Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/135

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.sinrnriooK- Shrewsbury. 133 EARL OF SHIPBROOK OK NKWRV, do. Down [I.] He m. 14 Jan. 1747/8, at Mr. Forth'* house, in York street, St. James' Westm., Alice, dn.(») of Samuel Ibbktson, of Denton, co. fork, by (— ), da. of (— ) Cholmondelev. He d. b ) nt Orwell Park afsd., 15, and was bur. 22 Out. 178:3, at Nacton, co. Suffolk, aged 68, when all hit honours became extinct. M.I. at Felixstow. Will pr. Nov. 1783. His widow d. at Brighton, 23 Sep., and was bur. 4 Oct. 1S08, at Nacton, aged 78. ILL at Felixstow afsd. Will pr. 1808. SHIRLAND. ?>., "Grey de Shirland," Barony see under "Grey de Wiiton " Barony, cr. 1295, the 5th holder whereof was sum. to Pari, in 1376 as Lord Grey dc H/iirlaud." SHOBDON. See " Batsman of Skobdon, co. Hereford," Barony (Hanbury, after- wards Battmaii.IIaiibitnj), it, 1S37. SHORTCLEUCH. i.e., " Daer and Shortcleuch," Barony [S.] {Douglas), cr. 1616, with the Earldom ok Selkirk [s.|, which see. SHREWSBURY, SALOP, or SHROPSHIRE. Earldom. 1. Roger de Montgomery, Seigneur de Montgomery I 1071 t,ue P ix y s D'Auge, and Vicomtb D'Hiemois, whose father was Roger DE Montgomery, called the Great, but whose mother is un- known, ( c ) was b. before 1030 ; was Councillor to William, Duke of in Glover's pathetic ballad of " Hosier's injured ghost." Both were sons of the Rt. Hon. James Vernon, oue of the Secretaries of State to William III., who d. 1730. ( a ) Neither she nor her husband are mentioned in her father's will, dat 11 Nov. 1762, and proved 11 May 1768. Henry Ibbetson, her father's brother, was cr. a Baronet in 1748. ( b ) Three of his sous, Edward, George, and Francis, died in infancy before 11 June 1763, when he recorded his pedigree. Of these the yst., Francis, was bur. at Nacton, 14 April 1700, aged eight years. There is a good pedigree of this family in "Mis. Gen. el Her." 2d S., vol. iv, p. 206. ( c ) See "the Norman Earls of Shrewsbury" by J. R. Pl.mche (" Collectanea Anhaologica" pub. by the Brit. Arch. Assoc., 2 vols., 4to, 1862), as also "The Conqueror and hia Compauious " [1874] by the same author. Earl Roger stated his own parentage when he describes himself as " Ego Kogerius, ex Normanuis Normannus, Magni autem Rogerii films," in his foundation charter [1067-68] for the Abbey of Troaru in the Hiemois. Vincent (as usual) corrects Brooke as to Earl Roger's [supposed] mother, whom both of them [equally in error] imagine to be wife of a llugh [not a Roger'] de Montgomery. The names of Sari Roger's grand- parents .ire not certain, but Planehe shews very good reason for conjecturing them to be Hugh Montgomery and ( — ) his wife, one of the nieces of the Duchess Guunora of Normandy. The eldest br. as also the second son of Earl Roger had this same name of Hugh. The obscurity attending the historic name of Montgomery is well put by Pliinehe as under. "The Earls of Eglintoun are presumed to be descended from this family of Montgomeri, hut no proof has ever been made, and tho' in 1696 there existed a Comte de Montgomeri in France, an Earl of Montgomery in England, a Montgomery— Earl of Eglintoun, in Scotland, and a Montgomery— Earl of Mount Alexander, in Ireland, the link has yet to be found which would legitimately con- nect these noble families with that of the great Earl of Shrewsbury, who has only transmitted his name to us in that county of North Wales, which he won by the "Word, and called Montgomeri/."