Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/382

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3S0 TKVIOT — TEYES. II. K>%, 1. Sin Thomas Livingston. Bart. [S.], s, and h. of Sir to Thomas Livingston, Bai t. [S.], of Newbigging (mi it. 29 June 1G27), 1711. I'y ( — )i on 'y «Md of (— ) Edmonp, a Col. in the service of t lie States General, was b. about 1 1350 in Holland : became hiinaeM a Col. in that service, and accompanied the Prince of Orange (afterwards William 111) in 168S to England : was in command of the 2<1 rep. of Dragoons, ItiSS ; served in several of the campaigns of William III.: was Com. in Chief of the forces in Scotland ; becoming Major General, 1696 : P.C., 1686 ; and, having previously *"<"■ laxa father in the Baronetcy, was a: 4 Dec. 1090, VISCOUNT TKVIOT and LOBD LIVINQSTl (HE OF PEEBLES [S.] As such, be objected (fruitlessly) to the VUmmtcy of Pecbltt [S.] being granted with the Earldom of March [S.],~20 April 1097, to land William Douglas ; he, however received, lit June 1688, a new Barony in lieu of the fornier),(*) nr. that of LOUD LIVIXGSTi >N K OK HYNDKOOHI) [&] He became l.ieut. (Jen. 1 .Ian. 1704, was naturalised in England in that year, living at Hipnn, CO. Vwrlt He Bt.( h ) Maektellina Walkave, a native of Nimeeueil, who sued hiiu in 17(13 for payment of her debts. He rf. s.p. in London (his wife having been " excepted " of poisoning him) I t Jan. ami was bur. 24 Ke> 1710/1, in W'otm. Abbey, in his 00th year,' c ; when his parage became extinct, tho' the Baronetcy fS. ] pasted to hi.< hr. Will (in which no mention is made of his wife) dat. 27 Sep, 1710, pr. 1 March 1710/1. His widow d. 2 Dec. 1729.^) TEVIOTDA LE or TIVTOTDALE. Se« " Cumwehlan-d and Tiviotdaij!," 1 (ukedoni (Ernetit-Auyus/us,Priitce ofG. B. and I.), a: 1799. TEWKESBURY. See"CjPELL ok Tewkesbury," Barony (Capell) or. 1G92; ex. 1G9G. Le., " Tewkesbluy, cn. Gloucester," Barony (FitzCktrence) cr. 1S31, with the Eakldom ok Minster, which see. TEYES. ».&, "Teyes, co. MitWx.." Barony (ScftomUnj), a: 1689, with the Dl'kedom of Scuombeiig, which see ; ex. 1719. TEYES or TYES. Barony by J, Henry he TYES.( d ) probably of Shirburn, cn. Oxon, writ. had summons 26 Ed. I. "tqttit it armis," to Carlisle, and was sum. to T 1990 Pari- as a Baron (LORD TYES) by wiits from (i Keb. (1208/9) ' 27 Ed. I to 26 Aug. (1307) 1 Kd.'lL Hit H«D)« as " Dominus it Chilton " is affixed to the letter of the Barons to the Pope, in 13Q1.0 He d. about (1307-08) 1 Ed. 11. (') See vol. iv, p. 307. note " d," sub " Hyndfoord." ( b ) The account of his wife, as also the date of her death, was supplied to tie editor by R. R. Stodart, Lyou Depute. ( c ) Macky, in his " Characters," speaks of him, when "towards 66," as "a gentle- man of a good head and understands most things very well ; hath purchased a greater estate than any soldier in the King's reign "... is of a fair complexion, fine shape, and well-looked." He adds that he was dismissed from being B.C. and Com.-in-chief by Queen, but continued in his Reg. of Dragoons. The only estate he mentions in his will was Livingstone House, in Wimbledon, co. Surrey, which he leaves to Lady Elizabeth Gordon, da. of Charles, Earl of Aboyne. (d) " Dugdale, in his account of this family, merely says that Henry (the 2nd Baron) son of this Henry, was summoned to Parliament from 28 Ed. I to 14 Ed. II ; but as a ' Henry de Tyes ' received a summons 8 June 22 Ed. 1, 1294 (though probably not to Parliament), and as from 1 Ed. II, when the first Henry died, no Henry Tyes was Biiuitnoned for five years, viz., until 6 Ed. II, it is most probable that both were eummoued to Parliament as is stated in the text." [A'icofas.] ») See "Nicolas," pp. 761-809 for a good accouut thereof.