Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/266

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2G4 STRAFFORD. II. 1641, / and 2. William WbNTWOBTH, only b. and h., by and second wife, b. 8 June 1626 ; styled ViscorXT Wkntwohth, 1640-41 ; 166° Wtt u " William Wentworth, Knight," rr.( a ) by patent, 1 Dec. 1611 to ' (PHvySeal, 12 Ang. 1641 ), " BAKON WENTWORTH OF WEST- 1 fiQJS WORTH WOODHOUSE. en. York, P. A HON OF NEWMARCH AND OVBHSLEY, and BAHON OK HAHY, within the eounty or bishopric oi Durham, VISCOUNT WENT WORTH and HAUL OF STRAF- FORD, co. Yurk/'C) with a -vice, rem., a* regard* the Barony of Raby (alone) as in tlie letters patent of 12 Jan. (1639/40) 15 Car. I. abovenientiom'd. Having thus obtained all the peerage titles of his father, with the loss only of the precedency thereof, he took his teat accordingly, 27 April 1 titJO. He was el. and iav, K.G 1 and inst. 15 April 1661. By act of Pur!., 19 .May 1862, the attainder of his father was reversed anil he sue. accordingly as KARL Or STRAFFORD, Sc., and to all other of liis father's hereditary titles, according to the respective dates of their creation. F.R.S., 6 Fell. 16153 : P.O., 1674; P.C. [1.] 1677. He n>. firstly, 27 Feb. 1651/5 (Publication at St. Giles's iu the fields) Henrietta Mary, 2d da of James (, 7th KahI. or Deiidv, by Charlotte, da. of Claude DK La TBBMODILLK, Di ke OF TiIoahs in France. She d. 27 Dec. 1685. and was bar. in York minster. He' m. secondly (Lie Pais. 18 Sep. 1694), Henrietta, sister of Frederick William, apparently K Mil. Of l.ll f'oiiu [1.], da. of Frederic Charles DK Royb DK LA RdCHKFouc.',U'I.D, COUNT ok RoYE and Hol'CI, Generalissimo of the forces of the King of Denmark, by Elizabeth, sister of Louis (de Duras), 2d Earl ok Fevehsham. He d. a.p, 16 Oct. 1695, aged 70, when all the peerage tumours conferred on him or his father, excepting the Barony of Raby, became ex(inc*.( b ) He was bur. in York minster. His widow was bur. 14 Nov. 1732 at St. James's, Westm. Admou. 14 Feb. 1732/3. III. 1711. 1. Thomas ( V e x two rt n ) , Karon Kaby [1G40 and 1641], also a Baronet [1611], cousin and ft. male, being 2d but l»t Bnrv. s. and h ,( c ) of Sir William Wentwouth, of Northgate Head in Wakefield, co. York, by Isabella, da. of Sir Allen ArsLEY, which William (who d. July 1693) was s. and h. of Sir William Wentwoiith, of Ash by I'neroruiu, co. Lincoln (slain at Marston Moor, 3 July 1644), who was next br. to William, cr. Eakl OK SthaVFokd, BaWH Raby, *c, 12 Jan 1639/10 as above-mentioned. He was b. at Standly Hall and bap. 17 Sep. 1672, at Wakefield ; Page of Honour to the Queen Consort, 161*7 ; w*« a Cornet in Lord Colchester's Reg. of horse, becoming finally (1707) Lieut. "Gen,, ;'"'l being Col. of the Royal Reg. of Dragoons 1697-1715; Groom of the Bedchamber 1695. He sue. ta the peerage as BARON KABY on the death of bis cousin, the -'! Earl of Strafford, 16 Oct. 1695, according to the spec. rem. in the creation of that dignity (being introduced 25 Nov. 1695) having also become, at the same date. 4th Baronet [1611] as heir male of the body of bis greatgrandfather, William, the 1st Baronet abovementioned. He was Ambassador, or Envoy, at Berlin, 1701, 1703 1704, and 1705-11 ; Ambassador at the Hague, 1711-1711 ; P.O. 1711, being cr. 29 June 1711, VISCOUNT WENTWORTH OF WENTWORTH WOOIiHOUsK AND UK STAIN BO ROUGH, and EARL OF STRAFFORD, all iu co. York, with a specrem., failing heirs male of his body, to bis brother Peter Wentworth in like manner ; was Dyck " is engraved in " Doyle " ; iu it the cloudy countenance and the stoop in the neck are very manifest. He is spoken of, in 1640, by Lady Essex Cheeke [hat. HISS. Report viii., pt 2, p. 56] as "Black Tom," who "will not suffer a gard to attend him, knowinge lie hath terror enough in his bended browes to amaze the prentises. ( a ) Luttrell {"Diary" 20 Sep. 1694) says "The Lord Feversham's niece is to be married to the old Earl of Stratford." (b) Ou his death, Weutworth Woodhouse and the bulk of his estates passed to bu nephew, the Hon. Thomas Watson, 3d s. of his eldest sister Anne, by Edward, W Baron Rockingham. This Thomas, who took the additional name of Wentworth, became Baron Rockingham and was cr., in 1746, Marquess of Rockingham (a title extinct 1782), being ancestor of the Earls Fitzwiiliam, now (1896) of Wentworth Woodhouse. ( c ) His eldest br. William d. num. 1693, aud was bur, at Brussels.