Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/340

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338 SUSSEX. He d. s.p. Aug. 1043 at a great ape, when a// /i/s hmwurs became erliuct.l*) His widow m. 30 March 1040, at Hornsey in Highgate, Mid*., as his third wife, Hubert (RICH), 2d Eaiil op Warwick, who </. IS April, 1058, when Bhe m. in July 1 659 (for her -1 til hushnimV') ami for the 4th of his live wives) Edward (UoNTAQUj 2d Haul of MANCHESTER, who d. 5 May 1071, aged OS. She was 6ur. 31 Jan. 1006, at Kimbulton eu. Huntingdon. Will dat. 5 June, 1665, pr. 2 Feb. 1060/7. XIV. 1644. J. Thomas (Savile) Viscount Savins [1.1, crag a: 25 May 1011, EA1U, OP SUSSEX. He was 3d s. of Job (Savile) BaBOS Sa.vii.k at PuNTmucv (so cr. 21 .luly 1628) by his Beefflaa wife Elizabeth, da. of Sir Edward C.utYE : was It. about 1590 ; admitted to the (tract Temple, Nov. 1010; Kuiyhtcd at Whitehall, 0 March 1010/"; M.P. for co. Vmk 1624-25 ; Gent, of the Privy Chamber, 1626 ; joint (Jov. of Pontefract park 1(527; was eft v.p. 11 June 1028, VISCOUNT SA VI I.E and BARON OP CASTLKBAR[f.] and sue, ou the death of his father 31 Am: 10:10, as BARON SAVILE OK POMFRET [K.] under the spec. rem. in the creation [21 .luly 1623) of that Bnrour. He was a Royalist and was one of the 10 •' papular" noblemen,') Battled Sep. 1 fj-SO to treat with the Scots at Hipnu ; as ilid he also in London in Nov. following; P.C. 1011 ; L. President of the Council of the nor th, April to Aug, 1011 ; I,. Lieut, of Yorkshire, 1011 ; a Coruurissr. of Regency, Aug. to Nov. 1011 ; Treasurer of the Household, 1641-45 ; Gov. of York, 1012. He attended the King at Oxford, by whom, when there, he was rr., 25 May 1011, Karl of Sussex as afsd. He in. firstly, Frances, widow of Sir John I.f.vksox, da. and h. of Sir Thomas Sondes, of Throwley, co. Kent, by his second wife Margaret, da. of William (Brooke), Lono CoBHAU. By her he had no issue. He m. secondly, Soon after Nov. 10-10, Anne, only OS. of Christopher (Yir.i ikks), 1st E.uu. ok Axui.ksky, by Klizabeth, .la of Thomas ShkukiX. He (/.about I659.( d ) Will, signed "Sank Sussex'," dat. 8 Nov. 1057, pr. 8 Oct. 1059, 10 Keb. 1071/2, and 3 July 1082. His widow, who in Feb. HioO/1 became heir tn her br., Charles, 2d and last Eabi. ok Anui.esev, is. Kiehard Pki.son, ami d. at 8t. Giles' in the fields. Adtnon 1 July 1070 to her said husband, therein called " Esq." XV. 1Go9 ? 2. James (Savile), Karl of Sussex [!GUI], ami to P.aiion Savile ok Pomhiet [1628], also Viscount .Savile urd 1671. Raho.n Castlebar [102Sj iii the peerage of Ireland, only s. and Ir. by second wife ; b. 1017, being 10 years old at the date of his father's will ; sue. fo the peerage, as above, about 1059. He m, Anne da. of Hubert Wakk, of Antwerp, merchant. He U. s.p.a'Ci ami was bur. 11 Oct. 1071 at Howlcy. co. York, whea all his Itoruiurs became Admon. at York 1071- His widow ni. Fairfax OvmiToS, to whom (as " Esq.") her adtnon. was granted 22 June 1680. (") He had several sisteis (see Visit, of Beds, 1031). one of whom, Frances, m. Henry Cheeke, and had issue Sir Thomas Cheek e, her s. and li.. who was of 1'irgo, co. Essex, and who if. 1059, leaving Robert Cheeke, a claimant [1660-68] for the Baronj of Fitzsvalter, against the Mildmay family, on the ground of their being id the hall- blood to the hist Lord. He d. s.p. 1008, leaving Thomas Cheeke his br. and fa., who d. 1088, leaving issue. ( b ) Owing to her marrying three old Earls successively, she is called by Sir Halph Verney [ Veruey Correspandeiice] " the old men's wife.'* She is described [ibid] on the strength of her copious correspondence (which has been preserved) as clever, shrewd, worldly and exacting," and as " an energetic and active woman with strong puritanic and parliamentary tendencies." ( c ) See vol. iii, p. 280, note " b," sub " Essex " for their names. ( d ) Lord Clarendon describes him as a man of att ambitious and restless nature; of parts and wit enough, but in his disposition arrd inclination so false that he could never be believed or depended upon. His portrait, "from a drawing in the .Suther- land collection (Bodl. Lib.)," is engraved in " Doyle*' ( e ) James, his only s. and h. ap., if. an infant, and was bur. 16 July 1071 (3 months before him) at Howley. ( f ) His only sister, Frances, m. Francis Brudeuell, styled Lord Brudenell, and is ancestress uf the Earls of Cardigan,