Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/366

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3G4 TALBOT. a Peer of the United Kingdom, S May 1 839, us BARON FURNIVAL OF MALAHIDE co. Dublin. He in. firstly (lie. 28 Nov. 1789) Catherine da. and h. of John M,i.r.vs,oi Chapel Izod and Rocheitown, co, Dublin, She a*, about LSOO. He »»• secondly, IS March ISOti. Margaret, da. of Andrew Saykiis. He (/. a ) 29 Oct. lSI'J, in Dublin, ti nuil 7;!, when the Barony of Purniral at MaUxhlde became extinct. Will pr. July 1S52. His widow d. s.p. 26 Nov. 1S61, at 3 Lowndes square. IK. 1S49. .;. James (Talbot), Baron Talbot op Malahide, &<•., [[.], next l)r. and h. male, l>. about 1 777 : inc. to the peerage [1.1 SI Oct 1S49. He in. 26 Dec 1 S04, Anne Sarah, 2d da. and coheir of Samuel Itou- n.uu>. of Evercreech, eo. Somerset He </. 20 Dec. 18S0, aged 73. at Kvercreeca House. Will pr. Jan. 1S51. His widow d. there 13 March 1857, aged 63. IV. 1850. 4 $• Jauss (Talbi>t), IIakon in- .Mala- d ni R 1 llll1E - [i-l> 1 st s - and h., I>. 22 Nov. ISO", at Tiverton, Devon ; y lu V J M.I', for AtUloiie, 1832-35; me. to ike peerage [I.], 'JO Dee lSSO,*nd I. 1856. wascr. a Peer of the United Kingdom, 11* Nov. 1850, as BARON TALIloT DK MAI. A1IIDK. co. Dublin ; was a l,.,r.l in Waiting, lSii3-66 ; F.K.S., F.S.A.. LL.D. of Dublin; a member of the Senate in the Royal I'niv. of Ireland ; President of the Archsoulogieal Institute [O.K.], of the Royal Academy [I,] Royal Agricultural Society [I.], kc. He m B Au^. 1812, Maria MargaretU, yat. da. ttn Coheir of Patrick MrjRKAT, of Simpriin. co. Forfar. She d. 9 Aug. 1873, at Malubide Castle. He </. U April 1SS3 at Kunchal. in Madeira, in his 76th year. Barony [i.j 5 and 2. Richard Wogan (Talbot), Baron y I Talbot of Malahide, &c. [I., 1831], also Barok Talbot ds -1883 MaLaHIDK [U.K., 1856], let a. and hv, b. 28 Feb. lslii in Barony [U.K.] I London J ed. at Eton ; sometime Lieut. Oth Lancers. He 1 m. 25 June 167.'!, at Cbristchurch, Upper Norwood, Surrey, Emily llarriette, I'd ,la. and coheir of Sir James BuSWILL, 2d and last Bart. [cr. 1821], of Auchinleck, 00. Ayr, by Jessie Jaue, da. of Sir James Montgomery Clnni.nciu.vm, 6th Bart. [S.]-p Faniili/ Estates.— These, ill 1883, consisted of 1,893 acres co. Dublin, 1,183 co. Cavan, and 547 co. Westmeath. 7'uiaf 3,573 acres, worth £1,9-15 a year. J'rincipal Scot. — Malahide Castle, near Dublin. Bateman (in his " Gnat Landowners," edit. 1883), gives the following note. "The late Lady T. de M. (and presumably her sou), had iu Scotland 2.645 acres, rented at £5,279." II. J TALBOT OF RICHARDS CASTLE. " Richard Talbot, next bp. of Gilbert, Baron Talbot, [so sum. by writ 1331], having in. Joan, da. and coh. of Hugh Mortimer, of Richards Cattle, co. Hereford, acquired that territory about the end of the reign of Edward II., to whom succeeded John his s. and h.. wdio died 1355-6, leaving John Talbot his s. and h. let. 18. The said John died 1375, leaving Richard his s. and h. ;ct. circa 5, who died under age 1382, as did his brother John iu 138S, leaving three sisters and coheirs : Eleauor, tet. 16, who died unm. 1390 : Elizabeth, :et. 21, and wife of Sir Warine Arcedekne, Knt. ; and Philippa, tot 21, and wife of Sir Mat thew Oournay, Knt. None of this branch of the Talbot family were ever sum. to Pari. ; and as they did not acquire this Barony until the reign of Edward II., they canuot be considered to have been Barons of the Realm." [CouriAorye.] ( a ) John Mai pas Talbot, his son d. unm. 182S. His only da. and h., Catherine Frances, in. 9 May 1809, Lieut.-Gen. Sir William Cornwallis Eustace, K.C.H. and d. 10 Dec. 1816. She would appear to be the heir general of her family if her father was (asjitated in a "Genealogical Memoir," of the family, Dublin 1S28) "tile lineal right heir of Sir Thomas Talbot sum. to the pari. [I.] 15 Feb. (1371/2) 46 Ed. III.," altho' the conclusion that he would be, entitled as »uch. to the dignity of Lord Baron Talbot [I.] if the said Sir Thomas took his seat under the summons " canuot (save iu an EwjlUk Barony alone) be sustained.