Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/14

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12 SAINT GERMANS. SAINT GERMANS, and ELIOT OF SAINT GERMANS. Barony. J, Edward Euot, afterwards (1789) Cbaogs-Euot, of I 1784 I>ort •' iot >( il ) co - Cornwall, s. iind h. of Richard Eliot, of the simie, Receiver Gen. of the Duchy of Cornwall, by Harriot, illegit. da. ol the lit. Hon. James CraOOS, sometime (1718-21) Sec. of State, wan b. 8 July 1727 in St. Geo. Han. Sq. ; sue. his father 19 Nov. 17 IS ; M.P. for St. Germans 1748-68 ; for Liskeard, 1768-74, for St. German* (again) 1774-76, and for co. Cornwall, 1776-84, and was «r. 30 Jan. 1784, BARON ELIOT OK SAINT GERMANS, co. CORNWALL. He was Receiver Gen. of the Duchy of Cornwall. He took for himself and his issue by royal lie, 18 April 17S9, the name of Ontjftfr) before that of Eliot, with power to subscribe tho name of Cniggs before all titles of honour. He m. 25 Sep. 1756, at St. James' Westni., Catharine, da. and h. of Edward Elliston, of Gueatingthorpe, in South Weald, co. Essex, Capt. E. I.O.S., by Catharine, da. of Edward Gidbo.v, of Buriton. Hants, au<l of I'utney, Surrey. He d. 17 Feb. 1S04 at Port Eliot, aged 76,( c ) and was Mr. at St. Germans. Will pr. 1S01. His widow d. there on the 23d iust. within a week of his death, of inflammation of the longs, aged 69. Both were bur. 1 March at St. Germans. Her aduion. Feb. 180S. H. 1S04. :.' and 1. John (Eliot),(), Baron Euot of Saint T" lrl GERMANS, M but 1st surv. s. and h„( e ) b. 30 Sep. 1761 J cd. at l'em- a 1QO broke Coll., Cambridge; M.A. 1786! was M.P. for Liskeard from I. 1815. 1784 till he sue. In the peerage, IS Feb. ]S04. Col. of the East Cornwall local militia 1808, and Lieut.-Col. Commandant thereof 1810, He wag cr. 28 Nov. 1815, EARL OF ST. GERMANS, co. Cornwall, with a spec. rem. of that dignity, failing heirs male of his body, to his br. William Eliot, Ho »>. firstly, at St. James,' Westni., 9 Sep. 1790, Caroline, sister of the half-blood to Philip. 3d Earl OK H uidwicke, da. of the Rt. Hon. Charles Youke (Karon Morden designate) by his second wife, Agneta da. of Henry Johnson. She, who was b. 29 Aug. 1765, d. 26 July 1S18. He Hi. secondly 19 Aug. 1819, Harriett, 4th da. of the Rt. Hon. Reginald Pole Carew, of Antony, co. Cornwall, by his first wife Jemima, da. and b. of the Hon. John TOREK. He d. s.p., 17 Nov. 1S23, aged G2, at Port Eliot afsd., and was bur. at St. Germans. Will pr. 1824. His widow, who was b. 9 Feb. 1790, d. 4 March 1877, aged 87, at Pisa, in Italy. Earldom 2 ami 3. William (Eliot), Earl of Saint j r I Germans and Baron Euot of Saint Germans, br. and h. male, i. I j 303 1 April 1767, ed. at Pembroke Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1786 ; Barony [ " ' was M.P. for St. Germans,1791-1802,aiid for Liskeard,1802-! , - . I Sec. of legation at Berlin, 1791 ; Sec. of Embassy to the Hague, iu - J 1793 ; Envoy to Munich, 1796 ; Minister to the Palatine and Diet of Ratisbon, 1796 ; a Lord of the Admiralty, 1S00 ; Under-Sec. for Foreign Affairs 1804-05; a Lord of the Treasury, 1807-12 ; sue. to the peerage, as above, 17 Nov. 1823, inheriting the Earldom under the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity. He m. firstly, Nov. 1797, Georgiana Augusta, da. of Granville (Lkveson-Gower), 1st Marquess ok STAFFORD, by his second wife, Susanna, da, of Alexander (Stewart), Earl ok Galloway [S.]. She, who was b. 13 April 1769, d. at Madeira 24 March 1806, and was bur. at St. Germans. He m, secondly, 13 Feb. 1809, Letitia, sister of the 1st Baron Hkytesbury, da. of Sir William Pierce (■■>) This was formerly the Triory of St. Germans. ( b ) He inherited considerable property, including the manor of Cha.-ltou, in Kent, from that family. (°) He was an early patron and one of the most valued friends of Sir Joshua Reynolds, who painted his portrait in 1782 and that of his wife in 1786. P) He "does not appear to have used the namo of Craggs." MS. note by G. W. King, York Herald, in his copy of Nicolas's " Synopsis." ( c ) Of his two elder brothers (1) Edward James Eliot, 4. 9 Aug. 1757, d. 15 Sep. following (2) Edward James Eliot, 4. 24 Aug. 1758, was M.P., a Lord of the Treasury, 2d King'B Remembrancer in the Court of Exchequer. He m, 21 Sep. 1785, Harriet, da. of William (Titt), 1st Earl of Chatham, and d. v.p. and s.p.m. 20 Sep. 1797, aged 39.