Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/453

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TYIUvXK 431 IV. iVlli I Henry (U'Nkii.i.) IUkun Di'mmnmi.v 2.1 luit 1st siin-. s. and lu| by Joanna. 2.1 wife, who, wlien lie became h. "!'■, Ml tin- iletlill of his elder l.r. 23 S-p. 1009, was eiititle.l tit the .•tbovenamed Barony under the terms of its creation in 1512 and of its e«ni- Urination in ifiST. Ho w«i>, in w shortly before 1586. He was. in 1805. Col. of an Irish Reg in the Service of the Arch. hike Ailiert in Spain, and, in 1614, was ma.le Knight n( the SpauMi order uf St. .1 igo by Philip III. of Spain. H" appeals (notwithstanding the attainder of 1 61 J > to have styleil himself, after his lather's death 20 .Inly 1611, Barl nf Ttfrnnr [.] He. bow, ever, miller (he mine tit '* Henry O'Neill, second sou of t lie Ktrl of Tyr ." was attainted (with his father and elder hr. I.y Act of l'arl. [I.] 88 (I t. IBIS, He (who is sometimes mid to have been killed in Spain? </. s p. before 1G2'>.| I'. re#7 ■:. .Tons o'Nkii.i. n.-xt 1 r. am) l»4*)tW pn.l.- ably uf the hilf-blood. styled himsc'f. as aUi-e, £,ir! nf Tgrant (I ] : was a Major General in I be Spanish Service as ■• AV Cimilc i/c Ti/r:»i':' He i/. s.p , bring killed at the bead of bis regiment ill I 'at.aloiiia. 1(111. in an engagement with the insin gents, when the legit, issue Utah) of the great Karl Hugh appears Im have become extiuct. VI. Ji'i'/l. 0. ]Ivgu O'Xeiu., cousin ,-nnl sppateiitly li. mat.-, being ». and h of Art-O^fl O'Xkii.i., 1st s. of Art • I'Nkh.i.. yr. br. .if Hugh, the fatuous Karl nf Tyrone. He, who was a Major (.'eiieral in the army and Governor of l.iuiei ick. styled himself, as above, AW nt Tyrant II I. hikI solicit* bin restoration as inch in a letter, 27 Oct. 1660. from Madrid to the Maiipiess of Ormun le., 1 ') He apparently it. s.p VII, 1670? 7. Ort'f.x O'XuiLi., great nopli -w ami h., being s. an I h. of Bryan U'Nkii.i.. s. of Owen-lioe O'Xkiu.. General of the Confederates in 1612 {il. 6 Nov. Jfl (9, aged ab .ut 00). yr. br. of Art-ogs O'Nni.l. aboveuamed. father of the last so styled Karl. He styled himself Furl of Tui one [ I . ] lie </. s.p. since which period the title (which had been under attainder since 10U has. apparently, never been assumed by a:iv of the O'Neill family.^ IV. 107.'?. J. Richard (Powkb), I.aro.v T.k 1'oivur as» Cohouh- mouk(1.]. 1st p. and b. of John, the 5th Huron, by Ruth, da. and h. of Robert Piivimmk, /<. 1630 : was M.P. [I.] for co. Waterford and Gov. of that city and count v : sue (w lit peerage (X] in 1661 and was er. 9 Oct. IdfS^j V1SCO0XT 01' DEOIESi'j an.l KARL 0 V TV HONK [I.J. He was Col. of a R«ir. of fort for (•) There were other brothers, of whom [D Rernard, or lirien. O'Neill was a Page in the Archduke's Court, and was murdered at Brussels, 16 Aug. 1617, when but 13 or 14 years old, and bur. at Lonraiu ; (2) Con CXeSl (possibly an iHegit. sim v , was left behind in the (light of llii>7 ; was ed. at Kton (being at Kaghtoii Colledge. lit Scoole") but was thence taken, 12 Aug. 1823!, for safe custody, to the Tower of London, where lie <(. unni. () Carte MSS., vol. 31, p. 3:1. The English Ambassador at Madrid, Henry liennet, recommends the claim ami sets forth the petitioner's descent. ( c ; The mile descendants of Matthew llaron Dungannon (the s. of the 1st Karl of Tyrone], who are in remainder to the Ivirldoiu, were very numerous and possibly still exist In " hijnrh" (p. 277) mention is made of papers, formerly in the Irish House of Lords, relating to peerage claims, among which claims is one to the "Earldom of Tyrone, about the year 1717." This, however, may not improbably, refer to the Earldom of that name that became extinct in 1709. C l ) See the preamble to this patent in " bodge? vol. ii. p. 306. ( c ; III consequence of the marriage of the grantee's am) with the heiress of " the Decies," he obtained the title of Viscount Decies, just ns the Viscountcy of Tamworth was conferred iu 3711 (with the Earldom of l?«rro»)i because (as in this case} the grantee's eldest ton bad m. the heiress of Tatawdrth Ci»tle.