Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/397

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THOMOND. 3S5 d. s.p.m (■') 10 May 1786, at llostellan Castle, eo. Cork, being bur. at Taplow, eo. Bucks.() He m. secondly, 25 July 1782 (spec, lie.) at the house of her guardian, the Kt. lion. Edmund Burke, in Bencunsfield, eo. Bucks, Mary, 1st da. of John Palmer, of tlreat Turlington, to. Devon. Attorney, by Mary, da, and eoheir of the Hev. Samuel liKVNoi.Ds, M.A.. br. to the celebrated painter, Kir Joshua REYNOLD*. He d. s.p.m., at the house of Viscount Sydney in Ciroavenur square, in consequence of his horse falling with him, 10 anil was bur. lit Peh. 1808 at Taplow, eo. Bucks( c ) in his 85tb year, when the Barony af Thnnutnd of Taplou became txtinet, but the Irish honours devolved as below. Will pr. 1S08. His widow, by whom he bad uo issue, <L of apoplexy at liaylis, co. Bucks, ti Sep. 1820 in her 70th year, and was bur. at Taplow afsil. Will pr. 1820. II. lK0i>. William (Q'Brybs), -Mahqiess of Tiiomond, Kahl OF Inchiuui.n, BaIion Inchiotin, [I. J nephew and b. male, being 2d but 1st surv. s.( u ) of Edward O'Buikn. by Man-, da, of ( — ) Cahrick, which Edward (who d. March 1S01) was yst. br. of the late Lord, being 3d s.(°) of the Hon. James O'Buikn abovenientioued : b. about 1765; entered the army at an early age, serving in the 12th foot at the taking of Unailaloupe and St. Lucia ; ami iiftri wards in the Hast Indies, but retired (being then in the 14th Dragoons] in 1S00 ; Mir. fa I'n' peerage [l.] iO Feb. 1S0S, inheriting the MnrrjHeunte under the spec. rem. in its creation ; Col. of the Cork militia ; el.K.P. 1 1 Nov. 1809 and hurt. 27 May 1S19 ; RSP. 1'eku [I ] 1816-4(3, being er. (meanwhile] a Peer of the United Kingdom, :! July 1826 as I'.AKoN TADCASTER Of Tadcaster, eo. York ; I'.C. [I.]; Militia aide-de- cant!) to Queen Victoria; Gov, of co. Cork. He St. Hi Sep. 1789, Elizabeth, da. and h. of Thomas Thuttkk, of Duleck. He d. at his residence, Taplow House, 21 Aug. 1846, aged about :J0, and was bur. at Taplow, when the Barony vf Tadcatter became rj-'i'iic<. Will pr. Sep. 1846. His widow d. 3 March 1S52 aged' 77. Will pr. April 1852. III. 1S-1G, J. James (OT.ryes), Marquess of TnoMOND [1. 1S00], to Kahl ok IncukjI'IN [I. 1(164], Karon Inchiquix [I. 1543] ami lf-OU. Baiuin O'BltlKN ok BUBHBR [I. 1654], next br. and h. ; b. about 17(58 ; was an officer in the Royal Navy, being in command of "the Emerald" at the capture of St. Lucia and Surinam, becoming vice- Admiral of the White, 1811 and filially, 1853, Admiral of the lied : styled Loan JaMKS O'Bhikn 1809-55, nuiler royal warrant 29 Nov. 1809, granting him the precedency of the son of a .Marquess ; G.C.H. 1831 ; sue. to the peerage [1.] 21 Aug. 1846. He la. firstly, 25 Nov. 1800, Eliza Bridgeman, 2d da. of Wii.i.vams, of Caruanton, co. Corn- wall. She d. 14 Feb. 1S02 He hi. secondly Jane, widow of Valentine HoiiSKoltD, of Antigua, da. of Thomas Ottley. She d. S Sep. 1843 iu her 03d year, at Westou- siiper-mare. He in. thirdly, 5 Jan. 1S47, Anne, widow of Hear Admiral Francis William PAKE, sister of Sir Charles William Flint and da. of William Flint. He d. s p., near Bath, 3 July 1855, in his 88th year, when the Muronessnlc of Tlwmond, the Earhltim of Inchiquiu and the Barony of V Brien of Barren [L] became extinct, but Hie Sarong of fncAijuiiiC) [1.] devolved on the heir male of the body of the grantee ; see that dignity. "Will pr. Aug. 1S55. His widow d. at 39 Grosvenor place, 22 Oct. 1871, aged 83. THOMOND OF TAPLOW. i.e., "Thomokd of Taplow, co. Buck?," Barony (O'Bkyen), or O'Bhikn), Barony, er. 1801 ; ex. 180S ; see " THOMOND," Marquessate [I.] <T, 1S00 ; ex. 1855, sub the 1st Marquess. (*) Mary, her only surv. da. and h. of line, became consequently, in 1790, suo jure Countess ok Orkney [S.j, and is ancestress of the present Earls. See that dignity. ( b ) See (as to her being deaf and dumb) vol. vi, p. 13d, note •' a," sub " Orkney." ") •' He was celebtated rather as a bon-iicmit than a fashionable, and for many years bad the reputation of being a six-bottle mail " [Gent, Mag.]. ( J ) His elder or. Murrongh rf. uum. (") John O'Brien, Capt. R.N., the intermediate brother, d. B.p. about 1/SS. There is a curious note iu " Ludge " (vol. ii, p. 58) about his career. ( f ) See p. 394, note " d."