and Edward Curdwell, afterwards Viscount Cardwell, both subsequently his colleagues in office, were his school fellows. ( c ) Being a financier of great ingenuity, his first two budgets were very success- ful, but, when he proposed a halfpenny tax on each box of lucifer matches (with the neat parauoiuasia of " ex luce lucellum ") a riot of the mutch makers of the East End of Loudon took place, 21 April 1871, aud the idea was abandoned, its author receiv- ing the name of " Lucifer Lowe," and many squibs being thereon made, e.g., " Bob made a match with Lucy Fer But burnt his lingers in the doing," &c„ and again, " Ex luce lucellum we all of us know, But if Lucy can't sell'm, how then Mr. Lowe ! " He is said to have summed up his financial administration as under. "four years work of a chancellor of the exchequer." M Twelve millions of tuxes I took off; Left behind me six millions of gains ; Of debt forty millions I shook off, — But 1 got well abused for my painB." K2