Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 7.djvu/95

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SCUDAMORE-- SEAFIELD. 93 II. 1071. .Toh (Scudamore), Viscount Scudamore of Sligo, &e. [I.], grandson and h., being s. anil h. of the Hon. James Sccda- mobv,,("'i by .lane,() 1st da. and coheir of Richard Bknnkt, of Kew, co. Surrey, which James, who rf. v. p. 10 June 1068, aged 44, was only surv. s. and h. ap. of the late Viscount He was b. about 1650 ; mat. at Oxford (Gh, Ch.) 30 May 1666 ; cr. M.A, f, Feb. 1666/7 ; M.P. for Hereford, 1673-7S ; for Herefordshire 1678-81 ; .vie. In (/«* pttrirr/r [I.] 18 May 1671. He m. about 1875, Fiances, only da. of John (Cecil), 4th EiRLOK l'-XKTKii, by his first wife Frances, da- of John (MANNERS), EaKLOK RUTLAND. She was '"'>: 22 June 1694 at Holme Lncy.( c ) He rf. before 10 and was bur. there •>2,luW 1097. Will dat. 29 Oct. 1092, pr.7 Sep. 1697 and 21 Oct. 1700. III. 1G97, 3. .1 ames (.S('ui)amorh), Viscount Scudamose of Sligo, to .unl Baron Dlto.WiRK [[.), 2d lint first surv. s. and h.() He was b. 17 1 1'). in .Shannon park, Ireland, about 1678 ; mat. at Oxford (Glouc. Hall), 25 Sep. 1695 : me. to the pea-uric [[.] in July 1697 ; M.P. for Here- fordshire, in three Purls., 1705-13, and for Hereford, 1715-16 ; was cr. D.C.L. of OsforJ, 12 May 1712 He «, about 1710, Frances, da. and h. of Simon (Dioby), 4th Baron Dwbt (W Okashii.i. [I). by Frances, da. of Edward (NoKt), 1st Karl of Guxslioiioitiill. He d.°) 2 Dec. 1716, aged 38, and was bur. at Holme Lacy. .M I. Will |ir. May 171". At his death all his honour* became extinct. His widow J. 3 May 1729, aged 44, and was as afsd. M.I. Will pr. 1729. SEAFIELD. Viscountcy [SI l. James Ogilvy, styled Lord Deskford, I 1G0S '-'^ * ,ut surv> n,, d h. *P> " f James (Oon.vv), E.uu. i.F Finm.aTkr [S J. b. 11 July 1663, having been Sec. of Earldom [S] State and President of the Pari. [S.J, was cr. v. p. T . 21. lone 1698, VISCOUNT OF SEAFIELD and LORD HU1 ' OGILVY OF CULLEN fS.), with an extended rem. failing heirs male of his body to his heirs of entail. ( f ) He was three years afterwards ri: also v. p. 21 June 1701, EAKL OF SEA- FIELD, VISCOUNT OF REIDHAVES, and LORD OGILVY OF DESK- P0RD AND CULLEN [S.], with » like spec. rem. He was subsequently I, Chancellor [S.] He sue. his father iii 1711 as EARL OF FlNDLATER and LOHO OGILVY OF DESKFORD [S.] He if. 19 Aug. 1730,iu his 60th year. ell (") He was the only one of the six sons of his father, all of whom died v. p., who lived to man's estate. He was Imp. 4 July 1624; mat. at Oxford (St. John's Coll.) 20 March 1639/40, and was M.P. for Herefordshire, 1642-44, and 1661-6S. He is Jifissibly the James Scudamore who was the author of a somewhat clever but very coarse poem, called " llomtt a In mode," of which the first edition Was pub. at Oxford in 1064, which James is generally (tho' erroneously) said to have been " afterwards, Lord Scudamore." l b ) They were married 14 Sep. 1048 at Habraham. co. Cambridge. {') Viscountess Campden, in a letter of 25 Aug. 1681, speaks of her as "one of the impudentest women as ever was known or heard of." and describes her elopement with Mr. Ooningsby, who, "it is thought has got all of my Lord Skidmor's children." (*) Cecil Scudamore, his eldest br., had d. young and v. p. j John Scudamore, the M and yst. a. of the 2d Viscount, was ed. at Westm. ; admitted to St. John's Coll., Cambridge, as a Fellow Commoner, 27 Oct. 1701, when aged 14 ; d. num. Feb. 1713, "Red 27, and was bur. at Holme Lacy. M.I. ( e ) His only da. and h., Frances, b. 14 Aug. 1711, was mother of an only child Frances, Duchess of Noii'olk, on whose death s.p. 22 Oct. 1820, aged 70, all the issue nf the 1st Viscount became extinct, and the estate of Holme Lacy devolved "» the heirs at law, being the descendants of his sister, Mary, wife of Sir Giles Badges. It is consequently now (1895) possessed by the Earl of Chesterfield as being descended from Admiral Sir Henry Edwin Stanhope, Bart., who married Catherine Bridges, giandaughter and coheir of James, Duke, of Chaudos, the great grandson and heir of the said Dame Mary Brydges. H m the case of the Viscountcy, &<•., of 169S, the rem. is to the "other heirs of taillie to be contained iu the charter of his [the grantee's] lauds, Baronies, and