Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/35

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SALISBUKY. 33 Sm William de Longespee, s. ami h. of William, Earl of Salisbury, and Kin, hia wife, both abovnnamed, sue. bis father in March 1226, in which year he was signed with the Cross as engaging to join in the Crusade. He was, however, still under age in 12:31 ; was Knighted 11 June 1233, tho' (as is particularly mentioned) not invested with the Earldom. (*) from 1240 to 1242 he was in Palestine, and again, as commander of the English Crusaders, in 1249, being, sometimes, called KARL OF SALISBURY. In 1243 he had an annuity of 00 marks, " until he should obtain judgment upon the claim he made to the Earldom of Wiltshire and Castle of Salisbury" and in 1247 he informs the Pope that his fortune is small, as the King " hath taken away from me the rank of Earl with its estate," which he did 11 judicially and not in his anger or from an arbitrary impulse."( b ) He m. in 1226. Idotieu, da. and h. of Richard de Camville, by Eustachia, da and h. of Richard IIasskt. He was slain vita matris, 8 Feb. 1260 at a bloody engagement against the Saracens in the assault of Mussourah in Egypt, and was bur. in the church of the Holy Cross at Acre. Siu William de Longespee, only s. ami h. of the above, sue. his father 19 Feb. 1250, but never assumed the style of Earl of Salisbury. He m. 1254, Matilda, da. and h. of Walter DE Clifford, by Margaret, da. of Llewellyn, Prince ok Walks. He d. s.p.m., in 1257, in the lifetime of his grandmother, Ela, Countess of Salisbury abovemcutioned, of wounds received at a tourna- ment held 4 June 1256, at Mlyth, co. Nottingham. His widow m. as his first wife John (Cikkardl 1st Lord" Giffard, who d. 23 May 1299. She d. before (1282-83) 11 Ed. I. t Margaret, da. and h. ( possibly (°) coheir) of Sir William de Longespee next abovenamed, by Matilda his wife ; sue. her father in 1257, and became, by the death of her great grandmother Ela, Codntess of Salisburt, 24 Aug. 1261, the representative of the former Earls, and may, possibly, be considered as suo jure COUNTESS OF SALISBURY. She m. as first wife (contract 22 Dec. 1256), Henry (dk Lacy), Earl of Lincoln, who sue. to that dignity, 21 July 1257, hut who never appears to have been styled (in con- sequence of his alliance) Earl of Salisbury. () He d. s.p.m. 5 Feb. 1310/1, aged about 60. See fuller particulars of him under " LINCOLN " Earldom, cr. 1232, sub the 3d Earl. She d. 22 Nov. 1310. Alice, rtuly surv. da. ami li. of t lie above, b. about 1283, may, possibly, be considered on the death, 22 Nov. 1310, of her mother to be suo jure COUNTESS OF SALISBURY. On the death of her father, 5 Feb. 1310/1, she certainly became suo jure COUN'l'ESS OF LINCOLN. She m. on or before 28 Oct. 1291, at her age of 11, Thomas (Plantagenkt), Earl ok Lancaster and Earl ok Leicester, who s;tc. his father. Edmund (yr. s. of Henry III.), in those diguities, 5 June 1296, and who, jure uxoris, may be considered as Earl OF Lincoln and perhaps also as Earl ok Salisbury and who received in 1312 the i'20 a year " pro tertio denario in com. Lincoln " which hail belonged to his wife's father. He d. s p., being beheaded at the castle of Pontefract, 22 March 1321/2, aged about 41, when having been attainted all his honours were forfeited. [See fuller account of him under " Lvncastk.u " Earldom.] The King seized on all the (») " Willielmus Longespe accingitur gladio militari sed not fit Comes Sarum" [MS. Budl. quoted in Dugdale's " Hannuge". i, 72]. At this same date, Thomas de Newburgh «'n invested with the Earldom of Warwick, and two Earls (Norfolk and Oxford) were Knighted. ( b ) Nichols's " Stduburu," as in p. 29, note " a." ( c ) See p. 34, note " c." Dugdale sajs that he " had thereupon the Earldom of Salisbury," but Townsend in his notes thereon [Call. Tup et (Jen-, vol. vi, p. 149], says, " I think it will appear that this Henry de Lacy never enjoyed that honour. He is not called so in any writ of summms but his daughter is called Countkss of Lincoln and Sardm, 15 Ed. II. [•inc., No. i, 145.]" D