Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/68

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GG SAYR. da. and h. of William Wtkkium, otherwise Pkrrott,(") of Broughton Castle, co. Oxford, by Jane, his wife, said to lie da. of Sir Reginald DE TBPMPINOT0N.( b ) She m, (for her second husband) John Harvey, and il. 1477. IK. 1471. 3. Henry (Fie.vxes), Lord Save and Sele, 1st s. anil h., 6. about 14G0, sue. to the petrant, 14 April 1471, but " tho' lie used the title of Lord Say, had never summons to l'arl."( c ) He HI. Anne, da of Sir Richard H.micouht, of Stanton Hareourt, Oxon, by his lirst wife, Edith, da. and li. of Sir Thomas St. Clere. He d. (before his mother, who held the family estate) 2 Aug. 1476. IV. 1476. J,. Richard J iennes, At jure Lord Save and Sele, only a. iitld h., aged but 2 years at his father's death in 1476, proving his full age, 1462. He never assumed the title. ^'j and was never sum. to Pari, He m. Elizabeth, da. of Richard CroKT,( c ) the younger, of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford (to whom he had been in ward) by Anne, da. of ( — ) Fox. He d. in 1601, aged 28, beiug described as " Esquire" iu his i»oj. past mortem. His widow m. William (by some called Richard) West, and (/. 29 March, 15:27. V. 1501. 5. Edward Fiexxes, dejwe Lord Sayb and Selk, only 8. and h., aged but one year at his father's death iu 1501. He, when of full age, sued out his livery under' the designation of an Estpiire and " refused Iq take up the title of Baron because his mother held the capital seat and the greater part of the estate. "( f ) He was never sum. to Pari. He m. about 1518, Margaret, 3d da. of Sir John Danvers, of Dauntsey, Wilt*, by Anne,(s) da. and h. of John StraDI.ING of the same. He rf. 7 March 1527/8, aged (like his father), but $; at Rroughton afsd. Will, as an "Esquire," dat. 12 June 1527, pr. 1628. I'"). P<"< mortem, 25 Sep. 1529, at llchester, co. Somerset. His widow m. before 1589,( k ] as his third and last wife, Sir Thomas Xevjli., of Holt, co. Leicester, who d. 1569. VI. 1528. 6. Richard Fiennes, de jure Lord Save and Seu, only s. and h., aged but eight years and 14 days at his father's death in 1528. He, too, never assumed the title and was never- sum. to Pari. He m. Ursula or Edith, sister of Sir John and da. of Richard Feh.mor, of Kaston Neston, co. Northampton, Merchant of the Staple at Calais, by Anne. da. and coheir of William BROWN, sometime L. Mayor of Loudon. She was living 1551. He d. 3 Aug. (1573), 15 Eliz. VII. 1573, 7 ov 1. Richard Fiennes, th jura (1573) ami afur- nr wards (1603) tie facto, Loud Sayk and Set.e, only s. and h., aged IS 1003. at his father's death in 1573 ; kniyhtal, 1592 ; Sheriff of Herb, 1593-94. He obtained a patent, 9 Aug. 1003, reciting that he mi ( a ) He was s. and h. of Sir William Wykeham, otkerwite Perrott, s. of William Perrot, by Alice, da. and h. of William Champeneys and Agnes, sifter of William «i Wykeharn, Bishop of Winchester. By this alliance the family became " Bound* kiu " at New College, Oxford and Winchester College, and acquired the estate o( Bronghton which still (1895) is their principal seat. () Macnamara's " Uanvers family," p 318. (•••) Ditgdale. C) Courthope observes that " this Richard and his successors were not summone" 5 by reason of the loss of their property, and they appear even to have discontinue the use of the title." (•) This Richard (who d. 1502) was yr. br. of another Richard (Sir Richard Croft, the elder), both being sons of William Croft, of Croft Castle, co. Hereford, living 1428. ( f ) Collins. (?) They were m. 13 Dec. 1487 and the "marriage certificate" is still (1895) existing. See Macnamara's " Danvers family." () Will of her mother, Dame Anne Danvers, dat. 20 Nov. 1539, who mention therein her and her husband and their " young son, William Nevell." See " DaitV family " as above.