Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/5

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SACKVILLE — SAINT ALBANS. 3 II. 1888. 2. Lionel Sackville ( Sackville- West, /ww?-/!/ [1827- 43], West), Baron Sackville of Knole, next br. and, under the spec. rem. in the creation thereof. le-ir to that peerage : b. 19 July 1827 ; entered the diplomatic service. 181"; Sec of leRBtion, 1858; Sec. of embassy, 1847: Ambassa- dor to the Argentine Republic. l>72-78 : to .Madrid, 1S7S-S1, and to Washington, 1881-88 ; K.C.M.G., 1{.(%5 ; K.C M.G., 188S ; sue. to the peerage, 1 Oct. 1888. Pamili/ Ettatet. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 4,0SO acres in Sussex, 1960 in Kent, 2,391 ia Gloucestershire, and 120 in Herts. Total S.551 acres, worth £11,250 a year. Principal Residence, Kmile Park, near Sevenoaks, co. Kent. SADBERGE. The " notion that the Bishops [of Durham], were Counts Palatine of Durham and EARLS OF SADBERGE, a demesne manor and wapentake in the county of Northumberland (it) which Durham was also a franchise), which Bishop Pudsey had acquired, with most of its Knights' services in the reign of Richard I, . . . . is not worth much investigation. The idea was older than Cosin's [Bishop of Durham, 1060-72] time. Hegge, in 1625, speaks of Pudsey's purchase of the Knrldom of Sadburg, and there are probably much earlier instances, arising from Sadberge . . . being sometimes called a County." See an article by W. H. Dyer L.iiL'staffe, on the " The old Official Heraldry of Durham," in The " Her. and den." Vol, viii, p. 138. SAINT ALBANS. Viscountcy. /. Francis Bacox, 5th aid yst. s.( a ) of Sir Nicholas I 1 6°0/l I>,AC0N > °f Redgrave, co. Suffolk, sometime (1558-79), L. Keeper of T* ' ' the Great Seal, being his second s., by his second wife, Anne, da. of i nop ' sir Anthony Cooke, of Oidea Hall, in Romford, eo. Essex, was b. 22 lOaO. j. ln X561, at York House, in the St rand, Midx. ; was ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1573-75; entered at Grays Inn, 1576, becoming, 27 .Tune 1582, Barrister : MP. for Meleombe Regis, 1585-88 : for Taunton, 15SG-S7 ; for Liverpool, 15SS-S9 : for Middlesex, 1592-93 (when he opposed the granting of more than one subsidy at a time, to the Crown,) for Ipswich, 1597-98, 1601, and 1604-11 and for the Univ. of Cambridge, 1614 ; was cr. M.A. of Cambridge. 27 July 1594 ; Queen's Counsel extra., 1595 ; Kings Counsel extra., April 1003 ; Knighted 23 Julv 1603 ; King's Counsel, 1604 : Solicitor Gen. 1607-13 ; Registrar of the Star Chamber, i608 ; Councillor for the Colony of Virginia, 1609; Joint Judge of the Marshalsea. 1611 ; Attorney Gen. 1013-1 7 ;P.O,. 1616-25 ; High Steward of St. Albans, 1616 ; High Steward of Cambridge, 1617; Councillor of Wales, 1617 ; L. Keeper of the Great Seal, 7 March 1617/8 : L. Hir.H Chancellor, 4 Jan. 1618/9 to 30 April 1621, being cr. 11 July 1618, BARON VERULAM, co. Herts, and, 27 Jan. 1620/1, VISCOUNT SAINT ALBANS.('>) He was a Commissioner for Eccles. causes, 1620-21. He was, however, found guilty of bribery, and, in April 1621, was deprived of all office, disabled from sitting in pari, or from coming to court, fined £40,000 and sentenced to im- prisonment during the King's pleasure. This last was remitted, after a few days spent in the Tower, and the fine was assigned by the King, 20 Sep. 1621, to trustees for his use. He was however never again restored to court favour. He hi. 10 April 1606, Alice 2d. da. and coheir of Benedict Barnham, Alderman and sometime (1591-92), Sheriff of Loudon (d. 3 April 1598), by Dorothy, (") da. of Ambrose ( a ) His eldest brother, Nicholas Bacon, was the first person advanced to the dignity of a Baronet, 22 May 1611, an honour still enjoyed by his posterity. ( b ) " The borough of St. Albans is built near the site of the ancient town of Veru- lauvium" [Pari. Oazeteer, 1845]. ( c ) This much married Dorothy had for her 4tb and last husband, Thomas (Erskine) 1st Earl of Kellie [S.], whom see. Her admon, 31 Oct. 1639, describes her as of Eyworth, Beds, wliero her da., Alice, Viscountess Saint Albans was buried. B 2